"I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you"


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
Recognizing God's Hand in Donald Trump's Election

Genesis 12 : 3 : "I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Maybe Trump is blessed. Let us hope so. He is the only president to recognize Jerusalem - the city GOD gave to the Jews - as the Jewish capitol. God blesses him for that. Trump also moved our embassy to Jerusalem, something that other presidents blabbed about but never did.

Trump has blessed Israel and God has surely blessed him. See how his enemies, the deep state of the most powerful nation ever, cannot touch him

Saint Paul wrote most of the New Testament. But prior to that Saul killed countless numbers of Christians. If Paul can be redeemed to such an extent than so can Trump, and so can we all. That is the message of Christ.

Repent, and be saved.

How about Gay Mayor Buttplug? Sorry, no such luck for him. He has NOT repented. In fact e has done the opposite: He embraces mortal sin (sodomy) and practices it and is not sorry or repentant in the slightest. He does the opposite of what Christ calls for. He is antichrist. (He still has time to repent though, but I doubt that he will.)

And Omar & Talib? We know they hate Israel. They curse Israel. "I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you.”

Let us pray for, and vote for, Donald Trump, the greatest president ever.

Amalgamating politicians, government and faith is a very dangerous thing to do.

I would certainly never combine or unite them to form one organization or structure, which is the very definition of amalgamating. Besides, there is already one Vatican. One is enough.

But I see nothing wrong with saying that a certain person appeared at a certain time to do a certain thing, and that it was not mere chance.
Recognizing God's Hand in Donald Trump's Election

Genesis 12 : 3 : "I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Maybe Trump is blessed. Let us hope so. He is the only president to recognize Jerusalem - the city GOD gave to the Jews - as the Jewish capitol. God blesses him for that. Trump also moved our embassy to Jerusalem, something that other presidents blabbed about but never did.

Trump has blessed Israel and God has surely blessed him. See how his enemies, the deep state of the most powerful nation ever, cannot touch him

Saint Paul wrote most of the New Testament. But prior to that Saul killed countless numbers of Christians. If Paul can be redeemed to such an extent than so can Trump, and so can we all. That is the message of Christ.

Repent, and be saved.

How about Gay Mayor Buttplug? Sorry, no such luck for him. He has NOT repented. In fact e has done the opposite: He embraces mortal sin (sodomy) and practices it and is not sorry or repentant in the slightest. He does the opposite of what Christ calls for. He is antichrist. (He still has time to repent though, but I doubt that he will.)

And Omar & Talib? We know they hate Israel. They curse Israel. "I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you.”

Let us pray for, and vote for, Donald Trump, the greatest president ever.

Why is this in the politics section? Seems a religious thing.

I do have to admit getting a chuckle out of one thing...Not many people I know would have the sheer gall to claim religious authority, quote the bible..and then use the term 'Mayor Buttplug'..all in the same post.

I do have to admit getting a chuckle out of one thing...Not many people I know would have the sheer gall to claim religious authority, quote the bible..and then use the term 'Mayor Buttplug'..all in the same post.

Except I never claimed any religious authority or to be a religious authority, nor have I ever claimed to be a saint. I simply state the facts.
Recognizing God's Hand in Donald Trump's Election

Genesis 12 : 3 : "I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Maybe Trump is blessed. Let us hope so. He is the only president to recognize Jerusalem - the city GOD gave to the Jews - as the Jewish capitol. God blesses him for that. Trump also moved our embassy to Jerusalem, something that other presidents blabbed about but never did.

Trump has blessed Israel and God has surely blessed him. See how his enemies, the deep state of the most powerful nation ever, cannot touch him

Saint Paul wrote most of the New Testament. But prior to that Saul killed countless numbers of Christians. If Paul can be redeemed to such an extent than so can Trump, and so can we all. That is the message of Christ.

Repent, and be saved.

How about Gay Mayor Buttplug? Sorry, no such luck for him. He has NOT repented. In fact e has done the opposite: He embraces mortal sin (sodomy) and practices it and is not sorry or repentant in the slightest. He does the opposite of what Christ calls for. He is antichrist. (He still has time to repent though, but I doubt that he will.)

And Omar & Talib? We know they hate Israel. They curse Israel. "I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you.”

Let us pray for, and vote for, Donald Trump, the greatest president ever.

Why is this in the politics section? Seems a religious thing.

I do have to admit getting a chuckle out of one thing...Not many people I know would have the sheer gall to claim religious authority, quote the bible..and then use the term 'Mayor Buttplug'..all in the same post.

We call those people hypocrites
Watch out when the crazy left starts quoting Scripture. It means they are becoming even more psychotic.
I do have to admit getting a chuckle out of one thing...Not many people I know would have the sheer gall to claim religious authority, quote the bible..and then use the term 'Mayor Buttplug'..all in the same post.

Except I never claimed any religious authority or to be a religious authority, nor have I ever claimed to be a saint. I simply state the facts.
Reread your post.....by quoting the bible and interpreting it to apply to our President..you are indeed..claiming religious authority. As you are expounding on an interpretation of the scriptures and presenting it as correct.

No, I agree..you are not Claiming to be any religious authority. At least not overtly.

You are stating opinion..you have what you take as facts to bolster said opinion. Again, I think this is a religion thread....

I think we all know you are not in any danger of Sainthood...and neither is President Trump.
Amalgamating politicians, government and faith is a very dangerous thing to do.

I would certainly never combine or unite them to form one organization or structure, which is the very definition of amalgamating. Besides, there is already one Vatican. One is enough.

But I see nothing wrong with saying that a certain person appeared at a certain time to do a certain thing, and that it was not mere chance.
I see something that puts faith behind a person of influence and power as dangerous. It gives them a level of power far beyond that of which any person should ever have. If god put him here to accomplish something then I certainly cannot intervene or change that so there is no need to back that up with faith in the person or their actions themselves.

Faith belongs to a single entity.
Except I never claimed any religious authority or to be a religious authority, nor have I ever claimed to be a saint. I simply state the facts.
Reread your post.....by quoting the bible and interpreting it to apply to our President..you are indeed..claiming religious authority............

Religion is obviously not your forte my friend. I read the Bible and state what it states: Those who bless Abraham and his seed, God will bless them. That is a literal reading, not an interpretation.

Therefore, whoever blesses them, God will bless. Again, that is a literal reading, not some prophetic interpretation.

Nice try Bub

Don't stroll in here telling me what I think and what I claim: I tell YOU, you don't tell me, got that? Only God knows peoples' thoughts, not you
Recognizing God's Hand in Donald Trump's Election

Genesis 12 : 3 : "I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Maybe Trump is blessed. Let us hope so. He is the only president to recognize Jerusalem - the city GOD gave to the Jews - as the Jewish capitol. God blesses him for that. Trump also moved our embassy to Jerusalem, something that other presidents blabbed about but never did.

Trump has blessed Israel and God has surely blessed him. See how his enemies, the deep state of the most powerful nation ever, cannot touch him

Saint Paul wrote most of the New Testament. But prior to that Saul killed countless numbers of Christians. If Paul can be redeemed to such an extent than so can Trump, and so can we all. That is the message of Christ.

Repent, and be saved.

How about Gay Mayor Buttplug? Sorry, no such luck for him. He has NOT repented. In fact e has done the opposite: He embraces mortal sin (sodomy) and practices it and is not sorry or repentant in the slightest. He does the opposite of what Christ calls for. He is antichrist. (He still has time to repent though, but I doubt that he will.)

And Omar & Talib? We know they hate Israel. They curse Israel. "I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you.”

Let us pray for, and vote for, Donald Trump, the greatest president ever.

And which god is this?
I do have to admit getting a chuckle out of one thing...Not many people I know would have the sheer gall to claim religious authority, quote the bible..and then use the term 'Mayor Buttplug'..all in the same post.

Except I never claimed any religious authority or to be a religious authority, nor have I ever claimed to be a saint. I simply state the facts.
Facts? What facts have you stated?
terri you're in deep shit along with the other nitwit republicans here
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the
Inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will
shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness
for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
Anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers
And you will know
My name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee
Except I never claimed any religious authority or to be a religious authority, nor have I ever claimed to be a saint. I simply state the facts.
Reread your post.....by quoting the bible and interpreting it to apply to our President..you are indeed..claiming religious authority............

Religion is obviously not your forte my friend. I read the Bible and state what it states: Those who bless Abraham and his seed, God will bless them. That is a literal reading, not an interpretation.

Therefore, whoever blesses them, God will bless. Again, that is a literal reading, not some prophetic interpretation.

Nice try Bub

Don't stroll in here telling me what I think and what I claim: I tell YOU, you don't tell me, got that? Only God knows peoples' thoughts, not you
That is your god...so what?
That is your god...so what?

There is only one God, a fact you will find out soon enough.

I see something that puts faith behind a person of influence and power as dangerous.........

Well, the Bible itself does that:

Romans 13:1 "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."

Do you think that verse is dangerous?

At any rate I am not here to get into a Bible argument or religious argument. I stated what I see to be true: I said, "Maybe Trump is blessed. Let us hope so"


Genesis 12 : 3 : "I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Maybe Trump is blessed. Let us hope so. He is the only president to recognize Jerusalem - the city GOD gave to the Jews - as the Jewish capitol. God blesses him for that. Trump also moved our embassy to Jerusalem, something that other presidents blabbed about but never did.

Trump has blessed Israel and God has surely blessed him. See how his enemies, the deep state of the most powerful nation ever, cannot touch him

Saint Paul wrote most of the New Testament. But prior to that Saul killed countless numbers of Christians. If Paul can be redeemed to such an extent than so can Trump, and so can we all. That is the message of Christ.

Repent, and be saved.

How about Gay Mayor Buttplug? Sorry, no such luck for him. He has NOT repented. In fact e has done the opposite: He embraces mortal sin (sodomy) and practices it and is not sorry or repentant in the slightest. He does the opposite of what Christ calls for. He is antichrist. (He still has time to repent though, but I doubt that he will.)

And Omar & Talib? We know they hate Israel. They curse Israel. "I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you.”

Let us pray for, and vote for, Donald Trump, the greatest president ever.


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