ICE Agent Reveals Shocking Details About Obama’s Dismantling of Immigration Enforceme


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
ICE agents have their hands tied. They aren't allowed to defend themselves and can't even consider deporting illegals unless they've been arrested numerous times for crimes. Obama seems intent on keeping the majority of them here, even as twice as many as usual are pouring through the border to take advantage of the upcoming amnesty. Agents can't even carry weapons to defend themselves despite becoming targets for the violent criminals at the border. It's clear that the administration favors the illegals over our own agents' safety and the safety of this country.

I wish the majority of the country would band together and ignore Obamacare laws the same way this administration is trampling our immigration laws.

ICE Agent Reveals Shocking Details About Obama’s Dismantling of Immigration Enforcement
Maobama and Napalatano should be in jail for their willful disregard of their oath of office and abuse of the public trust. What's even worse is the left is fine with this. Pathetic slime balls one and all.
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Fox News Helps Townhall's Katie Pavlich Push Dubious Border Surge Claim

Fox News hyped a dubious story by Townhall news editor Katie Pavlich to stoke fears that a surge of immigrants has made the border less safe.

Pavlich, a Fox News contributor, published a story using anecdotal remarks from an unnamed Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agent and CBP internal data to claim that non-citizens are attempting to cross the southern border in large numbers:

Fox News Helps Townhall's Katie Pavlich Push Dubious Border Surge Claim | Blog | Media Matters for America


President Barack Obama’s administration deported a record 1.5 million illegal immigrants in his first term, according to a tally by NPR, despite his support for creating a path to citizenship for many undocumented people living and working in America

The increase comes even as the administration focuses immigration control resources on criminals, threats to national security, repeat immigration law violators and recent border crossers.

More than half of the 409,849 individuals deported in fiscal 2012 (which ended Sept. 30) were criminals, including 1,215 convicted of homicide, 5,557 convicted of sexual offenses, 40,448 convicted for crimes involving drugs and 36,166 convicted for driving under the influence, according to an Immigration and Customers Enforcement press release.

Obama Administration Deports 1.5 Million Illegal Immigrants in 1st Term ? A New Record |

Just more fear mongering and outright lies from the right. Nothing new, nothing surprising, just more bullshit.
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Obama aims to get as many illegals in the country as possible so when he gets his amnesty law in place there will be a maximum number of new Democrats to vote for his perpetual presidency.

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