Idaho man gets 28 years in beating death of gay man

Lots of people who call themselves fine upstanding Christians would be happy to do the same thing, and claim it as God's will.

Um :haha:

Many Islamists given the opportunity would though, regardless if it's beating Homosexuals to death or just throwing them off rooftops.

What is your religion?
I'm sure this man going to prison claims to be a Christian .. he's no better than Muslims throwing gays off rooftops.

I'm sure you're an idiot and actually do think he claims to a Christian.
Idaho man gets 28 years in beating death of gay man
Source: Reuters

27 APR 2017 AT 15:16 ET
An Idaho man who killed a gay man by kicking him up to 30 times with steel-toed boots was sentenced on Wednesday by a federal judge to 28 years in prison, prosecutors said on Thursday.

In February, Kelly Schneider, 23, of Nampa, pleaded guilty to a federal hate crime for attacking Steven Nelson last year at a remote wildlife refuge while repeatedly using a homophobic slur, acting U.S. Attorney for Idaho Rafael M. Gonzalez said in a statement on Thursday. “Steven Nelson was assaulted, and later died, because he was gay,” Gonzalez said.

Schneider was also sentenced to 28 years in prison earlier this month on a state charge of first-degree murder in Nelson’s death, court records show.

Schneider’s federal sentence will be served concurrently with the state sentence, U.S. prosecutors said. He is being held in an Idaho jail until authorities determine where he will serve out the remainder of his sentence.

Read more: Idaho man gets 28 years in beating death of gay man

Evil pieces of shit is going to pay for what he did. must be rampant. Why do you post that he was, "a gay man?"
Because its a hate crime based on his sexuality

The courts will most rule if the killers rob their victims then it isn't a hate crime. Oh wait, that's only for racist black killers benefit. Never mind. New Yukk Shttiy has a several rulings to that effect, the murder of a white pizza delivery boy by three black lives matter types who could have been Obama's sons got off on hate crime charges because of that 'loophole' for hood rats.
Jeffrey Dahmer and others as well. Homosexuals are as prone to serial killing and cannibalism as they are to pedophilia.

Totally unproven. Both assertions...

Actually a search will pop up more than enough to establish it; they have these kinds of mental disorders far out of proportion to their percentage of the population, and there is nothing you and the rest of the deviants can about changing that.
Lots of people who call themselves fine upstanding Christians would be happy to do the same thing, and claim it as God's will.
Where are all these Christians murdering gays in the name of God?
The ironic thing, if the victim was straight, the liberals would be testifying at the perpetrator's clemency hearing.

The perpetrator put an ad in the paper to sell sex, and then collected money for it. He was looking for a gay guy to kill.
If the vic was straight, you'd be whining that that the perp couldn't help himself because he had a bad childhood.

Really? Tell me more of what you can magically read in my mind.
Maybe he uses your technique- you know - the one where you know lots of Christians would love to kill gays in the name of God.
Lots of people who call themselves fine upstanding Christians would be happy to do the same thing, and claim it as God's will.
Lots of people you say. Got any proof, or just spreading lies about Christians. I don't know a single Christian that would be happy to do the same thing. Anyway i'm glad the guy is in prison, but wish he had gotten life.
Lots of people who call themselves fine upstanding Christians would be happy to do the same thing, and claim it as God's will.
Lots of people you say. Got any proof, or just spreading lies about Christians. I don't know a single Christian that would be happy to do the same thing. Anyway i'm glad the guy is in prison, but wish he had gotten life.
He just 'knows' that LOTS of Christians would like to murder gays in the name of GOD. He just knows it :cuckoo:
Strangely enough, he was feeling sorry for the Isis barbarians who were killed by wild boars the other day :disbelief:. I thought everyone new that Isis are the scum of the earth BECAUSE OF WHAT THEY DO, but that doesn't matter apparently, he felt sorry for their demise :dunno:
Some very very warped people here.
Actually a search will pop up more than enough to establish it; they have these kinds of mental disorders far out of proportion to their percentage of the population, and there is nothing you and the rest of the deviants can about changing that.

Total, utter Bullshit. There is no peer-reviewed credible evidence to support your bigotted assertion. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zip.
Idaho man gets 28 years in beating death of gay man
Source: Reuters

27 APR 2017 AT 15:16 ET
An Idaho man who killed a gay man by kicking him up to 30 times with steel-toed boots was sentenced on Wednesday by a federal judge to 28 years in prison, prosecutors said on Thursday.

In February, Kelly Schneider, 23, of Nampa, pleaded guilty to a federal hate crime for attacking Steven Nelson last year at a remote wildlife refuge while repeatedly using a homophobic slur, acting U.S. Attorney for Idaho Rafael M. Gonzalez said in a statement on Thursday. “Steven Nelson was assaulted, and later died, because he was gay,” Gonzalez said.

Schneider was also sentenced to 28 years in prison earlier this month on a state charge of first-degree murder in Nelson’s death, court records show.

Schneider’s federal sentence will be served concurrently with the state sentence, U.S. prosecutors said. He is being held in an Idaho jail until authorities determine where he will serve out the remainder of his sentence.

Read more: Idaho man gets 28 years in beating death of gay man

Evil pieces of shit is going to pay for what he did.

He should be executed, anyone who murders another person should be executed.

The only exceptions should be if they had no choice but to kill someone in self defence, in those cases mercy should be shown to the perpetrator.

SO everyone claims self defense and then they don't get executed.

It doesn't work that way. Merely claiming self defense has never kept anyone off death row. Self defense is what is called an “affirmative defense.” This means that the defendant has the burden of proof. If the defendant can prove that he acted in self defense the jury must acquit him. This is the way it should be. Certainly you are not suggesting that a person who proves he lawfully used deadly force to protect himself from death or serious bodily injury should be punished in any way.

And how do you "prove" you acted in self defense? Self defense is all about how you think... so you tell them you acted in self defense, and then make up some story about how you ripped his arms off to stop him coming back as a zombie killer.
Idaho man gets 28 years in beating death of gay man
Source: Reuters

27 APR 2017 AT 15:16 ET
An Idaho man who killed a gay man by kicking him up to 30 times with steel-toed boots was sentenced on Wednesday by a federal judge to 28 years in prison, prosecutors said on Thursday.

In February, Kelly Schneider, 23, of Nampa, pleaded guilty to a federal hate crime for attacking Steven Nelson last year at a remote wildlife refuge while repeatedly using a homophobic slur, acting U.S. Attorney for Idaho Rafael M. Gonzalez said in a statement on Thursday. “Steven Nelson was assaulted, and later died, because he was gay,” Gonzalez said.

Schneider was also sentenced to 28 years in prison earlier this month on a state charge of first-degree murder in Nelson’s death, court records show.

Schneider’s federal sentence will be served concurrently with the state sentence, U.S. prosecutors said. He is being held in an Idaho jail until authorities determine where he will serve out the remainder of his sentence.

Read more: Idaho man gets 28 years in beating death of gay man

Evil pieces of shit is going to pay for what he did.

He should be executed, anyone who murders another person should be executed.

The only exceptions should be if they had no choice but to kill someone in self defence, in those cases mercy should be shown to the perpetrator.

SO everyone claims self defense and then they don't get executed.

It doesn't work that way. Merely claiming self defense has never kept anyone off death row. Self defense is what is called an “affirmative defense.” This means that the defendant has the burden of proof. If the defendant can prove that he acted in self defense the jury must acquit him. This is the way it should be. Certainly you are not suggesting that a person who proves he lawfully used deadly force to protect himself from death or serious bodily injury should be punished in any way.

And how do you "prove" you acted in self defense? Self defense is all about how you think... so you tell them you acted in self defense, and then make up some story about how you ripped his arms off to stop him coming back as a zombie killer.

If you don't know how to prove something I cannot help you. However, I can tell you that if you can find a sympathetic and ignorant jury that believes “you ripped his arms off to stop him coming back as a zombie killer” and disregards the judge's instruction regarding self defense the jury will acquit you. Good luck with that one.

One more time: a person is allowed to use deadly force if – at the time such force is use – he reasonably believes it is necessary to prevent death or serious bodily injury to himself. It is up to a jury to determine – considering all the circumstances that existed at the time deadly force was used – whether the defendant's actions were justified or not.

You seem to think that self defense is a frivolous defense. When someone points a gun in your face and threatens to kill you I am sure you will change your mind. In a situation where there are only two possibilities, one being that a thug kills an innocent victim and the other that the victim uses deadly force in self defense to kill the thug it should be obvious to anyone with sense of justice and a modicum of common sense that the thug should be the one to exit, stage left. Fortunately, regardless of what you think, the law recognizes a person's right to protect his own life.

For the record, I have JD (Juris Doctorate) and passed the Bar on my first attempt. I know the law and it is apparent you do not. You probably know a lot more about a lot of things than I do, but the law is not one of them

You can have the last word. I have done my best to inform members of this forum and I'm outta here.
Idaho man gets 28 years in beating death of gay man
Source: Reuters

27 APR 2017 AT 15:16 ET
Read more: Idaho man gets 28 years in beating death of gay man

Evil pieces of shit is going to pay for what he did.

He should be executed, anyone who murders another person should be executed.

The only exceptions should be if they had no choice but to kill someone in self defence, in those cases mercy should be shown to the perpetrator.

SO everyone claims self defense and then they don't get executed.

It doesn't work that way. Merely claiming self defense has never kept anyone off death row. Self defense is what is called an “affirmative defense.” This means that the defendant has the burden of proof. If the defendant can prove that he acted in self defense the jury must acquit him. This is the way it should be. Certainly you are not suggesting that a person who proves he lawfully used deadly force to protect himself from death or serious bodily injury should be punished in any way.

And how do you "prove" you acted in self defense? Self defense is all about how you think... so you tell them you acted in self defense, and then make up some story about how you ripped his arms off to stop him coming back as a zombie killer.

If you don't know how to prove something I cannot help you. However, I can tell you that if you can find a sympathetic and ignorant jury that believes “you ripped his arms off to stop him coming back as a zombie killer” and disregards the judge's instruction regarding self defense the jury will acquit you. Good luck with that one.

One more time: a person is allowed to use deadly force if – at the time such force is use – he reasonably believes it is necessary to prevent death or serious bodily injury to himself. It is up to a jury to determine – considering all the circumstances that existed at the time deadly force was used – whether the defendant's actions were justified or not.

You seem to think that self defense is a frivolous defense. When someone points a gun in your face and threatens to kill you I am sure you will change your mind. In a situation where there are only two possibilities, one being that a thug kills an innocent victim and the other that the victim uses deadly force in self defense to kill the thug it should be obvious to anyone with sense of justice and a modicum of common sense that the thug should be the one to exit, stage left. Fortunately, regardless of what you think, the law recognizes a person's right to protect his own life.

For the record, I have JD (Juris Doctorate) and passed the Bar on my first attempt. I know the law and it is apparent you do not. You probably know a lot more about a lot of things than I do, but the law is not one of them

You can have the last word. I have done my best to inform members of this forum and I'm outta here.

Well, in courts, most of the time, it isn't "proven", it's just reached a point where people will accept. The point you have made is that it's up to the jury to decide, you have to convince the jury, not prove something.

As for your "you don't know the law, I have JD" blah blah, do you really think this is going to make your argument better somehow?
Idaho man gets 28 years in beating death of gay man
Source: Reuters

27 APR 2017 AT 15:16 ET
An Idaho man who killed a gay man by kicking him up to 30 times with steel-toed boots was sentenced on Wednesday by a federal judge to 28 years in prison, prosecutors said on Thursday.

In February, Kelly Schneider, 23, of Nampa, pleaded guilty to a federal hate crime for attacking Steven Nelson last year at a remote wildlife refuge while repeatedly using a homophobic slur, acting U.S. Attorney for Idaho Rafael M. Gonzalez said in a statement on Thursday. “Steven Nelson was assaulted, and later died, because he was gay,” Gonzalez said.

Schneider was also sentenced to 28 years in prison earlier this month on a state charge of first-degree murder in Nelson’s death, court records show.

Schneider’s federal sentence will be served concurrently with the state sentence, U.S. prosecutors said. He is being held in an Idaho jail until authorities determine where he will serve out the remainder of his sentence.

Read more: Idaho man gets 28 years in beating death of gay man

Evil pieces of shit is going to pay for what he did.

/---- Yet you welcome Islamics into the country who execute gays in public.
Idaho man gets 28 years in beating death of gay man
Source: Reuters

27 APR 2017 AT 15:16 ET
An Idaho man who killed a gay man by kicking him up to 30 times with steel-toed boots was sentenced on Wednesday by a federal judge to 28 years in prison, prosecutors said on Thursday.

In February, Kelly Schneider, 23, of Nampa, pleaded guilty to a federal hate crime for attacking Steven Nelson last year at a remote wildlife refuge while repeatedly using a homophobic slur, acting U.S. Attorney for Idaho Rafael M. Gonzalez said in a statement on Thursday. “Steven Nelson was assaulted, and later died, because he was gay,” Gonzalez said.

Schneider was also sentenced to 28 years in prison earlier this month on a state charge of first-degree murder in Nelson’s death, court records show.

Schneider’s federal sentence will be served concurrently with the state sentence, U.S. prosecutors said. He is being held in an Idaho jail until authorities determine where he will serve out the remainder of his sentence.

Read more: Idaho man gets 28 years in beating death of gay man

Evil pieces of shit is going to pay for what he did.

/---- Yet you welcome Islamics into the country who execute gays in public.
The fool who kicked a gay man to death is no different than a member of ISIS.

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