I Wouldn't Mind A Kavanaught SCOTUS Election If It Means

Would you mind such an outcome?

  • I'm a Republican/conservative and I don't mind if this happens over Kavanaught

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • I'm a Republican/conservative and I would mind if this happens over Kavanaught

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a Democrat/liberal and I don't mind if this happens over Kavanaught

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • I'm a Democrat/liberal and I would mind if this happens over Kavanaught

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
What you believe does not matter.

You believed Hillary would walk away with the election in 2016.

So.....who really cares what you "believe".

Odds are .....you won't get the senate.

Ruth croaks and you guys better start heading for Canada.

That's right.

Let's let him harm away.......

Then Ruth finally gives up what "ghost" she's got left.

And you dicks can kiss it good-bye.

Buffoon, I don't know if you realize it, but what you're suggesting by your blatant posts is an openly partisan and vindictive Supreme Court, where far rightwing and Republican rule will reigns forever.

Just have the balls to admit it openly, that's all.
So you want a convicted drunk drive as a senator? wow your standards have climbed .
Aren't you super comfortable w/an out-and-out fall-down drunk as SCOTUS?

Do you even know what hypocrite means?

Have proof? I could drink a preppy under the table back then and do you know what a conviction for a drunk driving is?
We get...
  1. An Andrew Gillum, FL Governor.
  2. A Stacey Abrams, GA Governor
  3. A Beto O'Rourke, TX Senator
Or even two out three of these.

It would be historical and be a great win either way.

I think a Kavanaught election would make any of the above more likely.

What about you?
No more traitors. And troll, SCOTUS judges aren't elected.
What you believe does not matter.

You believed Hillary would walk away with the election in 2016.

So.....who really cares what you "believe".

Odds are .....you won't get the senate.

Ruth croaks and you guys better start heading for Canada.

That's right.

Let's let him harm away.......

Then Ruth finally gives up what "ghost" she's got left.

And you dicks can kiss it good-bye.

Buffoon, I don't know if you realize it, but what you're suggesting by your blatant posts is an openly partisan and vindictive Supreme Court, where far rightwing and Republican rule will reigns forever.

Just have the balls to admit it openly, that's all.

And what's wrong with that? they rule by the Constitution not feelings, a right wing leaning supreme Court made abortion legal, made gay marriage legal, said Obama care was constitutional ..
We get...
  1. An Andrew Gillum, FL Governor.
  2. A Stacey Abrams, GA Governor
  3. A Beto O'Rourke, TX Senator
Or even two out three of these.

It would be historical and be a great win either way.

I think a Kavanaught election would make any of the above more likely.

What about you?

I guess if you're gonna dream, ya may as well dream big. LMAO BTW O'Rourke doesn't have a snow balls chance in hell.

They're saying that based on current polling, the Kavanaugh fight has galvanized the Republicans, who are now as likely to vote in the midterms as the Democrats, and that is something like a 10% increase over last month. If Kavanaugh wins, maybe they'll settle down and stay home. If the battle remains as heated as it is now, a bunch of Republicans who don't appreciate how this hearing was handled and believe all the tripe about the Democrats engineering the whole thing will be storming the voting booths and demolishing the Democrats' dream of taking either the House or the Senate.
I disagree. I believe that a Kavanaugh win will ENCOURAGE Republicans to vote.

However, it will encourage MORE Democrats to vote as well.

And as we all know, when more people vote, Democrats win.

Hence my OP.
OK. The more the merrier--everyone should take the time to vote.

Sure, VOTE!

As if it matters.


Remember, they used to let only property owners do it. Then they figured out how to keep control and still let all males do it.

Then they figured out how to keep control and let even some black folks do it.

After then, they figured out they would still choose who you could vote for, and let women vote, and still, they would control what happened.

If you think things will ever change with your vote, you are silly.

We get...
  1. An Andrew Gillum, FL Governor.
  2. A Stacey Abrams, GA Governor
  3. A Beto O'Rourke, TX Senator
Or even two out three of these.

It would be historical and be a great win either way.

I think a Kavanaught election would make any of the above more likely.

What about you?

I think you are as crazy as a Shit House Rat.....

You on the left are in for a massive ass kicking....

BK will be confirmed....

We will stomp you in the mid terms

and Trump will win in 2020...…….

Life is good if you're on the RIGHT SIDE....
What you believe does not matter.

You believed Hillary would walk away with the election in 2016.

So.....who really cares what you "believe".

Odds are .....you won't get the senate.

Ruth croaks and you guys better start heading for Canada.

That's right.

Let's let him harm away.......

Then Ruth finally gives up what "ghost" she's got left.

And you dicks can kiss it good-bye.

Buffoon, I don't know if you realize it, but what you're suggesting by your blatant posts is an openly partisan and vindictive Supreme Court, where far rightwing and Republican rule will reigns forever.

Just have the balls to admit it openly, that's all.

How you get vindictive out of it....well, you lefties always seem to know so much....but can't win elections.

Yes......rightwing...conservative....originalist......small federal government.......

That right baby.......

As to "buffoon".....Fuck you.
Still dreaming about Beto?

The fact that you wouldn't take our Beto bet speaks volumes on your thoughts on the probability of him winning....
I don't know the intracacies of that area, not from Texas, don't even like the state, for what it stands for historically.

I'd be dumb to make that bet.

And I ain't no DUMMAY!!!

Yes, I believe Beto has a shot yes, clearly he does.

We'll soon see whether or not I should have made that bet and get rid of you for good.

Wise move.....voting in TX is very sketchy. I was the voting officer in my squadron when I was there, helping sailors get their absentee ballots. Very very sketchy, especially when asking for ballots for registered Dems.

Bullshit, you don't register for a party in TX, you ask for the ballot you want during a primary and every one votes the same general ballot. So carry on with your lies, they aren't going unnoticed.

They're saying that based on current polling, the Kavanaugh fight has galvanized the Republicans, who are now as likely to vote in the midterms as the Democrats, and that is something like a 10% increase over last month. If Kavanaugh wins, maybe they'll settle down and stay home. If the battle remains as heated as it is now, a bunch of Republicans who don't appreciate how this hearing was handled and believe all the tripe about the Democrats engineering the whole thing will be storming the voting booths and demolishing the Democrats' dream of taking either the House or the Senate.
I disagree. I believe that a Kavanaugh win will ENCOURAGE Republicans to vote.

However, it will encourage MORE Democrats to vote as well.

And as we all know, when more people vote, Democrats win.

Hence my OP.
OK. The more the merrier--everyone should take the time to vote.

Sure, VOTE!

As if it matters.


Remember, they used to let only property owners do it. Then they figured out how to keep control and still let all males do it.

Then they figured out how to keep control and let even some black folks do it.

After then, they figured out they would still choose who you could vote for, and let women vote, and still, they would control what happened.

If you think things will ever change with your vote, you are silly.

OK then if that’s the case….

How about you vote straight Republican just for shits and giggles…
We get...
  1. An Andrew Gillum, FL Governor.
  2. A Stacey Abrams, GA Governor
  3. A Beto O'Rourke, TX Senator
Or even two out three of these.

It would be historical and be a great win either way.

I think a Kavanaught election would make any of the above more likely.

What about you?
Thank you, no.

Politicians and their policies can be gotten rid of the next election; Kavanaugh will be on the Court for the next 40 years, at liberty to ignore Constitutional case law causing long-term harm to the American people, harm that's likely irreparable.

What a fucking drama queen, there are 8 other judges on the court.

They're saying that based on current polling, the Kavanaugh fight has galvanized the Republicans, who are now as likely to vote in the midterms as the Democrats, and that is something like a 10% increase over last month. If Kavanaugh wins, maybe they'll settle down and stay home. If the battle remains as heated as it is now, a bunch of Republicans who don't appreciate how this hearing was handled and believe all the tripe about the Democrats engineering the whole thing will be storming the voting booths and demolishing the Democrats' dream of taking either the House or the Senate.
I disagree. I believe that a Kavanaugh win will ENCOURAGE Republicans to vote.

However, it will encourage MORE Democrats to vote as well.

And as we all know, when more people vote, Democrats win.

Hence my OP.

Dem's are voting for Trump sorry.
We get...
  1. An Andrew Gillum, FL Governor.
  2. A Stacey Abrams, GA Governor
  3. A Beto O'Rourke, TX Senator
Or even two out three of these.

It would be historical and be a great win either way.

I think a Kavanaught election would make any of the above more likely.

What about you?
It looks like Gillum is a shoe-in for this election.

His opponent got trounced and the numbers aren't looking good at all for Desantos.

Stacey's putting up a good fight and is still in the game, things are looking very promising.

Beto put up a good fight, but the Repugs have come out in FULL FORCE for one last hoorah, he might not make it.

Proud of Beto though.

Again, just ONE of these guys winning would be a MAJOR victory and a BLOW to the evil empire.
We get...
  1. An Andrew Gillum, FL Governor.
  2. A Stacey Abrams, GA Governor
  3. A Beto O'Rourke, TX Senator
Or even two out three of these.

It would be historical and be a great win either way.

I think a Kavanaught election would make any of the above more likely.

What about you?
voting for a guy just cuz he's your skin color.
I thought you were supposed to be the intellect around here.
Gillum would be a disaster.
We get...
  1. An Andrew Gillum, FL Governor.
  2. A Stacey Abrams, GA Governor
  3. A Beto O'Rourke, TX Senator
Or even two out three of these.

It would be historical and be a great win either way.

I think a Kavanaught election would make any of the above more likely.

What about you?

I think you have to deal with Kavanaugh on the court and none of those winning.

Why do you want socialists in office anyway?
We get...
  1. An Andrew Gillum, FL Governor.
  2. A Stacey Abrams, GA Governor
  3. A Beto O'Rourke, TX Senator
Or even two out three of these.

It would be historical and be a great win either way.

I think a Kavanaught election would make any of the above more likely.

What about you?
It looks like Gillum is a shoe-in for this election.

His opponent got trounced and the numbers aren't looking good at all for Desantos.

Stacey's putting up a good fight and is still in the game, things are looking very promising.

Beto put up a good fight, but the Repugs have come out in FULL FORCE for one last hoorah, he might not make it.

Proud of Beto though.

Again, just ONE of these guys winning would be a MAJOR victory and a BLOW to the evil empire.

So socialists, the guys who literally ran the evil empire, winning is a blow to the evil empire?

You were saying just two would be enough a few weeks ago. Now just one.

Funny that

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