I wonder who they voted for? Pt. 2

Who did they vote for?

whichever neonazi/white supremacist was on the ballot.
And these neonazis are a staple of academia the way neomarxism has overtaken schools?
Don’t be surprised if some of those white supremacists vote democrat. Democrat voting patterns often follow bloodlines more than policy.
Do you stand with them or are you offended?

tiki torch hitler salute photos - Bing images
Maybe your party shouldn't be vehemently ANTI WHITE!
You're confusing anti white with anti white supremacy.
No I am right on the money. You can't win the white working class vote because you are LAZY so you decided to kick them to the curb and go after the Illegal mexican vote,the lazy black vote and the mentally ill vote along with the feminist nutjobs.

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