"I would like my life back" - something no mega-coprt CEO should ever say


May 7, 2004
"I would like my life back."
--Tony Hayward

BP CEO: 'I Would Like My Life Back' [VIDEO]

Dear whiny baby Tony Hayward-

You're the CEO of a mega corporation. You're paid millions for it. You're not supposed to have a life under ordinary circumstances, let alone when the company you are head of is destroying the livelihoods of thousands upon thousands of hard working Americans.
Squawk BP... Squawk BP

Libby idiots are too busy being jealous of other people's successes or reveling in other people's failures to have lives of their own.
And you should get a life.
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Posts: 5,816

What is clear from your post is that you don't give a shit what is happening in this country - unless it is happening to you.... and when it affects YOU, not only do you give a shit, you expect everyone else to be as hysterical and faux outraged as you are.

Libby idiots are too busy being jealous of other people's successes or reveling in other people's failures to have lives of their own.

:lol: First off, the word you meant to use was "envious". Second off, I'm not envious of Tony Hayward's "success" - if that's what you want to call it. He's clearly a dismal failure.
Yada, Yada, and Yada. He wants HIS life back, he's a friggen multimillionaire :lol:, he can go where he pleases with all the comforts the planet can provide. There are millions that will never get their lives back because of this catastrophe.

Who knows if that 'safety valve' valued at $500,000 would have worked. The fact is that a few minutes of BP's daily profit was not spent on installing it.

And HE wants His life back? What a festering rectal orifice.
Yada, Yada, and Yada. He wants HIS life back, he's a friggen multimillionaire :lol:, he can go where he pleases with all the comforts the planet can provide. There are millions that will never get their lives back because of this catastrophe.

Who knows if that 'safety valve' valued at $500,000 would have worked. The fact is that a few minutes of BP's daily profit was not spent on installing it.

And HE wants His life back? What a festering rectal orifice.

It costs more than that just to run the platform for a day.
I'm sure the fisherman on the Gulf Coast who were eking out a living and now have to find some other form of meaningful work to feed and house their families would like their lives back also.
i couldnt believe when he said that....his attitude was how dare people say he was not doing enough....he made it clear this was a total pain in the ass to him....he wants his life back..so do the marshlands and all the species of fowl that use to live there
How about all you corporate suck ups institute a Buycott and buy nothing but BP gas to show your solidarity?
How about all you corporate suck ups institute a Buycott and buy nothing but BP gas to show your solidarity?

I don't do boycotts or "buycotts" - thats a liberalish type thing...

but I did fill up with BP Ultimate at lunchtime... been going there for years and know most of the attendents by name... best prices around too...

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