'I will destroy leftism in America': DeSantis makes confident 2024 prediction

What the hell is wrong with being a populist?
Pretty much everything. Populists have no values or ideology. They just stir up the dummies. That's their calling card.
Populist: a person, especially a politician, who strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups.

^^^^ Someone who listens to the average American working class.
Someone who leverages ignorance and fear for political advantage.
By the time the demented one took office, US oil companies had so many oil field hands laid off and refineries shut down, that none of those oil leases or the pipeline even mattered.
No one gives a shit about some refinery expansion in the virgin islands when so many refineries were shut down during the Trump era and within the first year of Biden.
Why? Because they didn't need them.
And they still don't. How do I know this? Because there's not a shortage of gas anywhere in the USA.

US oil companies don't want to bring the price of gas down. They themselves control the rate of production and storage. At the moment, they're over 11 million barrels per day production, which is about the average it's been since Trump.
When the oil companies over produce, it brings the prices down. They don't make as much money. So it's a good business move to keep production at just the right amount.

Regardless if you want to believe it or not, Biden as been the best thing a our oil companies could ask for. Lower production rates and higher prices.

I'm glad you like high gasoline prices, but I don't.
Pretty much everything. Populists have no values or ideology. They just stir up the dummies. That's their calling card.

Someone who leverages ignorance and fear for political advantage.

Joe Biden is a populist who leverages ignorance and stirs up fear for a political advantage. The only way to beat him is to run a more popular candidate.
I'm glad you like high gasoline prices, but I don't.

I didn't say I like it. You said that.

But this is the system we have. If you don't like, buy some solar panels and an EV.

I prefer we have an elected president, not a chancellor.
I didn't say I like it. You said that.

But this is the system we have. If you don't like, buy some solar panels and an EV.

I prefer we have an elected president, not a chancellor.

Nope. "Green energy" is bullshit, and I like cheap gasoline.
Pretty much everything. Populists have no values or ideology. They just stir up the dummies. That's their calling card.

Those "dummies" you speak of are the parents that wanted DeSantis to fight the woke mob in FL. They're also us working class stiffs who want to see the government live within it's means, so we're not hit with inflation increases, debt ceiling increases and crony capitalism.
We love free market capitalism. And want to see a government who loves it to.

90% of the USA are us "dummies." And we want politician fighting for what we want. That's the backbone of a democratic republic.

Someone who leverages ignorance and fear for political advantage.

^^^^ That's just BS politicians like Trump & Biden, who think we're too stupid to have any common sense.

Trump: I'm going to end the 14th Amendment and stop border babies from becoming US citizens, with only an executive order.
Biden: I'm going to end fossil fuel in the USA.

You're getting "populist" mixed up with "lying politician."
Nope. "Green energy" is bullshit, and I like cheap gasoline.

Sorry to hear about your bad luck, but we have oil companies and their investors who enjoy high fuel prices and their billions in profits. Especially the hundreds of billions in profits that Biden helped them achieve.

And I'm sure Biden is going to help the US oil companies get record subsidies.

You don't believe Biden. But you'll believe him when he says he's against big oil. Even though their record profits proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's help big oil more than Trump ever thought about.
Those "dummies" you speak of are the parents that wanted DeSantis to fight the woke mob in FL.
Among others, yes. There are dummies of all stripes. The point is, populism appeals to their fears and their ignorance, rather than inspiring them toward higher goals. Populism isn't leadership - it merely follows the emotions of the mob.
90% of the USA are us "dummies." And we want politician fighting for what we want. That's the backbone of a democratic republic.
No, that's the fatal flaw of unchecked democracy. Government isn't there to give people what they want.
Trump: I'm going to end the 14th Amendment and stop border babies from becoming US citizens, with only an executive order.
Biden: I'm going to end fossil fuel in the USA.

You're getting "populist" mixed up with "lying politician."
Good point. I think the difference is, populists don't really bother differentiating between truth and lies. They say whatever works up the crowd most effectively. That's why discussions of Trump "lying" seem to miss the mark. It isn't so much that he lies, it's that the truth doesn't matter when he talks.
Compel conformity and punish dissent, it's what DeSantis and others on the neo-fascist right do.

Let's hope he starts with you. Meanwhile, all you feckless idiots have done for years is compel conformity and punish dissent, starting right on your college campuses.

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