Ideal Christian Policy VS Muslim Policy


Gold Member
Jan 3, 2013
As I see it, the ideal Christian committed nation is very open to free religious discussion and proselytizing by all religions. The logic being that only God saves but God does expect Christians to witness for their faith. Ideally Christians are to lead by example and not by threats. Ideally Christins know that people forced to believe are not true believers and are actually still lost individuals living a lie. Witnessing is done both by example and providing information (presenting the message of the Gospel). The study of various religious literature is encouraged and libraries are promoted.

Generally speaking, Muslim committed nations seem to me to silence open religious discussion. Proselytizing by anyone other than a Muslim is strickly forbidden. Citizens are not allowed by law to convert (except to Muslim). Muslim nations pressure outsiders to be inducted into the Muslim faith. Their god seems to depend on the Muslim to execute conversions as they see fit. The Muslim seems to be discouraged from even reading the Qurian but to listen to clerics and abide to regimented interpretation. The Muslim nation is more mechanically controlling and not open to change.

At least that is how I see it.
They both sound terrible.

It's a good thing we will never have to worry about either happening here.

How do they both sound terrible? One allows you to believe whatever you want and the other tells you what you must believe... In the United States the Constitution reads that we have freedom of religion. It doesn't say that we have freedom from hearing about it.
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When was the last time you tried to have a balanced, open discussion on the merits of, say, Mormonism with a Baptist?

Christians can be as intolerant and closed minded as any Muslim.

I believe a man and a man or a woman and a woman should be allowed to wed, is that allowed in the Christina utopia?

Would the proven theory of evolution be allowed in schools in this Christian utopia?

You can sub the "Christian" with "Muslim" and get the same effect.
When was the last time you tried to have a balanced, open discussion on the merits of, say, Mormonism with a Baptist?

Christians can be as intolerant and closed minded as any Muslim.

I feel that those who feel the most insecure in their belief are the most likely to silence open discussion. An example here in the United States is with regard to Evolutionism vs Creationism or Intellegent Design. Evolutionists are entirely against open educational discussion because it takes the agenda out of their hands and allows students and people to hear other plausable possibliites given a wider range of criterial.

Christian websites are very open to discussion with atheists allowing them to present their views almost to the point of being belligerent towards Christians (though they usually draw the line at foul language). The opposite is not usually true, where many atheists attack the education and intellegence of Christians and make fun of their character.

Mormons demonstrate cult practices in that they will exclude anyone to their "church" websites who disrupt a Mormon inspired way of interpretation od their dogma, even though done very respectfully of those involved.

Again, this is generally speaking. There are always exceptions; however, those tend to be special individuals who are searchers or those with a desire to keep the channels open because they are firm in their core beliefs and would sincerely like to be an influence on the lives of others for the good of those who might be searching.
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Liberal vs conservative is another area. Conservatives usually will discuss the facts to present their view. Liberals will generally attack character to make themselves appear superior... Where a Christian will point to biblical historic data, a nonbeliever may simply declare ingnorace on the part of the believer without presenting proof of any support.
"Evolutionists are entirely against open educational discussion because it takes the agenda out of their hands and allows students and people to hear other plausable possibliites given a wider range of criterial."

Of course we should explore all the creation myths of the world without giving preference to any one. If these "Christian committed" types are as you describe, they should have absolutely no problem with this.


I believe a man and a man or a woman and a woman should be allowed to wed, is that allowed in the Christina utopia?

Would the proven theory of evolution be allowed in schools in this Christian utopia?

You can sub the "Christian" with "Muslim" and get the same effect.

I believe a man and a man or a woman and a woman should be allowed to wed, is that allowed in the Christina utopia?
Throughout history that has not been the norm. It is more an extreme view. Is it that you intentionally miss-characterize, or is it just a symptom of your indoctrination?

Would the proven theory of evolution be allowed in schools in this Christian utopia?
You do realize that the term "Utopia" is Statist Progressive, not Christian. We are not deluded in that way. Personally I put Utopia's in the same class as Unicorns and Leprechauns. ;) Evolution is taught and studied here. Maybe you can explain to me the last change in Human Lifeforms in relation to evolution? Wings? Gills? How about we try to distinguish between evolution and mutation, also, or at least study and clarify.

You can sub the "Christian" with "Muslim" and get the same effect.

In the Muslim World Sharia is the Law of the land.
In the Christian World we are taught to render unto Caesar, the things that are Caesar's, and God, the things that are God's. Translation: Separation of Church and State.
How is that the same?

Other than bashing our Culture with misleading claims, is there anything else going on here? What exactly is your agenda, other than compelling us to abandon reason to comply wit5h your position?
^ both of those posts nipper are very myopic and extremely biased. I can find naysayers who want to shut people up on both sides and one is not really more prevalent than the other. To say that people supporting evolution are not open to discussion but those that support creationism are is flat out false. Same goes for liberal vs conservative. There are several liberals and conservatives here that would not know a fact that it come out and slapped them in the face. Then there are others on both sides that have very reasoned and thoughtful debates. I can name several on either side.

In truth, you sound exactly like that which you are claiming in liberals and evolutionists because you blanketing an attack at them for being against open discussion.
They both sound terrible.

It's a good thing we will never have to worry about either happening here.

Right. So according to you the Boston Marathon bombing was nothing, eh? Open your eyes. The truth is Christianity has no part in this discussion. It is all about Islam and whether or not America made a mistake allowing it inside the gate. IN MY OPINION? Yes, we did.

There is no discussion about Christianity. Christianity isn't on trial here. Islam is.
When was the last time you tried to have a balanced, open discussion on the merits of, say, Mormonism with a Baptist?

Christians can be as intolerant and closed minded as any Muslim.

When is the last time a Christian cut the head off of a liberal for refusing to convert to christianity?

When is the last time a Christian put bombs on a public street in order to mass murder fellow american citizens during a marathon race.

When is the last time a Christian flew a plane load of people into a building because the passengers were not christians?

When is the last time a Christian men dragged Muslims out of a US EMBASSY and sodomized them on a camera phone so the world could watch?

When is the last time a Christian murdered their own daughters for dating a black man?

When is the last time a Christian forced their 5 year old to marry a grown man because he was Muslim and wanted her?

When is the last time a Christian preacher beat his wife and used his bible to justify it and teach his own congregation to do the same?

When is the last time a Christian murdered their own daughters to cover up incestous pregnancy?

When is the last time a Christian strapped bombs on their childs body in order to kill Jewish civilans?

Please answer each one point for point. We will be waiting. - Jeri
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"Evolutionists are entirely against open educational discussion because it takes the agenda out of their hands and allows students and people to hear other plausable possibliites given a wider range of criterial."

Of course we should explore all the creation myths of the world without giving preference to any one. If these "Christian committed" types are as you describe, they should have absolutely no problem with this.


We might consider how they developed various ideas, such as the universal tales surrounding the Historic Epic Flood. After being open to listening to Gays promoting Gay marriage I cannot imagine anything stranger or more unproductive.
Religious ideology is for the welfare of the soul. It has no place in the legal governing of a people. Spiritual wellbeing is a part of the makeup of most people but not all. The best we can expect from a government is to allow us to practice the religion we value and to protect our other rights as human beings as well.
"Evolutionists are entirely against open educational discussion because it takes the agenda out of their hands and allows students and people to hear other plausable possibliites given a wider range of criterial."

Of course we should explore all the creation myths of the world without giving preference to any one. If these "Christian committed" types are as you describe, they should have absolutely no problem with this.


We might consider how they developed various ideas, such as the universal tales surrounding the Historic Epic Flood. After being open to listening to Gays promoting Gay marriage I cannot imagine anything stranger or more unproductive.

Couldn't be any more productive, than spending energy worrying about sexual mores, wasting 1/3 of charity on sacramental activities, etc.

Best for children if the myth is debunked early.
"Evolutionists are entirely against open educational discussion because it takes the agenda out of their hands and allows students and people to hear other plausable possibliites given a wider range of criterial."

Of course we should explore all the creation myths of the world without giving preference to any one. If these "Christian committed" types are as you describe, they should have absolutely no problem with this.


We might consider how they developed various ideas, such as the universal tales surrounding the Historic Epic Flood. After being open to listening to Gays promoting Gay marriage I cannot imagine anything stranger or more unproductive.

Couldn't be any more productive, than spending energy worrying about sexual mores, wasting 1/3 of charity on sacramental activities, etc.

Best for children if the myth is debunked early.
True, the myths of sexual freedom and evolution are very dangerous. They should be nipped early.
To top it all, Christianity is best described as a relationship and not a religion. The key being that Christ becomes a brother to all those who place their faith and trust in Him. God does not require us to do "bad" things to gain anything. Salvation is a free gift from God to all who are covered by the shed blood of Christ. I am not required to blow anyone up to gain God's favor. In fact, Christian's are required to love their enemies.
Matthew 5:44
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Now if only secular people and Muslims could be so...
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