ICE Deports Man to a Country He's Not From, Nor Had He Ever Visited

The man is an undesirable alien who can't stay here.

Why not Haiti? Although , really, if this Illegal didn't have any place else to go, I would have flown him down to Gitmo and throw his ass out the front door into an unfriendly country, to whom we owe nothing.
Hmmmm.....sounds like he refused to say where he came from in an attempt to not be deported.
To bad so sad.....
There was a person, of whom most people aren't aware, by the name of Sadoko Ogata. Ms Ogata was a career diplomat with UN since 1978. More importantly, Ms Ogata was the UN High Commissioner for refugees between 1990 and 2000.

During this time, she was personally responsible for setting up target goals for UN member nations on how many refugees they were obligated under UN charter to accept each year. Under her regime, many first world countries, including the USA, had their obligation to accept UN designated refugees increase several fold. Those refugees included many combatant age males from active conflict zones around the third world.

Also, during this time, Japan (of which Ms Ogata is a citizen and who is a UN member country) accepted NOT ONE SINGLE refugee.

In fact, people arriving illegally in Japan are only detained until the next flight leaving Japan -- REGARDLESS OF DESTINATION -- on which they are deported.

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Why is this Liberal Congressman involved in this Illegal Alien's fate? Is he one of Rep. Jones' top supporters?
I see where the stuttering fuck rolled out a new motto today:

"Make kids in cages GREAT again"

Of course this time the DNC-owned soviet politburo is all for it (can't have kids running around unaccompanied by parents, for fuck's sake!!)

You're going to have fun propping up this crayon-eating, bed-shitting, stuttering fucktard for the next 4 years.....

Parents went to St. Martin, where it is claimed he was born then came to the USA illegally.

"She said their parents were Haitian but never applied for Paul’s Haitian citizenship. “We don’t really understand how documents were obtained to say that my brother was a citizen of Haiti."
Trump administration to deport man to Haiti who has never been there

Duvalierist descent[edit]
  • born in Haiti to a Haitian mother or father
  • born in a foreign country to Haitian parents
  • born in Haiti to a foreign father; if not recognized by father, it is acceptable to be recognized by a foreign mother only if the subject is of black descent
ICE conducting an internal review is not enough.

We've seen from the many abuses at ICE facilities that the agency is lousy with ideological fascists.

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