I Wonder If 'Dr' Jill Is Behind This


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
This sounds like her because, it is --

Well, you know: this is Obama's third term. You put him in charge, Joe. He can pull the plug.

BREAKING: MSNBC's Joe Scarborough:
"What's going on behind the scenes is the Biden campaign and many Democratic officials do believe that Barack Obama is quietly working behind the scenes to orchestrate this."

Is it true? Probably. Obama's been running this whole thing since the start.

Meanwhile, Biden's staff is calling up DNC delegates, pretending to just want to talk about "logistics," and then seguing abruptly to the real purpose of the call: grilling them about their intentions at the convention and asking them to pledge their loyalty to Doctor President Jill Biden.

Fearing a floor revolt against his nomination, President Biden's aides are telephoning individual delegates to next month's Democratic convention to gauge their loyalty to the president, according to three delegates who received a call this week.
After a round of introductory questions confirming each delegate was still planning on going to Chicago and asking if they had served as delegate before, the Biden aide making the calls got to the point, the Democratic activists recalled to me in separate interviews.
One of the delegates said the line of questioning turned with an inquiry along the lines of, "Do you understand what being a pledged delegate means?" before the aide asked: "Do you have any potential disagreements with the president?"
Another delegate said the bottom-line question was even more direct. "'Is there any reason you couldn't or wouldn't support the president at the convention?'" the delegate recalled the aide asking.

The third delegate said the version he received was more open-ended: "'Do you have any concerns?'"
The delegates were thunderstruck at the calls. One of them initially wondered if it was some sort of prank until double-checking the caller ID and seeing Delaware's area code, 302. After hanging up, each of them reached out to other convention delegates they knew and found these individuals also received the calls.
The three delegates I spoke to, all long-standing veterans of Democratic campaigns, said they had the same initial reaction after hanging up with the Biden aide: Was this an attempt by the president's campaign to potentially block or replace disloyal pledged delegates?
The delegates I spoke to said they'd like to choose a new nominee.
"We're so scared of disunity or chaos, but we need a game changer because we're behind," said one of the delegates. "Why not have a weeklong reality show people watch because there's real drama and not just a coronation, multiple prime-time slots featuring our best young talent?" The delegate added: "The whole problem with Biden is he can't prosecute the case against Trump, well, we have a dozen people who can, so let's show them."
None of the delegates I spoke to want to break their commitment -- although one of them has considered potential election lawyers to consult if necessary -- and prefer Biden to release them from their commitment.
Each of them was veering between sadness and anger, the same emotions most Democrats are struggling with in this moment of crisis for the party.
"I'm struggling with words to come up with words about how frustrating this is," one of them said.

Jonathan Martin updates: A fourth and fifth sixth delegate reached out to him saying that Biden's campaign had called them with the same script. And then a "half dozen more" told him the same story.

Jonathan Martin @jmart
NEW: Biden aides are telephoning convention delegates to head off a rebellion in Chicago
I talked to four delegates who got temp-taking calls this week
I've also learned of an effort by dels asking for rule change so they can vote their conscience
A FIFTH convention delegate reaches out to me tonight to share getting the same call: begins w logistics and then moves to more direct ask about supporting Biden.
This delegate got called on Monday
It's hard to overstate the despair among some Dem delegates + many Dem officials and aides. including those working on Biden's campaign. Sadness, anger and shock that this is real.
My piece went up early last night.
Since then, a half-dozen more Dem convention delegates reached out to me to relay getting the same call from Biden camp checking their loyalty.
Unsolicited email:
"Hi Jonathan. I am a __ delegate and I got a similar call today from a Biden delegate ops staffer from Wilmington who said his name was __ His first question to me was did I understand my obligation as a Biden pledged delegate? It was very unsettling"

Stay strong, Doctor President Jill Biden! Stay the course!
It's a mess and I feel so sorry for Joe Biden with all they are doing to get rid of him. It's painful to watch it.

Jill is not apart of it. She has been trying to help Joe and stand by her husband. Jill may be the only reason they have not gotten Biden off the face of the earth. Those democrats murder for power. She is watching everything like a hawk. She needs more protection and more help.

At this point Jill should already have the lawyers lined up and ready for them to deal with the dems throwing her husband out.

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