IDF Commandos Raid Iran Missile Ship Off Sudan

Why don't we send a ship the IDF can't board? Like this one....

The last time we used our battlewagons in the area, we were raining down Death From Above on top of Muslim heads, not Jewish ones.

We don't like the Muslims enough to support them with a battleship - certainly not the mad-dog Palestinians - heck, we like Jews better than we like Muslims anyway.
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The IDF's elite Shayetet-13 naval commando raided a ship off the shores of Sudan before dawn Wednesday. The ship, which flew a Panamanian flag, carried dozens of B-302 missiles that have a range of up to 200 kilometers.

The raid took place in the Red Sea, between the waters of Sudan and Eritrea.

According to initial information, the shipment originated in Syria. The missiles were then taken aboard planes to Iran, and then made their way on the ship to Sudan. The missiles were hidden with sacks of cement.

The IDF Spokesman's Unit said that it knows with certainty that Iran is behind the shipment. The IDF soldiers are all safe and they are currently guiding the ship toward Eilat.

IDF Commandos Raid Iran Missile Ship Off Sudan - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Did you know, piracy is illegal?

do you know smuggling of weapons is illegal?
do you know smuggling of weapons is illegal?
Maybe into ones own country, but not into someone else's.

Iran smuggling weapons into egypt's sinai or gaza is not smuggling into one's own country.
Smuggling russian weapon out of syria to Iran is illegal both because russia did not sell them to Iran and because of sanctions. They passed through Iraq.
Weapons were intended to be ised against egypt or Israel to illegally attack them by terrorist groups.

No way can the movement of those weapons in any way be considered legal. It is not legal for syria weapons to be handed to hezbullah and taken to Lebanon either.

The fact that you want to try to make is seem legal speaks volumes
Iran smuggling weapons into egypt's sinai or gaza is not smuggling into one's own country.
Smuggling russian weapon out of syria to Iran is illegal both because russia did not sell them to Iran and because of sanctions. They passed through Iraq.
Weapons were intended to be ised against egypt or Israel to illegally attack them by terrorist groups.

No way can the movement of those weapons in any way be considered legal. It is not legal for syria weapons to be handed to hezbullah and taken to Lebanon either.

The fact that you want to try to make is seem legal speaks volumes
It is not Israel's call to decide whether trade from two sovereign nations is illegal.

In fact, trade between two sovereign nations other than Israel, is none of Israel's god-damn business!

That's why I'm in favor of loading up the USS Missouri and sending that ship over there and see if the IDF can board that!
The IDF's elite Shayetet-13 naval commando raided a ship off the shores of Sudan before dawn Wednesday. The ship, which flew a Panamanian flag, carried dozens of B-302 missiles that have a range of up to 200 kilometers.

The raid took place in the Red Sea, between the waters of Sudan and Eritrea.

According to initial information, the shipment originated in Syria. The missiles were then taken aboard planes to Iran, and then made their way on the ship to Sudan. The missiles were hidden with sacks of cement.

The IDF Spokesman's Unit said that it knows with certainty that Iran is behind the shipment. The IDF soldiers are all safe and they are currently guiding the ship toward Eilat.

IDF Commandos Raid Iran Missile Ship Off Sudan - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Did you know, piracy is illegal?

Unlike sending those missles upon civilians, which is like....perfectly fine.

Why don't you just F - off?
Then what does this picture say?

A child in custody.

A child in custody playing with a soldier, smiling....

You're a useful idiot for the Islamo-Fascist movement, I've told you that already.

Grow up.
Iran smuggling weapons into egypt's sinai or gaza is not smuggling into one's own country.
Smuggling russian weapon out of syria to Iran is illegal both because russia did not sell them to Iran and because of sanctions. They passed through Iraq.
Weapons were intended to be ised against egypt or Israel to illegally attack them by terrorist groups.

No way can the movement of those weapons in any way be considered legal. It is not legal for syria weapons to be handed to hezbullah and taken to Lebanon either.

The fact that you want to try to make is seem legal speaks volumes
It is not Israel's call to decide whether trade from two sovereign nations is illegal.

In fact, trade between two sovereign nations other than Israel, is none of Israel's god-damn business!

That's why I'm in favor of loading up the USS Missouri and sending that ship over there and see if the IDF can board that!

Actually it is if gun running is taking place, it is in Maritime law that all nations are required to intercept and board any vessel that is suspected of carrying illegal weapons destined for a terrorist organisation. So your USS Missouri would be guilty of piracy and inciting war.
And since when has gaza been a sovereign nation ?
Iran smuggling weapons into egypt's sinai or gaza is not smuggling into one's own country.
Smuggling russian weapon out of syria to Iran is illegal both because russia did not sell them to Iran and because of sanctions. They passed through Iraq.
Weapons were intended to be ised against egypt or Israel to illegally attack them by terrorist groups.

No way can the movement of those weapons in any way be considered legal. It is not legal for syria weapons to be handed to hezbullah and taken to Lebanon either.

The fact that you want to try to make is seem legal speaks volumes
It is not Israel's call to decide whether trade from two sovereign nations is illegal...
Why not?

Other nations interdict weapons shipments all the time, and very often it is without any special license from a competent international judicial or legislative body; rather, the interdicting power merely cites relevant international law, as they have interpreted it.

Israel does the same here.

Your side (Militant Islam and its kindred anti-Israeli camp) is just pissed that (a) Israeli intelligence got wind of it and (b) the Israelis had the balls to act on that intelligence in a manner that resulted in an interdiction of weapons for your side.

While the Good Guys laugh at you.

"...In fact, trade between two sovereign nations other than Israel, is none of Israel's god-damn business!..."
Incorrect. Israel is at-war with Hamas and Hezbollah. The safety of Israel's citizens are its primary business. Israeli intelligence correctly identified an incoming threat to her people, and her forces acted to neutralize that threat. That, too, is their business. And such high-order business certainly outweighs any pissant objections that you might have.

"...That's why I'm in favor of loading up the USS Missouri and sending that ship over there and see if the IDF can board that!"
You're a child in an adult's body. You're a useful idiot for Militant Islam. You are a fifth columnist. You are the enemy.

If, in some child's universe in which you dwell, we DID refit and recommission and redeploy the USS Missouri over there, it would be to help Israel.

Oh, and, maybe, to fire your nasty carcass out of one of her big guns, courtesy of a few bags of powder crammed where the sun don't shine.

Maybe they could do that as part of the fireworks display for the next celebration of Israel Independence Day.

That would be ironic - a fitting end for a particularly obnoxious and juvenile Palestinian propaganda shill - and grist for an epic comedy sketch, to send thousands into fits of raucous laughter.

Have a nice day.
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Actually it is if gun running is taking place, it is in Maritime law that all nations are required to intercept and board any vessel that is suspected of carrying illegal weapons destined for a terrorist organisation.
Only within their own territorial waters, not within someone else's.

And definitely not in international waters.

So your USS Missouri would be guilty of piracy and inciting war.
No it wouldn't. If Israeli commando's tried to board it, they would be treated no different than Somali pirates.

And since when has gaza been a sovereign nation ?
It's not part of Israel, that's all you need to know.
Other nations interdict weapons shipments all the time, and very often it is without any special license from a competent international judicial or legislative body; rather, the interdicting power merely cites relevant international law, as they have interpreted it.
Only within their own territorial waters, dumbass!

Israel does the same here.
Israel was in someone else's territorial waters.

That's not "interdiction", that was piracy.

Your side (Militant Islam and its kindred anti-Israeli camp) is just pissed that (a) Israeli intelligence got wind of it and (b) the Israelis had the balls to act on that intelligence in a manner that resulted in an interdiction of weapons for your side.
Playing make believe again?

While the Good Guys laugh at you.
Good guys obey the law, you apparently do not.

Incorrect. Israel is at-war with Hamas and Hezbollah. The safety of Israel's citizens are its primary business. Israeli intelligence correctly identified an incoming threat to her people, and her forces acted to neutralize that threat. That, too, is their business. And such high-order business certainly outweighs any pissant objections that you might have.

You're a child in an adult's body. You're a useful idiot for Militant Islam. You are a fifth columnist. You are the enemy.

If, in some child's universe in which you dwell, we DID refit and recommission and redeploy the USS Missouri over there, it would be to help Israel.

Oh, and, maybe, to fire your nasty carcass out of one of her big guns, courtesy of a few bags of powder crammed where the sun don't shine.

Maybe they could do that as part of the fireworks display for the next celebration of Israel Independence Day.

That would be ironic - a fitting end for a particularly obnoxious and juvenile Palestinian propaganda shill - and grist for an epic comedy sketch, to send thousands into fits of raucous laughter.

Have a nice day.
You constantly live in a "make believe" world and call me a "child"?
Here's to Israel conducting another successful heroic bust of weapons going to a terrorist group. :clap2:
Helsinki Principles on the Law of Maritime Neutrality

5.1.2(3) Merchant ships flying the flag of a neutral State may be attacked if they are believed on reasonable grounds to be carrying contraband or breaching a blockade, and after prior warning they intentionally and clearly refuse to stop, or intentionally and clearly resist visit, search, capture or diversion.

5.1.2(4) Merchant ships flying the flag of a neutral State may be attacked if they:
(a) engage in belligerent acts on behalf of the enemy;
(c) are incorporated into or assist the enemy’s intelligence system;
(e) otherwise make an effective contribution to the enemy’s military action, e.g., by carrying military materials, and it is not feasible for the attacking forces to first place passengers and crew in a place of safety. Unless circumstances do not permit, they are to be given a warning, so that they can re-route, off-load, or take other precautions.

5.2.1 Visit and search
As an exception to Principle 5.1.2. paragraph 1 and in accordance with Principle 1.3 (2nd sentence), belligerent warships have a right to visit and search vis-a?-vis neutral commercial ships in order to ascertain the character and destination of their cargo. If a ship tries to evade this control or offers resistance, measures of coercion necessary to exercise this right are permissible. This includes the right to divert a ship where visit and search at the place where the ship is encountered are not practical.

5.2.10 Blockade
Blockade, i.e. the interdiction of all or certain maritime traffic coming from or going to a port or coast of a belligerent, is a legitimate method of naval warfare. In order to be valid, the blockade must be declared, notified to belligerent and neutral States, effective and applied impartially to ships of all States. A blockade may not bar access to neutral ports or coasts. Neutral vessels believed on reasonable and probable grounds to be breaching a blockade may be stopped and captured. If they, after prior warning, clearly resist capture, they may be attacked.
#IranFail: Iran’s History of Unsuccessful Weapons Smuggling
Published on: March 5, 2014

Early Wednesday morning, the Israel Navy intercepted an Iranian shipment of advanced weapons intended for terrorist organizations in Gaza. This is not Iran’s first attempt at smuggling weapons. Previous attempts, had they been successful, would have armed local terror organizations with vast amounts of high-quality weaponry. Here is a select number of cases.

Naval smuggling attempts:

1. In January 2009, the Cypriot merchant vessel Monchegors, which was en route to Syria, was called for inspection at Limassol by the Cypriot authorities. Upon boarding the ship, inspectors uncovered caches of Iranian weapons. The cargo was seized and confiscated in Cyprus until July 11th 2011, when it caught fire and spontaneously combusted.

2. On November 4, 2009, the Israeli Navy boarded the MV Francop, a merchant vessel en route to Latakia in Syria. Upon inspection, IDF forces discovered 500 tons of Iranian-made weapons, secreted away in 36 unmarked cargo crates. The shipment included various rockets, cannons, hand grenades and rifle ammunition – all disguised and covered up by sacks of ordinary supplies, in a similar method to that used on the KLOS-C.

Israel Navy Forces intercepted the cargo ship, "Francop," containing a large shipment of weapons, rockets, and missiles. The ship was brought to the Navy base in the Ashdod Port for inspection. In this picture: weaponry and ammunition are disguised as civilian cargo in the hundreds of containers the ship was transporting.
The MV Francop ship

3. On March 15, 2011, Israel Navy commandos boarded the civilian vessel Victoria which was headed from Syria to the Egyptian port city Alexandria. The ship was carrying approximately 50 tons of concealed weaponry, including Iranian-made C-704 surface-to-sea missiles, mortars and ammunition. The shipment was intended for terror organizations in the Gaza Strip, such as Hamas and the PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad).

4. On January 22, 2002, Israel Navy commandos boarded the merchant vessel Karine-A which had been purchased by Palestinian owners in order to smuggle weapons from Iran to the Gaza Strip. The ship had loaded its cargo in Iran, sailed through the Persian Gulf and was stopped on its way to Israel – much like the KLOS-C. The Karine-A had was shipping 50 tons of weaponry.

Smuggling attempts via land:

On January and April 2012, Turkish authorities twice seized several trucks carrying contraband weapons on their way from Iran to Syria.

Airborne smuggling attempts:

The Iranians have long been utilizing the aerial route to Lebanon in order to smuggle weapons to the area in a quick and discreet way. For over a decade, the Quds Force and the Revolutionary Guard have been shipping weapons to Syria, primarily through the companies “Iran-Air”, “Mahan-Air”, and the government-owned company “Maaraj-Air”. Since the fighting in Syria started, Iran has been delivering weapons shipments on an almost weekly basis.
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Actually it is if gun running is taking place, it is in Maritime law that all nations are required to intercept and board any vessel that is suspected of carrying illegal weapons destined for a terrorist organisation.
Only within their own territorial waters, not within someone else's.

And definitely not in international waters.

So your USS Missouri would be guilty of piracy and inciting war.
No it wouldn't. If Israeli commando's tried to board it, they would be treated no different than Somali pirates.

And since when has gaza been a sovereign nation ?
It's not part of Israel, that's all you need to know.

YES in International waters it is there in big bold letters, which is why the USA often patrols international waters of the coast of Somalia.

WRONG as the Missouri would have no call to be threatening Israel, so would be viewed as a hostile. No commandos would be present just big bad shells.

Its not part of any sovereign nation either, which shuts you up straight away.

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