I will leave France later where to go ?

If you can handle rain, and like the outdoors, Oregon or Washington would be a really nice place to go. They have lots of stuff to do, and Seattle or Spokane has all the big city stuff you could ever need
"They" messed up California, Oregon and Washington. Fortunately, there are so many great choices in the USA.
My cat Snowball is doing well.

He gets to go outside every night when I get home from work, and he always returns a few hours later again. He is a good kitty.

He has 2 girlfriend kitties who live in the farmer's field across the road. I worry about him crossing that road but I have watched him do it and he is very careful and avoids cars.

His 2 girlfriend kitties are now 1 1/2 years old and they are doing well. They are fat and furry so they must be finding a lot of birds and mice to eat.

My cat has occasionally brought home a bird or mouse from their territory.
20 is to a cat like 100 is to a human.

Most of them can make it to 10 for a cat which is like 50 for a human.
And also the place where we live it must not have too much crime here the police is rather lax and in France we do not carry weapons me in the USA I will have to be armed too for defending myself ?

The South would be your best option if you want to carry or own a firearm.
The Texas Hill Country is beautiful!!!
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I doubt she cares about guns.

Read post #20....
Dalia, another thing about Idaho that you should know is that in addition to having a lot of white supremacists running around, you also have militias and survivalist types all over the place there.

Wyoming and Montana too.
Idaho and Montana are cold as the north or south poles.

Wyoming is beautiful yes. That's where I will go to hunt antelope and deer next year. It is a hunting paradise.

I doubt you hunt however. Therefore Wyoming is not a good choice for you.

You know, one of the reasons I decided to stay in Amarillo after I retired from the Navy was that very fact. Montana is FREAKING COLD!!!!!! To amuse myself sometimes in the winter, I would take a glass of warm water outside, throw it into the air, and watch it turn into snow before it hit the ground.

By the way, the hunting is better in the NW corner of Montana than Wyoming.
Bonjour, In 15 years, I will go settle elsewhere and I do not want to stay in France or in Europe.
Perhaps England, but I want to live where it is good to live, the climate, the government service, I do not want the government to be against its people.
There are countries I love in Europe Austria, but I do not speak the language and in the United States I really like Vermont after what I saw on TV.

You have an opinion?
How about something completely different..........

Death Valley



Hello,. Dalia:

I gather that you wish to settle only in an English-speaking country.

a. Remember that in 15 years' time conditions in many countries may be quite different from the conditions today.

b. During the next 15 years, keep up with what's happening in those countries that interest you. There may be some developments that convince you that country X would not be your cup of tea.

c. I think that you are wise NOT to move to the United Kingdom.

d. I have read that a wonderful place that is physically beautiful and is still socially tranquil is New Zealand.

Best Wishes
Hello, Why you said this? I think that you are wise NOT to move to the United Kingdom.

Bonjour, In 15 years, I will go settle elsewhere and I do not want to stay in France or in Europe.
Perhaps England, but I want to live where it is good to live, the climate, the government service, I do not want the government to be against its people.
There are countries I love in Europe Austria, but I do not speak the language and in the United States I really like Vermont after what I saw on TV.

You have an opinion?
My opinion for you is these:

1 - Switzerland

2 - Quebec

3 - Australia

4 - New Zealand

All depends on what you want?
I know about Québec i have family therez

And also the place where we live it must not have too much crime here the police is rather lax and in France we do not carry weapons me in the USA I will have to be armed too for defending myself ?

The South would be your best option if you want to carry or own a firearm.
The Texas Hill Country is beautiful!!!
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I doubt she cares about guns.
It will not bother me to carry a gun

If coming from a Communist country - France isn't quite that yet but they're working on it - you'd feel very much at home in Vermont OR Oregon. Consider the climateS (both political and weatherwise) according to how much you feel you can handle. Coastal Oregon might, as regards weather, be the more comfortable of the two. Politically? I'd think Vermont might be closer to French socialism whereas Oregon is more "authoritian aging hippie" - not an easy thing to define unless one has had a colony of them as neighbors.
Thank you for the information, Ha but France is far from being Communist it is rather a people who goes to the slaughterhouse
You already live in one of the most beautiful parts of France which is one of the most beautiful parts of the Earth.

There are few places more beautiful than where you already are now.
Living in France it is not as nice as you could think

Bonjour, In 15 years, I will go settle elsewhere and I do not want to stay in France or in Europe.
Perhaps England, but I want to live where it is good to live, the climate, the government service, I do not want the government to be against its people.
There are countries I love in Europe Austria, but I do not speak the language and in the United States I really like Vermont after what I saw on TV.

You have an opinion?
The sad part about this is that it tells me you have given up finding your lost Pomeranian kitty.

Poor kitty !!
I never stop looking for her or hope she came back home now i don't know what happen it is the hardest thing:(
Bonjour, In 15 years, I will go settle elsewhere and I do not want to stay in France or in Europe.
Perhaps England, but I want to live where it is good to live, the climate, the government service, I do not want the government to be against its people.
There are countries I love in Europe Austria, but I do not speak the language and in the United States I really like Vermont after what I saw on TV.

You have an opinion?
Don't know if you considered Colorado, Colorado Springs to be specific, good sized city but nowhere near as huge and crowded as Denver and honestly with better views than Denver.


Bonjour, In 15 years, I will go settle elsewhere and I do not want to stay in France or in Europe.
Perhaps England, but I want to live where it is good to live, the climate, the government service, I do not want the government to be against its people.
There are countries I love in Europe Austria, but I do not speak the language and in the United States I really like Vermont after what I saw on TV.

You have an opinion?
Don't know if you considered Colorado, Colorado Springs to be specific, good sized city but nowhere near as huge and crowded as Denver and honestly with better views than Denver.


All places Texas, Colorado are beautiful real postcards but seem to be hot and more I do not like i am pretty scare :eek:at all the bugs there that go with the heat.
Bonjour, In 15 years, I will go settle elsewhere and I do not want to stay in France or in Europe.
Perhaps England, but I want to live where it is good to live, the climate, the government service, I do not want the government to be against its people.
There are countries I love in Europe Austria, but I do not speak the language and in the United States I really like Vermont after what I saw on TV.

You have an opinion?
Whatever you do, stay away from California.
Only thing the left cannot destroy is the climate, but they are working on that.

The middle class is fleeing CA.
Bonjour, In 15 years, I will go settle elsewhere and I do not want to stay in France or in Europe.
Perhaps England, but I want to live where it is good to live, the climate, the government service, I do not want the government to be against its people.
There are countries I love in Europe Austria, but I do not speak the language and in the United States I really like Vermont after what I saw on TV.

You have an opinion?

Australia or New Zealand.

Australia has a good climate, great beaches and it's not as far left as europe
And also the place where we live it must not have too much crime here the police is rather lax and in France we do not carry weapons me in the USA I will have to be armed too for defending myself ?

Contrary to what the gun nuts on here tell you, no, generally you don't really need a gun for self defense, but you can get one if you want.

Me? I haven't fired a gun since I retired from the military, and have yet to see a need to get one. Most places in the USA are fairly safe, even if some of the fear mongers on here would have you believe otherwise.

And, the police presence here in American cities is much more than what you have in France. I've been to places like San Remo, Nice, and Cannes.

Avoid the high crime Democrat areas
Bonjour, In 15 years, I will go settle elsewhere and I do not want to stay in France or in Europe.
Perhaps England, but I want to live where it is good to live, the climate, the government service, I do not want the government to be against its people.
There are countries I love in Europe Austria, but I do not speak the language and in the United States I really like Vermont after what I saw on TV.

You have an opinion?
Don't know if you considered Colorado, Colorado Springs to be specific, good sized city but nowhere near as huge and crowded as Denver and honestly with better views than Denver.


All places Texas, Colorado are beautiful real postcards but seem to be hot and more I do not like i am pretty scare :eek:at all the bugs there that go with the heat.
Texas (hill country) can get pretty hot and muggy which means bugs, Colorado Springs is at a much higher elevation at 1840 m (6035 feet) above sea level, typically very dry, not really a lot of bugs and yes it can get hot in the summer and cold in the winter but not to the extremes Texas and Wyoming do. The one thing is at that altitude it does take a few weeks to become completely acclimated to the altitude.
Bonjour, In 15 years, I will go settle elsewhere and I do not want to stay in France or in Europe.
Perhaps England, but I want to live where it is good to live, the climate, the government service, I do not want the government to be against its people.
There are countries I love in Europe Austria, but I do not speak the language and in the United States I really like Vermont after what I saw on TV.

You have an opinion?

Switzerland. I hear the hills are alive with the sound of music there. And the nuns don't have a thing about f'ing with you're car if your a mook, know what I mean sister.
mook ? what does it mean ? :dunno:
noun: mook; plural noun: mooks
  1. a stupid or incompetent person.

....as exemplified by Isaac Newton on USMB. He knows not the difference between "you're" and "your".
Thank you, Dalia, for your question in post #89.


I prefer not to be specific, for I wish to maintain the generally pleasant and positive tone of replies in your thread.

I shall just say the following:

!. Since you live so close to the UK, you may wish to regularly visit the UK during the next 15 years in order to get the feel of the land.
2. Hopefully, you can make some friends there who can give you their opinions about settling there.
3. Then you will be able to make an informed decision in 15 years' time.

Best wishes
Bonjour, In 15 years, I will go settle elsewhere and I do not want to stay in France or in Europe.
Perhaps England, but I want to live where it is good to live, the climate, the government service, I do not want the government to be against its people.
There are countries I love in Europe Austria, but I do not speak the language and in the United States I really like Vermont after what I saw on TV.

You have an opinion?
Whatever you do, stay away from California.
Only thing the left cannot destroy is the climate, but they are working on that.

The middle class is fleeing CA.
Yep. The tax base is leaving. California will be Venezuela Jr by 2020.
I'm currently selling and it's amazing all the people coming out of the woodwork around us saying they're leaving soon too.
Despite with all the negativity of California. If you look at 15 of the best places to live 4 of them are from Ca.

You can also check here the worst state to live in US. California is not in that list.

The 15 best places to live in the united states

These Are 10 Worst States In America For 2018

10 worst states in our nation for 2018:

1. New Mexico
2. Arkansas
3. Mississippi
4. Louisiana
5. Alabama
6. South Carolina
7. Oklahoma
8. Arizona
9. Georgia
10. Nevada

It is always wise to take these "best places to....." magazine articles with a grain of salt. I would rate California a great place to VISIT, but there are numerous reasons why you might not want to live there. Fires, floods, mudslides, traffic, housing prices and taxes to name a few.

Actually mike 75% of my life years are here in California.
I traveled heavily all over US ( still do) and overseas I will never live anywhere else permanently except here. Maybe Dubai but not a chance. I still like Key Biscayne but all of my families are here now.
I missed my friends and my neighbors that I grew up with in KB but that’s about it.
California is a beautiful state, love the beaches and the weather. I lived in Santa Barbara around 1989-1990 and really enjoyed it. I was only pointing out there are negative aspects of California you have to consider before moving there.

Agree 100% we have lots of problems here in California like any other states but the whole California doesn’t even look like that.

A good example of that is a small section of San Francisco that tarnished the whole image of San Francisco or Los Angeles....... From there members here think the whole California is like that.
Like you just pointed mudslides and brush fires....... That is a very very small part of California to even bring it up. Right now the mudslides problem is in that area of Santa Barbara.
But if you look at the east coast half of them are freezing with the snow storms and no end insight. Compared to mudslides in Santa Barbara?

Housing and rentals in San Francisco or LA is outrageous that is if you live and rent there. That doesn’t mean the whole Ca is like that. There are lots of places that are very affordable.
I don’t think Dalia will be buying a house. If she is retired she can just lease a condo by the beach south of LA towards San Diego (become my neighbor) or south or north of San Francisco about maybe 100 miles away from the city. Or away from any big cities of California.

Actually I have a personal friend that live in Montecito by Santa Barbara area that move there last September custom built house $8.5 millions. No flood insurance because that area never been flooded before. Early January Montecito mudslides devastated the whole house including the guest house in a matter of minutes. Total loss which include his Ferraris,Maseratis& BMW. This is in the neighborhood of Oprah Winfrey and Steven Spielberg.

I have pictures and videos that he took after the mudslides and I like to share it here but I’m having a problem posting pictures and videos.
And also the place where we live it must not have too much crime here the police is rather lax and in France we do not carry weapons me in the USA I will have to be armed too for defending myself ?

My parents never own one and I never own one and probably will never own one for the rest of my life.
Why, then ? you have this chance to be armed me that's what I think because you have a thug who wants to burglar as an example and well you can defend yourself

Not all places are like that here in California. In Palm Springs I rarely lock the front door.
But I was mugged in Atlantic City close to casino parking lots.
Even if I have a gun in my waste with the safety ready to fire. There is no way I can defend myself because I felt the knife already on my left side.

I was also mugged in Beijing..... the same thing. There is no way I can defend myself with a gun.

ah cool,another californian.:thup: Thank god trump got elected,there is a chance all the corruption in in state politics there will finally get cleaned up with him in office,he is doing a good job of draining the swamp.nice to hear that there are places out there are like the despressing sights of downtown LA where the bums are.

***man i am so jeoulous that you live in southern california. san diego is so much nicer than LA.sounds like palm springs is as well.:thup:

***Obrigado but I’m not sure Trump can solve anything with all these self inflicted wounds.

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