I Would Never Hire a Recent College Grad, Brit Edition


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

Oh how cute, our first paid brownshirts.

And the University is proud of it.

University of Sheffield recruits Race Equality Champions to help students challenge microaggressions - Latest - News - The University of Sheffield

I have a friend who’s a psychiatrist at a major university here in America. He said 1/3 of the students are seeing him and his fellow psychiatrists. 1/3.

I asked him what’s behind it. He basically described a generation raised on Leftist values - 22 year olds who are emotionally 5 years old. The participation trophy award generation that’s had not helicopter parents, but as he described it snowplow parents. These kids never had to achieve anything in life and as it dawns on them the real world is about to slam them they freak out.
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What should they achieve? Work for free for some god awful idiotic gas station owner loser?
I'm guessing one of the elements of converting a society to marxism is to sissify the citizens. In the old days these defects would have been flung off a cliff by the women of the village while the men were out hunting.

View attachment 300575

Oh how cute, our first paid brownshirts.

And the University is proud of it.

University of Sheffield recruits Race Equality Champions to help students challenge microaggressions - Latest - News - The University of Sheffield

I have a friend who’s a psychiatrist at a major university here in America. He said 1/3 of the students are seeing him and his fellow psychiatrists. 1/3.

I asked him what’s behind it. He basically described a generation raised on Leftist values - 22 year olds who are emotionally 5 years old. The participation trophy award generation that’s had not helicopter parents, but as he described it snowplow parents. These kids never had to achieve anything in life and as it dawns on them the real world is about to slam them they freak out.
Why would an educated adult want to work for something like you ?
Why would an educated adult want to work for something like you ?

Because, until the glorious workers' paradise is achieved, we still need this stuff to get along in life.

People have options.

My Mam is interested in family history. She traced one branch of the family back to the Morda Workhouse. It sounds grim but it was better than starving in a ditch.
Why would an educated adult want to work for something like you ?

Because, until the glorious workers' paradise is achieved, we still need this stuff to get along in life.

People have options.

My Mam is interested in family history. She traced one branch of the family back to the Morda Workhouse. It sounds grim but it was better than starving in a ditch.

Nicer than most poor people's houses ... which are typically littered with junk food wrappers and beer bottles. Among other things.
Why would an educated adult want to work for something like you ?

Because, until the glorious workers' paradise is achieved, we still need this stuff to get along in life.

People have options.

My Mam is interested in family history. She traced one branch of the family back to the Morda Workhouse. It sounds grim but it was better than starving in a ditch.

Nicer than most poor people's houses ... which are typically littered with junk food wrappers and beer bottles. Among other things.
Poverty is relative.
Because, until the glorious workers' paradise is achieved, we still need this stuff to get along in life.

People have options.

My Mam is interested in family history. She traced one branch of the family back to the Morda Workhouse. It sounds grim but it was better than starving in a ditch.

Nicer than most poor people's houses ... which are typically littered with junk food wrappers and beer bottles. Among other things.
Poverty is relative.

Which is why so many are willing to come to the West where poverty is much more comfortable.
My Mam is interested in family history. She traced one branch of the family back to the Morda Workhouse. It sounds grim but it was better than starving in a ditch.

Nicer than most poor people's houses ... which are typically littered with junk food wrappers and beer bottles. Among other things.
Poverty is relative.

Which is why so many are willing to come to the West where poverty is much more comfortable.
And you dont get your home bombed much either.
I have one millennial on my staff. She is a very good worker, I mean VERY good. She did not attend college however, and it's probably the main reason she's such a good producer.
How can you get a useful education in a Leftest shithole college? You will graduate functionally illiterate of you have been brainwashed with Leftest doctrine.
I'm guessing one of the elements of converting a society to marxism is to sissify the citizens. In the old days these defects would have been flung off a cliff by the women of the village while the men were out hunting.

Exactly, make people totally dependent upon the State to do anything.

Did you know that most major universities have paid counselors to help students how to make appointments, like to the dentist? Good God. When I said to myself, Self, you need to make a dentist appointment for the first time, you need to grab the yellow pages, pick a good Scandinavian name and give them a call.
My Mam is interested in family history. She traced one branch of the family back to the Morda Workhouse. It sounds grim but it was better than starving in a ditch.

Nicer than most poor people's houses ... which are typically littered with junk food wrappers and beer bottles. Among other things.
Poverty is relative.

Which is why so many are willing to come to the West where poverty is much more comfortable.
And you dont get your home bombed much either.
That's coming
Perhaps those employers that have issues finding good workers need to step up their pay. After all productivity is tied to pay.
Thats not 11 bucks an hour.
They need more than that! Woke culture deserves woke wages!
Recently one of my 'woke' relatives graduated from a liberal arts college. She learned that beets were used to stain leather during medieval times. It only cost her AKA the taxpayer 80K.
She asked everyone at Christmas dinner: "Is a duck a bird?".
I wouldn't hire her to clean the toilets in a FF take out.

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