Identity politics WHY?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
I have a black neighbor.
I have a couple girls that "room" together a few houses down.
I have an Asian neighbor next door that has a white wife.
I have what appear to be hoarders across the street.
I have a white guy who lives by himself & rarely comes out.
I have a single black woman a few doors down.
I have a white man married to a woman of Asian persuasion a few houses down.

I have no idea what their politics are but a couple times a year, the 4th being one of them, we have such a good time.

If I were to follow this board they would all be political pariahs?

I've found that conservatives (for the most part) will treat individuals politely but fear and loathe the groups they belong to. I do not understand it but familiarity seems to make some sort of difference.
I have a black neighbor.
I have a couple girls that "room" together a few houses down.
I have an Asian neighbor next door that has a white wife.
I have what appear to be hoarders across the street.
I have a white guy who lives by himself & rarely comes out.
I have a single black woman a few doors down.
I have a white man married to a woman of Asian persuasion a few houses down.

I have no idea what their politics are but a couple times a year, the 4th being one of them, we have such a good time.

If I were to follow this board they would all be political pariahs?

Perhaps the reality of the diverse group doesn't match the hyperbolic claims that have been made about them. That's what happens when honesty and integrity are dumped for political gain.
Hardly anyone I deal with in public knows how I lean politically. IMHO anyone who has a business is a fool to advertise their political or religious beliefs.
I'm sure that I have quite a few friends that we cancel out each others vote.
Does anyone sane have anything to offer?
Well, I dunno if I am sane, but my take on it is....folks NEED to shove other people in a political box. Why do they NEED to do that? Easier to use a label than to acknowledge differences and accept them as just people?
You've found? How big is your bubble? 1 conservative? Two?
I live in the South, it's practically everyone I know. They all know my politics and like me anyway and yet run their mouths (often to my face) about what horrible people liberals/democrats are.
You've found? How big is your bubble? 1 conservative? Two?

If you get a chance, why don't you ask those nice girls if they experience unfair treatment, and which political party seems to be the major cause of any unfairness they experience. You didn't say if the single black woman had any children, but ask her if she has ever been accused of expecting the government to supply all her desires. Ask her which political direction her greatest problems come from. You'll soon see a pattern.
With friends and neighbors ... We tend to agree to disagree if necessary.

One friend of mine got pissed and asked how I could be so Conservative and stand to be around her and some others.
I said ... "Fuck It ... I love y'all just the way you are ... Don't worry about me because my political leanings won't require you to do anything different".

You've found? How big is your bubble? 1 conservative? Two?
I live in the South, it's practically everyone I know. They all know my politics and like me anyway and yet run their mouths (often to my face) about what horrible people liberals/democrats are.
I can relate. I have a close liberal buddy I do that with.
Two gay guys live down the street. Great guys, would do anything for anybody, and have the best damn BBQs.

They are quite conservative. The Democrats would hate them.
I have a black neighbor.
I have a couple girls that "room" together a few houses down.
I have an Asian neighbor next door that has a white wife.
I have what appear to be hoarders across the street.
I have a white guy who lives by himself & rarely comes out.
I have a single black woman a few doors down.
I have a white man married to a woman of Asian persuasion a few houses down.

I have no idea what their politics are but a couple times a year, the 4th being one of them, we have such a good time.

If I were to follow this board they would all be political pariahs?

I think if they all joined this board they would be fine. They are a living example of what can be done vs what's talked about.
About 40% of Americans don't vote, so how do you know that they even have an affiliation?
Link from 2012: Why 40 percent of Americans won t vote - Technology science - Science - LiveScience NBC News
The United States may be an iconic democracy, but every year many Americans don't bother voting at all — regardless of lower turnout caused by events like Hurricane Sandy.

The United States ranks 120th of the 169 countries for which data exists on voter turnout, falling between the Dominican Republic and Benin, according to a January 2012 study from the Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. (Not all countries ranked were democracies, a factor that could skew the results.)

About 60 percent of eligible voters will likely cast ballots Tuesday, a lower percentage than in most other Western democracies, said Michael McDonald, a political scientist at George Mason University.
I don't believe my vote counts either, as voting only elects the lesser or greater evil.
About 40% of Americans don't vote, so how do you know that they even have an affiliation?
... I don't believe my vote counts either.

I know some people who don't vote and most of them say they don't trust anyone in Washington enough to vote for them.


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