ICE: A “clean DACA fix” will create an explosion of illegal immigration


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Passing a “clean” Dream Act to legalize illegal immigrant “Dreamers” will spur a new wave of illegal immigration and create a new population that will need an amnesty 10 or 20 years in the future, the government’s chief deportation official said Tuesday."

Whaaaaaat? Rewarding Illegals for breaking the law by passing a clean DACA Bill would only result in millions more what happened last time?


ICE: A "clean DACA fix" will create an explosion of illegal immigration
"Passing a “clean” Dream Act to legalize illegal immigrant “Dreamers” will spur a new wave of illegal immigration and create a new population that will need an amnesty 10 or 20 years in the future, the government’s chief deportation official said Tuesday."

Whaaaaaat? Rewarding Illegals for breaking the law by passing a clean DACA Bill would only result in millions more what happened last time?

View attachment 196933

ICE: A "clean DACA fix" will create an explosion of illegal immigration

It must suck for you, that well over 70% of Americans favor DACA.
daca poll 2018 - Google Search
"Passing a “clean” Dream Act to legalize illegal immigrant “Dreamers” will spur a new wave of illegal immigration and create a new population that will need an amnesty 10 or 20 years in the future, the government’s chief deportation official said Tuesday."

Whaaaaaat? Rewarding Illegals for breaking the law by passing a clean DACA Bill would only result in millions more what happened last time?

View attachment 196933

ICE: A "clean DACA fix" will create an explosion of illegal immigration

It must suck for you, that well over 70% of Americans favor DACA.
daca poll 2018 - Google Search
I stopped as soon as I saw that it was a "CNN" poll.
"Passing a “clean” Dream Act to legalize illegal immigrant “Dreamers” will spur a new wave of illegal immigration and create a new population that will need an amnesty 10 or 20 years in the future, the government’s chief deportation official said Tuesday."

Whaaaaaat? Rewarding Illegals for breaking the law by passing a clean DACA Bill would only result in millions more what happened last time?

View attachment 196933

ICE: A "clean DACA fix" will create an explosion of illegal immigration

It must suck for you, that well over 70% of Americans favor DACA.
daca poll 2018 - Google Search
I stopped as soon as I saw that it was a "CNN" poll.

There were several other polls, that say the same thing.
But then you are well known to be a Trump Sheep,
It must suck for you, that well over 70% of Americans favor DACA.
daca poll 2018 - Google Search
Which poll are you referring to on the openly biased Google search web page?

Please provide a sampling of the questions asked in these surveys, provide the exact number of independents, republicans, and democrats they asked to prove an equal sampling, etc...

Dude, I took courses that studied 'polls'. Polls are useless, easily manipulated to get any response you want.

'Excuse me sir, would you rather have passed legislation, like DACA, that attempts to create an established path to citizenship, or would you rather have millions of illegals continuing to flood across out border without any way to keep track of them?'
- Ummm, I would like passed Legislation.

"There you have it - 100% of the people in our poll want DACA."

Did we forget to mention that we already have a U.s. Immigration law and an established path to citizenship....a law Obama and his administration not only refused to enforce but broke themselves, and that illegals already don't pay attention to existing law so why will more of them pay attention to any other path except to be given immediate citizenship...which will, as reported, lead to a flood of more illegals for the next round of Amnesty?!

Oh, and did we forget that Latinos just told the Dems to go fornicate themselves after the Libs showed they had no intention of passing DACA but instead preferred to have the emotional issue as a mid-term ISSUE than to actually pass it for the Latinos?!
There were several other polls, that say the same thing.
But then you are well known to be a Trump Sheep,
Says the snowflake who posted a link to a Google search page instead of a link to any specific poll...

"Passing a “clean” Dream Act to legalize illegal immigrant “Dreamers” will spur a new wave of illegal immigration and create a new population that will need an amnesty 10 or 20 years in the future, the government’s chief deportation official said Tuesday."

Whaaaaaat? Rewarding Illegals for breaking the law by passing a clean DACA Bill would only result in millions more what happened last time?

View attachment 196933

ICE: A "clean DACA fix" will create an explosion of illegal immigration

It must suck for you, that well over 70% of Americans favor DACA.
daca poll 2018 - Google Search


"Passing a “clean” Dream Act to legalize illegal immigrant “Dreamers” will spur a new wave of illegal immigration and create a new population that will need an amnesty 10 or 20 years in the future, the government’s chief deportation official said Tuesday."

Whaaaaaat? Rewarding Illegals for breaking the law by passing a clean DACA Bill would only result in millions more what happened last time?

View attachment 196933

ICE: A "clean DACA fix" will create an explosion of illegal immigration

It must suck for you, that well over 70% of Americans favor DACA.
daca poll 2018 - Google Search
I stopped as soon as I saw that it was a "CNN" poll.

There were several other polls, that say the same thing.
But then you are well known to be a Trump Sheep,
Coming from a Democrat Lemming that doesn't phase me one iota.
CNN: '80% of Americans Believe Melania Trump Is MIA After Having Surgery Because President Trump Beat Her Up...'


A Google link to ALL polls related to DECA's favorbility! Are you THAT lazy? Man, you Little Trumpsters, are so lame.

Posting to a web page instead of to a specific poll allows you to throw a bunch of polls up without having to address any of them. Nice try...

Like I said, polls are useless....they are for Democrats who use them to 'lead'... :p
"Passing a “clean” Dream Act to legalize illegal immigrant “Dreamers” will spur a new wave of illegal immigration and create a new population that will need an amnesty 10 or 20 years in the future, the government’s chief deportation official said Tuesday."

Whaaaaaat? Rewarding Illegals for breaking the law by passing a clean DACA Bill would only result in millions more what happened last time?

View attachment 196933

ICE: A "clean DACA fix" will create an explosion of illegal immigration

It must suck for you, that well over 70% of Americans favor DACA.
daca poll 2018 - Google Search
I stopped as soon as I saw that it was a "CNN" poll.

There were several other polls, that say the same thing.
But then you are well known to be a Trump Sheep,
Coming from a Democrat Lemming that doesn't phase me one iota.

Another ignorant goose-stepper ignorant post.
As I stated multiple times, prior to the 2016 election, I was not going to vote for Hillary and I didn't vote for Hillary. As a matter of fact, I have never voted for Willy, either.
Of course, I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 either. Someone would had to hold a gun to my head to vote for either slimeball.
You know, their are more Independents/Moderates than there are Republicans or Democrats. That means, there are more people rejecting being an ideologue, they rather make up their own mind. Ideologues are people who can only be lead with a ring in their nose. Well, if you doubt me, look in the mirror.
As I stated multiple times, prior to the 2016 election, I was not going to vote for Hillary and I didn't vote for Hillary. As a matter of fact, I have never voted for Willy, either. Of course, I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 either. Someone would had to hold a gun to my head to vote for either slimeball. You know, their are more Independents/Moderates than there are Republicans or Democrats. That means, there are more people rejecting being an ideologue, they rather make up their own mind. Ideologues are people who can only be lead with a ring in their nose. Well, if you doubt me, look in the mirror. DO know Hillary LOST, though, right? :p
A Google link to ALL polls related to DECA's favorbility! Are you THAT lazy? Man, you Little Trumpsters, are so lame.

Posting to a web page instead of to a specific poll allows you to throw a bunch of polls up without having to address any of them. Nice try...

Like I said, polls are useless....they are for Democrats who use them to 'lead'... :p

Wow, what a lazy ass.
I guess taking 5-10 minutes of your time (which would prove my claim 100% right), would take away all the time you spend digging up bullshit from your favorite hyper-partisan talking points resources.
Say, did you know the job market is great, lots of jobs out there. Maybe you should give it a try, instead of posting 24/7. Oh, that's right, you are a lazy ass.
"Passing a “clean” Dream Act to legalize illegal immigrant “Dreamers” will spur a new wave of illegal immigration and create a new population that will need an amnesty 10 or 20 years in the future, the government’s chief deportation official said Tuesday."

Whaaaaaat? Rewarding Illegals for breaking the law by passing a clean DACA Bill would only result in millions more what happened last time?

View attachment 196933

ICE: A "clean DACA fix" will create an explosion of illegal immigration

It must suck for you, that well over 70% of Americans favor DACA.
daca poll 2018 - Google Search
I stopped as soon as I saw that it was a "CNN" poll.

There were several other polls, that say the same thing.
But then you are well known to be a Trump Sheep,
Coming from a Democrat Lemming that doesn't phase me one iota.

Another ignorant goose-stepper ignorant post.
As I stated multiple times, prior to the 2016 election, I was not going to vote for Hillary and I didn't vote for Hillary. As a matter of fact, I have never voted for Willy, either.
Of course, I didn't vote for Trump in 2016 either. Someone would had to hold a gun to my head to vote for either slimeball.
You know, their are more Independents/Moderates than there are Republicans or Democrats. That means, there are more people rejecting being an ideologue, they rather make up their own mind. Ideologues are people who can only be lead with a ring in their nose. Well, if you doubt me, look in the mirror.

Dueling should never have been outlawed IMO.
A Google link to ALL polls related to DECA's favorbility! Are you THAT lazy? Man, you Little Trumpsters, are so lame.

Posting to a web page instead of to a specific poll allows you to throw a bunch of polls up without having to address any of them. Nice try...

Like I said, polls are useless....they are for Democrats who use them to 'lead'... :p

Wow, what a lazy ass.
I guess taking 5-10 minutes of your time (which would prove my claim 100% right), would take away all the time you spend digging up bullshit from your favorite hyper-partisan talking points resources.
Say, did you know the job market is great, lots of jobs out there. Maybe you should give it a try, instead of posting 24/7. Oh, that's right, you are a lazy ass. get so triggered so easily.

Hey, Poll Poster, give me the demographics of even ONE of the polls you pointed us all to.... Surely such a hard-working, diligent researcher like yourself would have at least LOOKED at ONE of the polls he referenced instead of just lazily posting a Google Search Page....

I will give you 5 minutes to go back and look at one now....

In the meantime, I will keep laughing at your ass and keep thinking about the Latinos who just told the DNC to go fornicate themselves for trying to manipulate the Latino community into voting for them instead of actually trying to help them...

"Passing a “clean” Dream Act to legalize illegal immigrant “Dreamers” will spur a new wave of illegal immigration and create a new population that will need an amnesty 10 or 20 years in the future, the government’s chief deportation official said Tuesday."

Whaaaaaat? Rewarding Illegals for breaking the law by passing a clean DACA Bill would only result in millions more what happened last time?

View attachment 196933

ICE: A "clean DACA fix" will create an explosion of illegal immigration
no way? When Reagan gave amnesty that never happened. DOH!!!!! of course it will. that's the biggest fking no brainer on earth.
Perhaps a slightly modified DACA Bill that provides a path to citizenship for illegals as well as an entertaining sport to watch?!

There would be 1 event ever 2-3 months...

1 path would be built from Mexico into the US, steep walls on ether side....

Those who make it into the US get to stay...


(Just Kidding - it's a JOKE)

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