I would vote for Mike Rowe for president

Let me guess... You are a tradesman with very little education. So, you go through life with a chip on your shoulder thinking every educated person you meet is looking down on you? How am I doing? Did I hit the mark?

Since you have a chip on your shoulder, you came here with a classic straw man argument. Expecting someone to come along and claim that everyone "must go to college" or be considered dumb.

Guess what? You will find no one who is going to make that claim outside of your deluded brain.

What you will find is that some profession indeed needs an education - would you have a dude operating on your family who does not have a medical degree? How about representing you in court on a murder charge?

But if my basement was flooded or if my house was burning down - I could care less that you have a degree from Harvard or Yale. What I am looking for is expertise.

So, stop putting these kinds of straw-man arguments up just so that you can feel better about yourself. Maybe in your profession, you don't need a college degree. Great. Bill Gates famously quit MIT and went on to be a successful programmer and businessman. Steve Jobs dropped out of a non-Ivy League school. Neither one would be considered uneducated nor would anyone look down on them.

So, stop mopping and get on with your life. Class dismissed.

Define education.

If you mean a college degree no I don't have one. I am an autodidact.

What I do have is about 300 college course credits and hundreds of audited lectures under my belt.

And if you deny that the everyone has to go to college mindset has been pushed in public schools then you are out of touch.

You claim I am using straw men while you resort to ad hominem tactics.

I would have thought you could have put a more intelligent argument forth but I guess I was wrong.
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Define education.

If you mean a college degree no I don't have one. I am an autodidact.

What I do have is about 300 college course credits and hundreds of audited lectures under my belt.

And if you deny that the everyone has to go to college mindset has been pushed in public schools then you are out of touch.

You claim I am using straw men while you resort to ad hominem tactics.

I would have thought you could have put a more intelligent argument forth but I guess I was wrong.
So, I was right. You are going through life with a chip on your shoulder because you feel people look down on you and you came here for some validation. Thoughts and prayers.

As for the rest of your crap, learn to read. Read my post a few times and when you are done, read it a couple more times. You will eventually get it.

Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:

The last thing America needs is another reality TV star as ‘president.’

The last thing America needs is someone with no experience in, or understanding of, responsible governance and sound public policy.

We tried both with Trump and it was an unmitigated failure.
And how have all the life long politicians done?
So, I was right. You are going through life with a chip on your shoulder because you feel people look down on you and you came here for some validation. Thoughts and prayers.

As for the rest of your crap, learn to read. Read my post a few times and when you are done, read it a couple more times. You will eventually get it.

Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:
No and you're wrong, again.

I have no chip on my shoulder.

In fact my career as a tradesman allowed me to retire financially independent at age 51. A hell of a lot sooner than most college grads.

I took classes that directly related to my success as a business person and a builder then I took classes that interested me. I'm not saying that people shouldn't learn indeed I'm saying just the opposite, that life long learning is essential for a full life. But you don't need a college degree for any of that.

And you would have to be a hell of a lot smarter than you think you are to confuse me.
No and you're wrong, again.

I have no chip on my shoulder.

In fact my career as a tradesman allowed me to retire financially independent at age 51. A hell of a lot sooner than most college grads.

I took classes that directly related to my success as a business person and a builder then I took classes that interested me. I'm not saying that people shouldn't learn indeed I'm saying just the opposite, that life long learning is essential for a full life. But you don't need a college degree for any of that.

And you would have to be a hell of a lot smarter than you think you are to confuse me.
Confuse you? LOL If you knew how to read, my post would not be confusing in the least.

Learn to read. :itsok:
Another reality TV star?

Not only no but hell no.
The difference is that Michael Rowe is a genuine reality tv star, not one putting forth a fake persona. What you see is what you get, not what some writer scripted.
The difference is that Michael Rowe is a genuine reality tv star, not one putting forth a fake persona. What you see is what you get, not what some writer scripted.
So you know Mike personally then?
Let me guess... You are a tradesman with very little education. So, you go through life with a chip on your shoulder thinking every educated person you meet is looking down on you? How am I doing? Did I hit the mark?
There are many noble trades that don't require a college education.
That doesn't mean that "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds."
isn't just as important a job as those requiring a college degree.

The last thing America needs is another reality TV star as ‘president.’

The last thing America needs is someone with no experience in, or understanding of, responsible governance and sound public policy.

We tried both with Trump and it was an unmitigated failure.
That is because Trump wasn't who he put himself forward as. He was like George Santos. Making up stories about his health, his wealth, and himself.
How much he was worth would change with his mood.
So you know Mike personally then?
I've watched him do enough dirty jobs, to know he actually did those dirty jobs. And as i've often told people, you can get an education from almost anyone. It's a far better lesson taught by someone who did it, than by someone who studied it in a book.
I've watched him do enough dirty jobs, to know he actually did those dirty jobs. And as i've often told people, you can get an education from almost anyone. It's a far better lesson taught by someone who did it, than by someone who studied it in a book.
So then you don't know what he's really like, even though you claimed to.
I've watched him do enough dirty jobs, to know he actually did those dirty jobs. And as i've often told people, you can get an education from almost anyone. It's a far better lesson taught by someone who did it, than by someone who studied it in a book.
That isn't a controversial statement. I doubt if anyone believes education alone is an arbiter of success.

As an example, to be successful as a surgeon or as an army general - both education and training are needed.

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