IDF Commandos Raid Iran Missile Ship Off Sudan

Other nations interdict weapons shipments all the time, and very often it is without any special license from a competent international judicial or legislative body; rather, the interdicting power merely cites relevant international law, as they have interpreted it.
Only within their own territorial waters, dumbass!

Israel does the same here.
Israel was in someone else's territorial waters.

That's not "interdiction", that was piracy.

Playing make believe again?

While the Good Guys laugh at you.
Good guys obey the law, you apparently do not.

Incorrect. Israel is at-war with Hamas and Hezbollah. The safety of Israel's citizens are its primary business. Israeli intelligence correctly identified an incoming threat to her people, and her forces acted to neutralize that threat. That, too, is their business. And such high-order business certainly outweighs any pissant objections that you might have.

You're a child in an adult's body. You're a useful idiot for Militant Islam. You are a fifth columnist. You are the enemy.

If, in some child's universe in which you dwell, we DID refit and recommission and redeploy the USS Missouri over there, it would be to help Israel.

Oh, and, maybe, to fire your nasty carcass out of one of her big guns, courtesy of a few bags of powder crammed where the sun don't shine.

Maybe they could do that as part of the fireworks display for the next celebration of Israel Independence Day.

That would be ironic - a fitting end for a particularly obnoxious and juvenile Palestinian propaganda shill - and grist for an epic comedy sketch, to send thousands into fits of raucous laughter.

Have a nice day.
You constantly live in a "make believe" world and call me a "child"?

try again child, only this time use the Hague book of maritime law and not the muslim one

Produce the section in Maritime law were it says that vessels carrying illegal weapons can not be stopped and searched by any maritime nation.
Unlike sending those missles upon civilians, which is like....perfectly fine.

Why don't you just F - off?
I'm supposed to "F - off", because you find the "law" to inconvenient to obey?

I tell you to f- off because you're so biased it's pointless to argue with you. you believe it's ok to kill Jews but never ok for Jews to do something about it.

So go help the towell-head-ayatollas and leave the rest in peace.

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