Ideal Christian Policy VS Muslim Policy


I believe a man and a man or a woman and a woman should be allowed to wed, is that allowed in the Christina utopia?

Would the proven theory of evolution be allowed in schools in this Christian utopia?

You can sub the "Christian" with "Muslim" and get the same effect.

You can sub the word pederast with Muslim and get an interesting effect, too.

Gee, this is fun.

I believe a man and a man or a woman and a woman should be allowed to wed, is that allowed in the Christina utopia?

Would the proven theory of evolution be allowed in schools in this Christian utopia?

You can sub the "Christian" with "Muslim" and get the same effect.

There are none marriaged in heaven and none are given in marriage there --- contrary to Mormon doctrine. While on earth two healthy young men may live together but they cannot consumate a marriage together in a way that can produce children. And while alive they might be warned of the coming judgment even though such warnings are not wanted or go unheeded.
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"Evolutionists are entirely against open educational discussion because it takes the agenda out of their hands and allows students and people to hear other plausable possibliites given a wider range of criterial."

Of course we should explore all the creation myths of the world without giving preference to any one. If these "Christian committed" types are as you describe, they should have absolutely no problem with this.


We might consider how they developed various ideas, such as the universal tales surrounding the Historic Epic Flood. After being open to listening to Gays promoting Gay marriage I cannot imagine anything stranger or more unproductive.

Couldn't be any more productive, than spending energy worrying about sexual mores, wasting 1/3 of charity on sacramental activities, etc.

Best for children if the myth is debunked early.

The fact is that if this nation continues to give God the finger, He will break it off, and frankly the warning signs are pestilence, attack, crime, depression, invasion, corruption, etc... That's a lot more to worry about. God designed marriage and God doesn't take kindly to some know-it-alls in Washington imagining that they have the right to redefine what God mandated in order to win votes or try to "look" progressive.:eusa_hand:
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