Identifying Fascism and How It's Manifested in Society

How is it "right-wing?"
The unifying characteristic of the right wing is that it believes in the inherently inequality of society; that some people deserve more of the benefits of society than others. That brings with it support of a strong class system, social stratification, "He who works, eats," and so on. Fascism subscribes to that idea, completely.

By contrast, the left wing believes in total equality of society, regardless of demographics but also regardless of contribution. This is the essence of socialism, and of the utopian world that Communist promises but will never deliver.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha….Fascism is Social Nationalism. Read a book or two. Historians are just people. Jeezuz
Don't fall for the trap of thinking that Social Nationalism and National Socialism are the same thing. They aren't.

Social Nationalism is a radical left-wing movement to force equality into a society. It is a form of nationalism, but it doesn't push the idea that their 'nation' is superior, as right-wing nationalism does; instead, their goal is to gain equality that their national identity doesn't currently have. The African National Congress in South Africa is a Social Nationalist organization, as is the American Indian Movement in the US.

National Socialism is the English translation of 'Nazi.' They were right-wing fascists through and through.
The unifying characteristic of the right wing is that it believes in the inherently inequality of society; that some people deserve more of the benefits of society than others. That brings with it support of a strong class system, social stratification, "He who works, eats," and so on. Fascism subscribes to that idea, completely.

By contrast, the left wing believes in total equality of society, regardless of demographics but also regardless of contribution. This is the essence of socialism, and of the utopian world that Communist promises but will never deliver.
By "the benefits of society" you mean the benefits of working hard. Since not everyone works hard, why should they receive equal benefits? The rest of your spiel is just typical Marxist horseshit. The theory that society can function when everyone receives exactly the same compensation regardless of how productive they are had been proven to be a prescription for mass starvation over and over again. That isn't fascism. It's just common sense.

What the left believes is pure insanity.
Don't fall for the trap of thinking that Social Nationalism and National Socialism are the same thing. They aren't.

Social Nationalism is a radical left-wing movement to force equality into a society. It is a form of nationalism, but it doesn't push the idea that their 'nation' is superior, as right-wing nationalism does; instead, their goal is to gain equality that their national identity doesn't currently have. The African National Congress in South Africa is a Social Nationalist organization, as is the American Indian Movement in the US.

National Socialism is the English translation of 'Nazi.' They were right-wing fascists through and through.
They aren't right wing. They are socialists.
The unifying characteristic of the right wing is that it believes in the inherently inequality of society; that some people deserve more of the benefits of society than others. That brings with it support of a strong class system, social stratification, "He who works, eats," and so on. Fascism subscribes to that idea, completely.

By contrast, the left wing believes in total equality of society, regardless of demographics but also regardless of contribution. This is the essence of socialism, and of the utopian world that Communist promises but will never deliver.
Don’t be a partisan stooge. Many leftists serve elites.

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By "the benefits of society" you mean the benefits of working hard. Since not everyone works hard, why should they receive equal benefits? The rest of your spiel is just typical Marxist horseshit. The theory that society can function when everyone receives exactly the same compensation regardless of how productive they are had been proven to be a prescription for mass starvation over and over again. That isn't fascism. It's just common sense.
That's it; you've got it. Minus the last sentence, you have perfectly presented your right-wing stance. It is perfectly legitimate to say that you believe that society should be unequal in favor of a certain class; in your case, in favor of people who work hard to support the society. It's common sense, and the alternative is social suicide, all spot on with the right-wing ideal, right there.

You're also right that it doesn't make you a fascist; it just makes you on the right wing. Fascists are also on the right wing, but they're on the *far* right wing, extreme nationalists who believe in forced, autocratic inequality in favor of "true" members of their glorious nation, and of the fascist party.
That's it; you've got it. Minus the last sentence, you have perfectly presented your right-wing stance. It is perfectly legitimate to say that you believe that society should be unequal in favor of a certain class; in your case, in favor of people who work hard to support the society. It's common sense, and the alternative is social suicide, all spot on with the right-wing ideal, right there.

You're also right that it doesn't make you a fascist; it just makes you on the right wing. Fascists are also on the right wing, but they're on the *far* right wing, extreme nationalists who believe in forced, autocratic inequality in favor of "true" members of their glorious nation, and of the fascist party.
1) Working hard to benefit society is not a class.

2) Many on the left embrace inequality as I showed you.
That's it; you've got it. Minus the last sentence, you have perfectly presented your right-wing stance. It is perfectly legitimate to say that you believe that society should be unequal in favor of a certain class; in your case, in favor of people who work hard to support the society. It's common sense, and the alternative is social suicide, all spot on with the right-wing ideal, right there.

You're also right that it doesn't make you a fascist; it just makes you on the right wing. Fascists are also on the right wing, but they're on the *far* right wing, extreme nationalists who believe in forced, autocratic inequality in favor of "true" members of their glorious nation, and of the fascist party.
people should be equal before the law, and in no other way. Making us all equal income wise is not a legitimate function of government. Anyone who says otherwise is a communist.

Fascists are leftwing.. They support socialism.
What is fascism, and how is it manifested in a democratic (or republic) society like America?

This video essay answers that very question...

Hint: "When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross."
---- Unknown

I bet your were going to use Trump and not Antifa and the left, who really do use what do I win?
people should be equal before the law, and in no other way. Making us all equal income wise is not a legitimate function of government. Anyone who says otherwise is a communist.
Again, right wing beliefs. You are welcome to have these every day and support them at the polls.

Fascists are leftwing.. They support socialism.
This is the thing I'm trying to get through to you: No, they aren't. Fascists hate socialism. Here's why.

Think about what it is that everyone on the left is always demanding. They're always complaining about equality, correct? That's why they call for social justice; because they think the justice system is unequal. That's why they want to tax the shit out of the rich and pass out more entitlements to poor people; because they don't like that the wealth gap is so unequal. That's why they talk about things like white privilege; because they think the races are treated unequally. That's what makes the left wing, the left wing; they say that in a democracy we're supposed to be equal, but we're not, so we should change things to make society more equal.

This is the exact opposite, of course, from people on the right such as you who point out that it's not the nation's job to make everyone equal. Lifting up the undeserving means the deserving end up supporting them, which is unfair and stupid.

Socialism is about everyone owning the means of production equally, and then the product they make is spread out equally to whoever needs it. In places like Denmark, the government owns all of the colleges and universities, and they provide their services to anyone who wants to go, and who keeps their grades up. That's pure socialism. Look at socialized medicine, as in the UK and Canada: There, the government owns the whole health care industry, and anyone who is sick gets their services as they need them. That's the kind of socialism that people like Bernie Sanders and AOC want to bring here. It's all about economic equality, and that jives perfectly with the left wing's goals.

Now, with that in mind, does fascism support that economic equality? No, it does not. Fascism believes that its nation is superior to all others, and so society should be inherently UNequal in their favor, allowing them social benefits such as the ability to vote, control the military, and enjoy fair justice, that others don't deserve and so don't get. It violently suppresses people who disagree with them, which means their voices are unequal. It rejects public ownership of industry, and favors media outlets and corporations that support the party, which means they get an unequal advantage. And, it undermines democracy, which is all about equal power to make change, whenever it can.

Can you see the link that puts fascism on the right wing? A fascist would never support the push for equality that socialists on the left love so much. They would say the same thing you did: That it's not the nation's job to make everyone equal, and lifting up the undeserving means the deserving end up supporting them, which is unfair and stupid. It's just that you think you are deserving because you work hard, but they think they are deserving because of what they were born in to. That's the problem: They aren't the "other" from you. They aren't on the opposite side of the room from you; they're mixed in with your own ranks, twisting your right wing beliefs just enough to make them abominable.

I realize you probably have a lot of information that contradicts this, which I'll be happy to talk about if you want to throw it up here.
people should be equal before the law, and in no other way. Making us all equal income wise is not a legitimate function of government. Anyone who says otherwise is a communist.

Fascists are leftwing.. They support socialism.
fascism us authoritarian ultra-nationalism with forced suppression of opposition. Fascists oppose democracy and oppose liberalism.

socialism is democracy in the workplace, such as worker self management, worker run enterprises. Or more correctly characterized as social ownership of the means of production. Where social ownership could take different forms.

However, there were authoritarian socialist regimes, and they combined fascist elements, but the eventually devolved into state capitalism. Once Mussolini admired Stalin for his "red fascism".

But ultimately, since fascism opposes liberalism & democracy, it means fascism cant actually be left wing.
fascism us authoritarian ultra-nationalism with forced suppression of opposition. Fascists oppose democracy and oppose liberalism.

socialism is democracy in the workplace, such as worker self management, worker run enterprises. Or more correctly characterized as social ownership of the means of production. Where social ownership could take different forms.

However, there were authoritarian socialist regimes, and they combined fascist elements, but the eventually devolved into state capitalism. Once Mussolini admired Stalin for his "red fascism".

But ultimately, since fascism opposes liberalism & democracy, it means fascism cant actually be left wing.
I’m glad you recognize that some socialist regimes are authoritarian and similar to fascism.

“Social ownership of the means of production” often means dictatorship by a small number of politicians and bureaucrats. Do you really want centralized government control?
Again, right wing beliefs. You are welcome to have these every day and support them at the polls.

This is the thing I'm trying to get through to you: No, they aren't. Fascists hate socialism. Here's why.

Think about what it is that everyone on the left is always demanding. They're always complaining about equality, correct? That's why they call for social justice; because they think the justice system is unequal. That's why they want to tax the shit out of the rich and pass out more entitlements to poor people; because they don't like that the wealth gap is so unequal. That's why they talk about things like white privilege; because they think the races are treated unequally. That's what makes the left wing, the left wing; they say that in a democracy we're supposed to be equal, but we're not, so we should change things to make society more equal.

This is the exact opposite, of course, from people on the right such as you who point out that it's not the nation's job to make everyone equal. Lifting up the undeserving means the deserving end up supporting them, which is unfair and stupid.

Socialism is about everyone owning the means of production equally, and then the product they make is spread out equally to whoever needs it. In places like Denmark, the government owns all of the colleges and universities, and they provide their services to anyone who wants to go, and who keeps their grades up. That's pure socialism. Look at socialized medicine, as in the UK and Canada: There, the government owns the whole health care industry, and anyone who is sick gets their services as they need them. That's the kind of socialism that people like Bernie Sanders and AOC want to bring here. It's all about economic equality, and that jives perfectly with the left wing's goals.

Now, with that in mind, does fascism support that economic equality? No, it does not. Fascism believes that its nation is superior to all others, and so society should be inherently UNequal in their favor, allowing them social benefits such as the ability to vote, control the military, and enjoy fair justice, that others don't deserve and so don't get. It violently suppresses people who disagree with them, which means their voices are unequal. It rejects public ownership of industry, and favors media outlets and corporations that support the party, which means they get an unequal advantage. And, it undermines democracy, which is all about equal power to make change, whenever it can.

Can you see the link that puts fascism on the right wing? A fascist would never support the push for equality that socialists on the left love so much. They would say the same thing you did: That it's not the nation's job to make everyone equal, and lifting up the undeserving means the deserving end up supporting them, which is unfair and stupid. It's just that you think you are deserving because you work hard, but they think they are deserving because of what they were born in to. That's the problem: They aren't the "other" from you. They aren't on the opposite side of the room from you; they're mixed in with your own ranks, twisting your right wing beliefs just enough to make them abominable.

I realize you probably have a lot of information that contradicts this, which I'll be happy to talk about if you want to throw it up here.
Your post is so delusional I feel like I should reply.

Fascists complained of inequality. Nazis hated to see working class Germans next to rich Jews.

Marx despised rich Jews, just like the Nazis. Karl Marx's Radical Antisemitism - The Philosophers' Magazine

Socialists often like to enrich themselves while keeping the lower class poor and dependent. How Democrats create and sustain poverty

The Nazis loved centralized government bureaucracies, which is what you expect from socialists.

Denmark is less socialist than the U. S.

Surely you recognize that some forms of socialism are authoritarian.

Do you think some lower class (or formerly lower class) people see a market economy as liberating?
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the various hierarchies of American society (wealth, income, political power, social power) are largely based on merit, and that fact drives Leftists crazy. They like to look at the relatively few people who inherited a lifetime of wealth and suppose that all wealthy people were similarly blessed (the preferred term is "privileged"), to justify measures to confiscate the wealth and income of their economic betters.

But the facts are clear for those who choose to observe them. Most wealthy people in the U.S. have spent time in their lives in the Bottom Quintile of income, then worked their way up. Their wealth came from some combination of (a) native intelligence, (b) hard work, (c) intelligent risk-taking, and (d) perhaps a bit of luck. Bill Gates accumulated his wealth by figuring out how to provide valuable tools (computer software) to millions of people and companies, at a price they were willing to pay. He didn't steal anything from anyone. Even the much-reviled Donald Trump accumulated his fortune (which might be a house of cards, for all anyone knows) by creatively developing real estate into ventures that people were willing to pay a lot of money to buy into. (But the nature of that risky scheme is that there will be failures as well as successes, and Trump's detractors want to focus on the failures and ignore the many successes).

Conversely, most people at the bottom and remain there, do so because of a combination of, (a) a lack of native intelligence, (b) a lack of diligence and perseverance, (c) disastrous decision-making, and (d) life habits that are antagonistic to financial success.

So when you talk about INEQUALITY, and treat it as though it were a social problem, you have lost touch with reality. INEQUALITY is in the natural order of things. The society owes those at the bottom the TOOLS to rise up. The main TOOL for this purpose is OPPORTUNITY - the state of being where nobody stands in the way of anyone who has the intelligence and/or talent to succeed, and does the things that are necessary to succeed. Our society also provides "affirmative action" which, in all its manifestations, gives POC's a slight advantage in school admissions, program admissions, college admissions, and hiring. The Left believes that the main TOOL for helping those at the bottom to rise up is redistribution of wealth, in a whole cornucopia of ways. The Leftist abomination currently in Congress adds to this cornucopia, in a blatant and cynical attempt to buy the votes of those at the bottom, in the hope that this will avoid the devastation that awaits them next November.

Fascism schmashism; who gives a fuck?
I’m glad you recognize that some socialist regimes are authoritarian and similar to fascism.

“Social ownership of the means of production” often means dictatorship by a small number of politicians and bureaucrats. Do you really want centralized government control?
Nobody wants overbearing centralized control. Thats what happens when monopolies come into power. Social ownership of the means of production should take care of that problem by democratizing the workplace and government.
Again, right wing beliefs. You are welcome to have these every day and support them at the polls.
Those aren't "right wing beliefs." They are American beliefs.
This is the thing I'm trying to get through to you: No, they aren't. Fascists hate socialism. Here's why.
Horseshit. I've quoted fascists thousands of times talking about how much they love socialism.

Think about what it is that everyone on the left is always demanding. They're always complaining about equality, correct? That's why they call for social justice; because they think the justice system is unequal. That's why they want to tax the shit out of the rich and pass out more entitlements to poor people; because they don't like that the wealth gap is so unequal. That's why they talk about things like white privilege; because they think the races are treated unequally. That's what makes the left wing, the left wing; they say that in a democracy we're supposed to be equal, but we're not, so we should change things to make society more equal.

First you claim socialists want equality before the law, and then you admit the want to "tax the shit out of the rich." That isn't equality before the law, moron. The law treats blacks the same as whites in this country. Any claim to the contrary is propaganda.

This is the exact opposite, of course, from people on the right such as you who point out that it's not the nation's job to make everyone equal. Lifting up the undeserving means the deserving end up supporting them, which is unfair and stupid.
By "not treating people equally" you mean the result is not equality of incomes. You simply unmask yourself as a sleazy lying douchebag with that remark.

Socialism is about everyone owning the means of production equally, and then the product they make is spread out equally to whoever needs it. In places like Denmark, the government owns all of the colleges and universities, and they provide their services to anyone who wants to go, and who keeps their grades up. That's pure socialism. Look at socialized medicine, as in the UK and Canada: There, the government owns the whole health care industry, and anyone who is sick gets their services as they need them. That's the kind of socialism that people like Bernie Sanders and AOC want to bring here. It's all about economic equality, and that jives perfectly with the left wing's goals.

Now, with that in mind, does fascism support that economic equality? No, it does not. Fascism believes that its nation is superior to all others, and so society should be inherently UNequal in their favor, allowing them social benefits such as the ability to vote, control the military, and enjoy fair justice, that others don't deserve and so don't get. It violently suppresses people who disagree with them, which means their voices are unequal. It rejects public ownership of industry, and favors media outlets and corporations that support the party, which means they get an unequal advantage. And, it undermines democracy, which is all about equal power to make change, whenever it can.

Can you see the link that puts fascism on the right wing? A fascist would never support the push for equality that socialists on the left love so much. They would say the same thing you did: That it's not the nation's job to make everyone equal, and lifting up the undeserving means the deserving end up supporting them, which is unfair and stupid. It's just that you think you are deserving because you work hard, but they think they are deserving because of what they were born in to. That's the problem: They aren't the "other" from you. They aren't on the opposite side of the room from you; they're mixed in with your own ranks, twisting your right wing beliefs just enough to make them abominable.

I realize you probably have a lot of information that contradicts this, which I'll be happy to talk about if you want to throw it up here.
Yada yada yada. That's about as much of your swill as I can stand to read.

There is no link that puts fascism on the right wing. You're spewing commie propaganda. So far you haven't produced a shred of evidence that fascism is right wing. You done nothing more than stamp your foot and insist that it's true.
Nobody wants overbearing centralized control. Thats what happens when monopolies come into power. Social ownership of the means of production should take care of that problem by democratizing the workplace and government.
Can democracies violate human rights?

Do politicians lie?

Does the media manipulate?

Do bureaucracies become independent centers of power?

Are all socialist countries democracies?

Some socialists promise equality but deliver dictatorship.
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