Identical twins, one gay, one ain't

The percent of homosexuals is about 1% of the population- that's not normal by any stretch of the imagination.

And yet for some reason they still scare the living shit out of you.
Not really. If two guys want to push shit in their own home then by all means push shit. Just don't call it normal moral and healthy, cuz it ain't.
Why are straight men so firghtened of gay men? I don't think straight men or straight women are particularly 'scared' of lesbians.
Argumentum ad hominem

As an aside, why do liberals always use "gay" an an insult?

I don't use "gay" as an insult, but on the contrary.

From what I understood (and I may be wrong), but the term gay is preferred by gay people because it defines them as more than just sexual beings, while homosexual implies that they are only having sex contantly.

Gays are not only homosexuals, but they are business people, siblings, parents, aunts and uncles, friends, volunteers, raquetball players, movie buffs, intelectuals, outdoor enthusiasts, church-goers, etc, etc, etc.

Just like your life is not consumed and defined by your sexuality (I assume), gay people are also not consumed and defined by their sexuality.

I don't know what you do for work, but say you sell cars. When asked, would you refer to yourself as a "heterosexual car salesman"? How about I am a "heterosexual fan of the Boston Red Sox"?

So...that's why I don't use the word homosexual, but instead use the word gay. It's what I've been told in the past, and it makes sense to me.

Plus it's much quicker to type. :)
Argumentum ad hominem

As an aside, why do liberals always use "gay" an an insult?

I don't use "gay" as an insult, but on the contrary.

From what I understood (and I may be wrong), but the term gay is preferred by gay people because it defines them as more than just sexual beings, while homosexual implies that they are only having sex contantly.

Gays are not only homosexuals, but they are business people, siblings, parents, aunts and uncles, friends, volunteers, raquetball players, movie buffs, intelectuals, outdoor enthusiasts, church-goers, etc, etc, etc.

Just like your life is not consumed and defined by your sexuality (I assume), gay people are also not consumed and defined by their sexuality.

I don't know what you do for work, but say you sell cars. When asked, would you refer to yourself as a "heterosexual car salesman"? How about I am a "heterosexual fan of the Boston Red Sox"?

So...that's why I don't use the word homosexual, but instead use the word gay. It's what I've been told in the past, and it makes sense to me.

Plus it's much quicker to type. :)
I'm sorry, but you apparently misunderstood. I am asserting that liberals in general (not all of course), insult their conservative rivals by insisting that they are gay. It's the ultimate hypocrisy when they also condone the gay lifestyle.
Why are straight men so firghtened of gay men? I don't think straight men or straight women are particularly 'scared' of lesbians.
I don't think that "frightened" is the correct term. More like "disgusted" or "flabbergasted".

Why the gender bias? I do think the term fear or fright is appropriate. Why are male homosexuals feared by straight men, whereas straight women are not afraid of lesbians?

Are women braver?
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Why are straight men so firghtened of gay men? I don't think straight men or straight women are particularly 'scared' of lesbians.
I don't think that "frightened" is the correct term. More like "disgusted" or "flabbergasted".

Why the gender bias? I do think the term fear or fright is appropriate. Why are male homosexuals feared by straight men, whereas straight women are not afraid of lesbians?

Are women braver?
Again, I don't agree with the premise of your question. A more appropriate one would be, why are straight men repulsed by gay men, but straight women not repulsed by lesbians? The answer to that is that lesbians in general are less militant about their sexuality, and that straight women are generally repulsed by militant lesbians.
Men are afraid of gay men. If a gay man makes a pass at a straight man, he gets the crap beat out of him because the straight man is afraid of him. The straight man is not secure enough to just say no.
I doubt most men are afraid of gay men...

Now Glock, that's a different story. I believe his fear comes from the fact that he's afraid he'll like it.
I think most men who are sexually secure are not afraid of gay men. I think the ones who kick the shit out of a gay man who makes a pass at them are afraid of gay men.

You know who you are. If that's your reaction instead of a simple, 'no thanks'.
Men are afraid of gay men. If a gay man makes a pass at a straight man, he gets the crap beat out of him because the straight man is afraid of him. The straight man is not secure enough to just say no.
Gee, I don't recall beating the crap out of the gays who have expressed interest in me several times during my long life. I recall changing the subject or simply ignoring them. *shrug*
Men are afraid of gay men. If a gay man makes a pass at a straight man, he gets the crap beat out of him because the straight man is afraid of him. The straight man is not secure enough to just say no.

Sometimes it's simpler than that. Some men attack gay men because they enjoy hurting people and the gay makes a tempting target because he appears weak and is unlikely to have backup.

Sometimes it's more complicated than that. I once met a man who was violent towards gays who was wholly secure in his sexuality. He had had a gay brother, though, who was ostracized and attacked by his family and community for it. This presented him with a choice: he could either stand by his brother and share in the ostracizism and attacks, or he could side with the larger community and embrace the precept that gays deserve to be treated violently. He embraced the violence. Thenceforth, he was sort of locked into it; he had to maintain the violent attitude in order to continue feeling justified about betraying his brother.

Sometimes it is movitaved by fear, not of being gay but of being seen as possibly being gay. This is prevalent in environments where a more passive response to a gay advance would be interpreted as weakness that should be exploited.

There are lots of reasons for attacks on gay men by other men. I believe that homophobia is overdiagnosed.

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