Ideas and Input: Rules for Taking Back Government


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
defcon4 said:
Emily, the people's government is nothing but a brief glory of the past. Now, it is bastardized to a degree that putting the genie back into the bottle is almost impossible. Something horrendous has to happen to bring that about.

emilynghiem said:
Hi defcon4 What do you think of this idea: of
having a public agreement that the political party platforms
constitute political BELIEFS. so these CREEDS should be managed
and funded SEPARATELY, to respect all creeds equally,
ie without discrimination, and not impose them by govt.

Would that be a big step to separate Parties from Govt?

What are your ideas, input, objections or concerns with what is going right or wrong with govt,
and how do we fix it?

Is it enough to empower people with education and knowledge of the laws?
Do we need equal legal access to defense and conflict resolution?
Do we reorganize the party system to represent the people directly?

What do you think is wrong, and what approach do you think is most constructive?
(don't even start with me on Corporate institutions abusing govt and collective influence without check
or I will fill up this whole thread with horror stories about that!
defcon4 TheProgressivePatriot LimeyLucy anyone else care to pick up where we left off??? thanks!)

People believe friends and neighbors before politicians...

.And your typical Lib is a candidate for a straight-jacket when they get a crazy check.
Is it enough to empower people with education and knowledge of the laws?
That would be a good start. Introducing a mandatory "Civic Studies" curriculum nationwide expanding on the circumstances leading up to framing the Constitution. The Federalist Papers are a the best source for that. Starting in lower grades and every year building upon the foundation of previous years.
Do we need equal legal access to defense and conflict resolution?
If I understand it correctly that would be a referendum type ballot? That would be democracy what equals to mob rule in most instances. Elected officials should make those decisions according to the empowerment of the Constitution.
Do we reorganize the party system to represent the people directly?
The two party system is killing representation. Many of us generally vote for the lesser evil. Elected officials most times vote party line regardless of the preference of their constituents of whom they should represent. Multi-party system would give a more constituent driven representation.
Simple majority is not the best way to legislate. Usually it splits the populace down close to half. When half of the population is short changed by a law it is not a good law. Same for the SCOTUS. Generally minimum 70-75% majority, Presidential veto override 90% majority.
Election funds should be equally distributed from a common fund to avoid direct influence of interest groups who could contribute unlimited to the common fund>>> (not that it is likely to happen when money couldn't be designated to individuals)
Abolish the teacher's union and stop liberal indoctrination of our children. Teach them the truth, instead of liberal propaganda.
You're prisoners of your Constitution and the two party system which gatekeeps it. There is no escape.
"Ideas and Input: Rules for Taking Back Government"


Government is in no need of 'taking back,' government hasn't been 'taken away,' the notion is ridiculous, infantile, and delusional.
Well it has been captured by the two party system, I don't think that can be denied.
"Ideas and Input: Rules for Taking Back Government"


Government is in no need of 'taking back,' government hasn't been 'taken away,' the notion is ridiculous, infantile, and delusional.
It is different in the tribe… cannot compare the two
Hmmmmmmm.....taking "back" the government. Not going to happen at the State or Federal level. Why? Because governing has become a 50+1 proposition. You win 50.1% of the vote but you get 100% of the power when you do. That is the inherent weakness of our system. There are no points for 2nd place.

The only place you can "take back" your government is in the County and Municipal government. One person can have an "outsized" effect on local policies since there are so few who care.
  1. Get involved in public policy debates. There are many where the number of panelists who hold a hearing about where a new school is located or where a new bus route is routed outnumber the number of attendees. Unless you're calling someone a fat slob, a lot of people don't care.
  2. Watch how the organizations are run. Are they transparent? Are they responsive to your letters, e-mails, phone calls? Are their solutions effective?
  3. Identify the leaders. It's easy to assume the chairperson is the catalyst. And often that is the case. But it's not always the case; if funding comes from the Federal Government, the chair may be benefitting from a good lobbyist corps.
  4. Draft the leader early before she/he is beholden to others who are not from your locality. Encourage them to run for State legislatures or State Comptroller. These are the folks who effect your daily life much more than the Governor or President.
That's all it takes.

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