idiot Bill Maher sets a new low parroting Algore's BS

Why does one Earth polar circle, the Antarctic, have nine times the ice of the other?
It's scientific stuff, easily found via google. The antarctic ice sheets are thinning, but snowfall due to global warming replenish the upper surfaces and make it appear that the sheets are growing, and insulates the sheets. More importantly, the antarctic, unlike the arctic is a huge land mass which has a great effect on the surrounding ice sheets.

And, this has been well known for some time now.

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LaDexter, do you understand the issue?

Yes, we DO. YOU don't. YOU exhale 1000 pounds of CO2 every year. Thus CO2 CAN'T be a pollutant.

I've never heard it called a "pollutant" but it can most definitely be deadly.

Why don't RWNJs know that we breathe, not simply to take in O2 but to blow off CO2 as well. If there are any RW junior high grads here, they might remember what photosynthesis is and why our planet depends on it to live.

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LaDexter, do you understand the issue?

Yes, we DO. YOU don't. YOU exhale 1000 pounds of CO2 every year. Thus CO2 CAN'T be a pollutant.

I've never heard it called a "pollutant" but it can most definitely be deadly.

Why don't RWNJs know that we breathe, not simply to take in O2 but to blow off CO2 as well. If there are any RW junior high grads here, they might remember what photosynthesis is and why our planet depends on it to live.

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Photosynthesis can only occur when a plant has access to water, carbon dioxide, sunlight and chlorophyll. Plant cells naturally produce chlorophyll, and they draw carbon dioxide directly from the air.
the antarctic, unlike the arctic is a huge land mass

Ya think???

90% of Earth ice on LAND MASS ANTARCTICA
7% of Earth ice on LAND MASS GREENLAND

And, about that 90% of the Earth's ice..

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

it has added at least 80 billion tons of net ice every year since Algore started lying...
Did you bother to read your link? The gains are in a small section of East Antarctica are in reference to the height of the ice growth due to compacted snow caused by the increased snowfall.
Even more hilarious is that the NYT got it totally wrong... in theory.

If Earth was warming (which it is not), would that cause more or fewer droughts????

LaDexter, do you understand the issue?

Yes, we DO. YOU don't. YOU exhale 1000 pounds of CO2 every year. Thus CO2 CAN'T be a pollutant.

I've never heard it called a "pollutant" but it can most definitely be deadly.

Why don't RWNJs know that we breathe, not simply to take in O2 but to blow off CO2 as well. If there are any RW junior high grads here, they might remember what photosynthesis is and why our planet depends on it to live.

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Exactly. CO2 is the fundamental building block of all life on this planet, thus the anti science nutters attempts to have it classified as a pollutant, flies in the face of centuries of scientific research.
Even some sub humans may be able to understand this part of Algore's FRAUD.

The Marshall Islands are SINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (so are the Solomon Islands and another chain by New Guinea..)

Life in a disappearing country

but nothing else is. The warmers say it is "ocean rise" by "melting ice." Unfortunately, there is no net ice melt ongoing, because then EVERYTHING would be sinking, but only three island chains in the Pacific are.

What is causing the Marshall Islands and the two other chains to sink???

The Pacific Ring of Fire.... which all three chains are right on the "lip" on the subduction side. In short, the Marshall Islands will not just be under the ocean in 3 million years, they will be UNDER THE CRUST OF THE EARTH.

Now, WHY do the warmers have to LIE about that????

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