Ice, again

You need to shove your nits and their picks right up where the sun don't shine. Why don't you find me a rule that says I can quote one but not the other. Then we can pretend as if your comment actually had some relevance.

No need to already proved that it was relevant to you by leaving out my full thought in an attempt to make some trivial point.

Delete your sig and I will admit that my quote did not convey the precise same meaning as your post in its entirety.

You just admitted it. :lmao:

Truth cannot be negotiated or held for ransom.
You missed an option that I had in mind since before making that offer. Explaining why they don't convey the same precise meaning.

I could make you a similar offer. Delete your sig and I will teach you how sarcasm works - filliing one of the numerous and profound gaps in your knowledge of the world... if you can only hang on to it.
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Not getting any better.

Abraham, we both know our debate pals have no concern for reality. All they care about is their massively doped up egos. Their ego refuses to be constrained by reality and their brain rationalizes this into "I have accurate beliefs."

We know what's really going on is their ego wants no responsibility for what happens on earth, so it liberates them to do as they please. Rationalizing the sketpic's claims as justifiable belief is an afterthought--one that kook and many others deem unnecessary. As long as they breathe their egos will be all doped up and their brain will continue to align themselves with literally anyone or anything that supports their "I am not responsible" views. Unfortunately their justifications have to do with blogs that appear scienti-irific but upon any scrutiny one learns they are major outliers dressed up to deceive the eager-to-believe skeptics.

Sadly, some powerful egos have also gotten into this game of irresponsibility. With unidentified donations from affluent egos, they finagle folks who have science degrees with the allure of money to discontinue their legitimate science practices and replace it with one conclusion. That conclusion is to make AGW theory appear easily disputable and thus false. But they don't stop there, they include a tinge of heresy to really appeal to their massive egos--that AGW theory is heresy to the church of Republican Individual Freedom. If we allow nature (i.e. liberals) to impose restrictions on consumption then we are not free. Freedom (from having to do anything) is not freedom, its a lack of responsibility.

I guess I just explained that for my own musement. With absolute certainty it will be attacked from all angles. Indeed, the skeptics' ego always wins!
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And ^^^^THIS^^^^ is why you should get a well-rounded education.

Yes, you should. According to your best consensus predictions there would be no Arctic ice LAST year. That would be an epic fail. I won't even bother to go into all the times that we have been told that the Arctic is in a "death spiral" and yet, here we are in 2014 and the Arctic is getting thicker and the extent is within the mean.

And all the while the Antarctic is setting new records for ice summer!:eusa_whistle:
Yes, you should. According to your best consensus predictions there would be no Arctic ice LAST year.

You're going to have to identify which specific prediction you're talking about and show us where anyone on the mainstream science side of the argument characterized it as "our best".

That would be an epic fail. I won't even bother to go into all the times that we have been told that the Arctic is in a "death spiral" and yet, here we are in 2014 and the Arctic is getting thicker and the extent is within the mean.



And all the while the Antarctic is setting new records for ice summer!

Surprise us. Educate yourself.
Abraham, we both know our debate pals have no concern for reality. All they care about is their massively doped up egos. Their ego refuses to be constrained by reality and their brain rationalizes this into "I have accurate beliefs."

It's human nature to not like to be proven wrong. It's a good survival skill to be sure of what you do and act quickly. Reason and doubt can be considered later, when it's safe. We're hardwired to stick to our guns and not change our minds quickly.

A head-on assault on our beliefs challenges us. It's a threat, so people dig in to oppose it. The better the data, the bigger the threat, so it actually backfires and causes a person to dig in deeper with their incorrect beliefs.

And being more educated doesn't help. More education makes people even more inflexible. All that education just helped them rationalize more creatively, in effect digging them in deeper.

And that leaves us in a quandry. We may have to be nice to denialists to have a chance with them. Facts alone don't have a chance. Like you brought up, we've got to sort of massage their egos so as not to appear threatening.
According to your best consensus predictions there would be no Arctic ice LAST year.


If you're not just making crap up again, you can simply show us this consensus. You can't, however, because there's no such thing. That was another example of that thing you routinely do where you cherrypick a statement from one person and then declare it's the consensus.

I won't even bother to go into all the times that we have been told that the Arctic is in a "death spiral" and yet, here we are in 2014 and the Arctic is getting thicker and the extent is within the mean.

Watch those goalposts move! We'll never be able to catch them! Here, we see that a new record ice extent low means nothing because it's ... wait for it ... "within the mean".

And all the while the Antarctic is setting new records for ice summer!

As the temperature there _warms_. And as was correctly predicted by AGW science 20 years ago. That's been pointed out to you several times. However, your cult's pseudoscience collapses unless you cherrypick very selectively, hence you've become a master of that tactic.
According to your best consensus predictions there would be no Arctic ice LAST year.


If you're not just making crap up again, you can simply show us this consensus. You can't, however, because there's no such thing. That was another example of that thing you routinely do where you cherrypick a statement from one person and then declare it's the consensus.

I won't even bother to go into all the times that we have been told that the Arctic is in a "death spiral" and yet, here we are in 2014 and the Arctic is getting thicker and the extent is within the mean.

Watch those goalposts move! We'll never be able to catch them! Here, we see that a new record ice extent low means nothing because it's ... wait for it ... "within the mean".

And all the while the Antarctic is setting new records for ice summer!

As the temperature there _warms_. And as was correctly predicted by AGW science 20 years ago. That's been pointed out to you several times. However, your cult's pseudoscience collapses unless you cherrypick very selectively, hence you've become a master of that tactic.


70% of Americans think the scientists are fucking with the data.

Meanwhile >>>>

Top story on DRUDGE right now !!!!!!!

Sea Ice Update February 17 2014 ? Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Still 25% above normal | sunshine hours

Now, now. You know that only the Arctic counts. What happens south of the border is completely irrelevant. Because it doesn't fit the narrative very well....
According to your best consensus predictions there would be no Arctic ice LAST year.


If you're not just making crap up again, you can simply show us this consensus. You can't, however, because there's no such thing. That was another example of that thing you routinely do where you cherrypick a statement from one person and then declare it's the consensus.

Watch those goalposts move! We'll never be able to catch them! Here, we see that a new record ice extent low means nothing because it's ... wait for it ... "within the mean".

And all the while the Antarctic is setting new records for ice summer!

As the temperature there _warms_. And as was correctly predicted by AGW science 20 years ago. That's been pointed out to you several times. However, your cult's pseudoscience collapses unless you cherrypick very selectively, hence you've become a master of that tactic.


70% of Americans think the scientists are fucking with the data.

Meanwhile >>>>

Top story on DRUDGE right now !!!!!!!

Sea Ice Update February 17 2014 ? Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Still 25% above normal | sunshine hours


That is quite sad. The pause has made a ass of science when it comes to climate.
You need to shove your nits and their picks right up where the sun don't shine. Why don't you find me a rule that says I can quote one but not the other. Then we can pretend as if your comment actually had some relevance.

No need to already proved that it was relevant to you by leaving out my full thought in an attempt to make some trivial point.

Delete your sig and I will admit that my quote did not convey the precise same meaning as your post in its entirety.

You just admitted it. Thanks. My sig on the other hand expresses the entire thought of the idiot who made the statement.
No need to already proved that it was relevant to you by leaving out my full thought in an attempt to make some trivial point.

Delete your sig and I will admit that my quote did not convey the precise same meaning as your post in its entirety.

You just admitted it. :lmao:

Truth cannot be negotiated or held for ransom.

Real "class act" isn't he?....and I say that with as much sarcasm as I can muster.
The pair of you do have many similarities. One of which would be the habit of attempting to employ irrelevancies.

Anyone who read my original post regarding Ptolemy would have recognized it's sarcastic tone. Even Swimexpert could not be so lacking in the basic gifts of intellect to have missed it. Thus when he states that the statement he extracted from it, "expresses the entire thought of the idiot who made the statement", he is either indicating that the quoted statement by itself is obviously satirical or he is attempting to lie to us. Given our history and his use of the term "idiot", I'll have to go with the latter. If you wish to praise him for lying to us, I can only say I am sadly unsurprised.

This exchange certainly backs up everything Secretary Kerry said about climate change deniers, though.
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If you're not just making crap up again, you can simply show us this consensus. You can't, however, because there's no such thing. That was another example of that thing you routinely do where you cherrypick a statement from one person and then declare it's the consensus.

Watch those goalposts move! We'll never be able to catch them! Here, we see that a new record ice extent low means nothing because it's ... wait for it ... "within the mean".

As the temperature there _warms_. And as was correctly predicted by AGW science 20 years ago. That's been pointed out to you several times. However, your cult's pseudoscience collapses unless you cherrypick very selectively, hence you've become a master of that tactic.


70% of Americans think the scientists are fucking with the data.

Meanwhile >>>>

Top story on DRUDGE right now !!!!!!!

Sea Ice Update February 17 2014 ? Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Still 25% above normal | sunshine hours


That is quite sad. The pause has made a ass of science when it comes to climate.

you have it back asswards Matthew. climate science has made an ass out of science. nature has always played by her own (correct) rules. it has only been since climate science has made its strident claims and tried to force any and all data into its preconceived conclusions that science has been falling into disrepute.
hey Matthew-- remember those lists that showed how global warming and CO2 was responsible for just about everything bad in the world? from Acne to Zits?

here is one that really bothered me. published in Nature, no less.

Nutrition and Diabetes - A proposed potential role for increasing atmospheric CO2 as a promoter of weight gain and obesity

it blamed the obesity crisis on CO2. it is just the crazy sort of idea that appeals to you, right? me too actually but this one failed the smell test pretty quickly. why dont you go read it, and critique the major flaws for yourself. and then we could discuss it.
Why? What does that article have to do with the environment or the reality of AGW?

Besides, I strongly doubt you have ANYTHING with which to challenge the study's results.
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Now, now. You know that only the Arctic counts. What happens south of the border is completely irrelevant. Because it doesn't fit the narrative very well....

The antarctic is _warmer_. That fits our narrative quite well. The increased ice is from increased freshwater. Exactly as AGW theory predicted, so again, it exactly fits our narrative.

You keep running from that fact. Because it doesn't fit your narrative well. You're an intellectual coward, and a hypocrite to boot.

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