I'd Be Happy To Do It For You Mr. President

They did lie to the world about it.

So all of this Benghazi bullshit is about a comment that the UN Secretary made that was in no way illegal?

A comment based on the Intell reports at the time?

We all knew it was a terrorist attack and not a protest spawned by a movie. Well the way liberals kissed Obama's ass, i believe you believed his lies.
SHOCKER: Looks Like Mob Boss Trump Coordinated Cohen Threat With Matt Gaetz

Many are saying that Gaetz's tweets and statements in Congress were obstruction of Justice. Well it seems he did so at the request of Trump

Gaetz is already in trouble with the Florida Bar Ethics Committee and has been referred to the House Ethics Committee

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Yes yes, we know you would forgive tRump for anything up to and including ass-raping you. There's no need for you to post it in every single.thread.
Trump, A known criminal?? You sure are stupid if you believe that.

Of course you are just a little sheeple who believes anything the left tells you to believe.

Hitlery has been investigated. Comey let her off. If anyone had done what she did they would be in jail or Leavenworth.

Benghazi was the failure of HER State Department. Good men died because HER State Department did nothing. Not criminal but it sure was incompetence on a large scale.

Oh and lets not get into the Clinton Foundation.

You sure are stupid.
Actually, that post does nothing more than demonstrate your gullibility and intellectual challenges.

Repeating RWNJ propaganda and lies will do that to you.
This is what Trump DOES.

The other day Cohen was asked if he ever used his position as a lawyer to bully/intimidate/strongarm people on Trump's behalf, and his response was Five hundred times over a decade.

That's exactly what this is. We've seen Trump do it HIMSELF numerous times
This is what Trump DOES.

The other day Cohen was asked if he ever used his position as a lawyer to bully/intimidate/strongarm people on Trump's behalf, and his response was Five hundred times over a decade.

That's exactly what this is. We've seen Trump do it HIMSELF numerous times
That is what lawyers do ya moron. ESPECIALLY corporate lawyers.
That is what lawyers do ya moron. ESPECIALLY corporate lawyers.

True...and sometimes those tactics are used as Obstruction of Justice..Like Trump and Gaetz tried to do and like Trump and Ghouliani have done..

There's a pattern of behavior there

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