Idiots Are Already Trying to Give Trump a Nobel Peace Prize


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

In their articled titled: “Idiots Are Already Trying to Give Trump a Nobel Peace Prize”, Splinter reports that Indiana Republican Congressman Luke Messer declared Friday, “ ‘We are seeing unprecedented progress toward peace, and it’s a direct result of President Trump’s strong leadership.’ ”

Messer’s declaration wants to credit the idiot trump for the growing détente between the two Koreas. But, the months of idiot trump’s insults and threats during 2017 only exacerbated the tense situation between the North and the South and other nations of the Pacific Rim.

The Splinter article continues, “As it happens, Messer isn’t the only Republican to float a Nobel for Trump. White House frenemy-who-is-actually-a-crotch-sniffing-lapdog Lindsay Graham also chimed in on Friday, telling Fox News that ‘We’re not there yet, but if this happens, President Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.’ ”

Despite the ignorant and ridiculous assertions by Republicans, the true thawing between the Koreas is due to influence made possible by the Winter Olympics. For the 2018 Olympics, representatives from the Moon Jae-in administration and Kim Jong-un agreed to participate as a united Korea.

In June 2017, Moon first proposed the two Koreas form a unified team for the Pyeongchang Games. Kim used his New Year’s Day speech to respond, suggesting meetings with the South to discuss North Korea’s participation in the Olympics.

Kim’s meetings with China’s Xi Jinping and the reassurances Kim received from the Chinese leader, coupled with the contacts with the South, including Kim’s meeting yesterday (April 27) with Moon at Peace House, a South Korean building inside Panmunjom, have done much for creating the potential for peace in the region.

Any summit between Kim and the idiot trump can only eliminate any and all the progress made in the past few months. Plus, as the spineless bully he is, the childish insults and threats the idiot trump will spew before, during, and after the meeting will show the world the voice-of-reason in this circumstance to be Kim.

Anyone with access to current event reports know the idiot trump is a boorish fool due to his many past antics. Sadly, he will prove it to the world....again, if he proceeds with his meeting with Kim Jong-un.

Despite all of the truth stated above, nominating the idiot trump might be a good idea. After all, the Norwegian Nobel Committee 2018 members, lawyer Berit Reiss-Andersen (Chair), Professor and Senior Researcher at the International Peace Research Institute Oslo Henrik Syse (Vice Chair), Secretary General Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland, Independent adviser and former County Governor and member of Parliament/government Anne Enger, Research Director at the Norwegian Nobel Institute Asle Toje, and Professor (Secretary) Olav Njølstad, would undoubtedly enjoy the side-splitting laughter such a nomination would provide them.

Unlike Republicans Messer and Graham, the idiot trump, and all of the other conservatives who have already forgotten and/or rewritten the history of the past fifteen months, the Norwegian Nobel Committee members know full well the truth of the idiot trump's lack of ethics record and also aware of his of his “peace” efforts. Their laughter will be long and loud over any nomination for the idiot trump. Whether such nominations are made in Oslo, or to the other Nobel Committees in Stockholm.

Regardless of the laughter by Norwegian Nobel Committee 2018 members, and the hundreds-of-millions of people around the world who would also be in stitches after hearing the news, the fact that two separate groups of Chinese scientists studying the issue have confirmed, North Korea’s mountain nuclear test site has collapsed, putting China and other nearby nations at unprecedented risk of radioactive exposure.

Kim's inability to proceed with his nuclear weapons program is a far more believable reason for his sudden willingness to discuss nuclear disarmament.

Given these developments in that region, the idiot trump should, instead, drag his fat a$$ around the Mar-a-Lago golf course for the next week or two. And tomorrow, send Kim Jong-un a polite note explaining how grateful he is for Kim's movements towards peace, congratulate both Moon and Kim for their efforts for reunification, and most of all, keep his big, fat mouth shut concerning everything else.

The idea the idiot trump had any influence in the events between North and South Korea is, indeed, laughable. As is any thought the idiot trump should receive a Nobel Prize. Conservatives will show they agree with this OP, as their ratings of "funny" will confirm the truth in the opening post in this thread..

North and South Korean Teams to March as One at Olympics

The Norwegian Nobel Committee

Nuke test mountain collapse may be why Kim Jong-un actually shut down site


if Obama can get one for something he talked about doing before he took office, seems reasonable Trump should get one for something happening while he is in office.
For threatening a small, backwards country with nuclear war no less. It's really offensive.

Of course, Obama wasn't any more deserving than is Trump.
For threatening a small, backwards country with nuclear war no less. It's really offensive.

Of course, Obama wasn't any more deserving than is Trump.

then he got us into several conflicts

left billions of dollars worth of arms ISIS

let loose 2000 firearms to dangerous criminals and felons

which are still killing Americans and Mexicans as i post this
For threatening a small, backwards country with nuclear war no less. It's really offensive.

Of course, Obama wasn't any more deserving than is Trump.

then he got us into several conflicts

left billions of dollars worth of arms ISIS

let loose 2000 firearms to dangerous criminals and felons

which are still killing Americans and Mexicans as i post this

Half Kenyan Democrat Obama's "Do nothing" Nobel peace prize, like full Jewish terrorist Menachem Begin's "Kill, kill, kill" Nobel peace prize, are some examples which show how bogus the prize has been.

It seems being a minority boosts the chances of getting it, as a sort of reverse White privilege...
For threatening a small, backwards country with nuclear war no less. It's really offensive.

Of course, Obama wasn't any more deserving than is Trump.

then he got us into several conflicts

left billions of dollars worth of arms ISIS

let loose 2000 firearms to dangerous criminals and felons

which are still killing Americans and Mexicans as i post this
It was Bush who armed ISIS when he sent the Iraqi army home with its small arms.

I'm no fan of Obama, but if the unjustified Iraq war didn't happen, or if Bush & Rumsfeld had a combined IQ higher than that of a gnat with a head injury, there would never have been an ISIS.

In their articled titled: “Idiots Are Already Trying to Give Trump a Nobel Peace Prize”, Splinter reports that Indiana Republican Congressman Luke Messer declared Friday, “ ‘We are seeing unprecedented progress toward peace, and it’s a direct result of President Trump’s strong leadership.’ ”

Messer’s declaration wants to credit the idiot trump for the growing détente between the two Koreas. But, the months of idiot trump’s insults and threats during 2017 only exacerbated the tense situation between the North and the South and other nations of the Pacific Rim.

The Splinter article continues, “As it happens, Messer isn’t the only Republican to float a Nobel for Trump. White House frenemy-who-is-actually-a-crotch-sniffing-lapdog Lindsay Graham also chimed in on Friday, telling Fox News that ‘We’re not there yet, but if this happens, President Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.’ ”

Despite the ignorant and ridiculous assertions by Republicans, the true thawing between the Koreas is due to influence made possible by the Winter Olympics. For the 2018 Olympics, representatives from the Moon Jae-in administration and Kim Jong-un agreed to participate as a united Korea.

In June 2017, Moon first proposed the two Koreas form a unified team for the Pyeongchang Games. Kim used his New Year’s Day speech to respond, suggesting meetings with the South to discuss North Korea’s participation in the Olympics.

Kim’s meetings with China’s Xi Jinping and the reassurances Kim received from the Chinese leader, coupled with the contacts with the South, including Kim’s meeting yesterday (April 27) with Moon at Peace House, a South Korean building inside Panmunjom, have done much for creating the potential for peace in the region.

Any summit between Kim and the idiot trump can only eliminate any and all the progress made in the past few months. Plus, as the spineless bully he is, the childish insults and threats the idiot trump will spew before, during, and after the meeting will show the world the voice-of-reason in this circumstance to be Kim.

Anyone with access to current event reports know the idiot trump is a boorish fool due to his many past antics. Sadly, he will prove it to the world....again, if he proceeds with his meeting with Kim Jong-un.

Despite all of the truth stated above, nominating the idiot trump might be a good idea. After all, the Norwegian Nobel Committee 2018 members, lawyer Berit Reiss-Andersen (Chair), Professor and Senior Researcher at the International Peace Research Institute Oslo Henrik Syse (Vice Chair), Secretary General Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland, Independent adviser and former County Governor and member of Parliament/government Anne Enger, Research Director at the Norwegian Nobel Institute Asle Toje, and Professor (Secretary) Olav Njølstad, would undoubtedly enjoy the side-splitting laughter such a nomination would provide them.

Unlike Republicans Messer and Graham, the idiot trump, and all of the other conservatives who have already forgotten and/or rewritten the history of the past fifteen months, the Norwegian Nobel Committee members know full well the truth of the idiot trump's lack of ethics record and also aware of his of his “peace” efforts. Their laughter will be long and loud over any nomination for the idiot trump. Whether such nominations are made in Oslo, or to the other Nobel Committees in Stockholm.

Regardless of the laughter by Norwegian Nobel Committee 2018 members, and the hundreds-of-millions of people around the world who would also be in stitches after hearing the news, the fact that two separate groups of Chinese scientists studying the issue have confirmed, North Korea’s mountain nuclear test site has collapsed, putting China and other nearby nations at unprecedented risk of radioactive exposure.

Kim's inability to proceed with his nuclear weapons program is a far more believable reason for his sudden willingness to discuss nuclear disarmament.

Given these developments in that region, the idiot trump should, instead, drag his fat a$$ around the Mar-a-Lago golf course for the next week or two. And tomorrow, send Kim Jong-un a polite note explaining how grateful he is for Kim's movements towards peace, congratulate both Moon and Kim for their efforts for reunification, and most of all, keep his big, fat mouth shut concerning everything else.

The idea the idiot trump had any influence in the events between North and South Korea is, indeed, laughable. As is any thought the idiot trump should receive a Nobel Prize. Conservatives will show they agree with this OP, as their ratings of "funny" will confirm the truth in the opening post in this thread..

North and South Korean Teams to March as One at Olympics

The Norwegian Nobel Committee

Nuke test mountain collapse may be why Kim Jong-un actually shut down site


Wow, he is way behind BO. They gave BO
the “prize” after less than a year as POTUS for................what did he do again to get the Nobel peace prize?
For threatening a small, backwards country with nuclear war no less. It's really offensive.

Of course, Obama wasn't any more deserving than is Trump.

then he got us into several conflicts

left billions of dollars worth of arms ISIS

let loose 2000 firearms to dangerous criminals and felons

which are still killing Americans and Mexicans as i post this

Half Kenyan Democrat Obama's "Do nothing" Nobel peace prize, like full Jewish terrorist Menachem Begin's "Kill, kill, kill" Nobel peace prize, are some examples which show how bogus the prize has been.

It seems being a minority boosts the chances of getting it, as a sort of reverse White privilege...
Yeah. The poor white man, trodden upon by the dominant brown man.
For threatening a small, backwards country with nuclear war no less. It's really offensive.

Of course, Obama wasn't any more deserving than is Trump.

then he got us into several conflicts

left billions of dollars worth of arms ISIS

let loose 2000 firearms to dangerous criminals and felons

which are still killing Americans and Mexicans as i post this
It was Bush who armed ISIS when he sent the Iraqi army home with its small arms.

I'm no fan of Obama, but if the unjustified Iraq war didn't happen, or if Bush & Rumsfeld had a combined IQ higher than that of a gnat with a head injury, there would never have been an ISIS.

It was Bush who armed ISIS when he sent the Iraqi army home with its small arms.

you are simply incorrect

obama left behind billions and billions of arms

  • 9 DEC 2015
ISIS show off TANKS and military equipment but fail to mention major problem
For threatening a small, backwards country with nuclear war no less. It's really offensive.

Of course, Obama wasn't any more deserving than is Trump.

then he got us into several conflicts

left billions of dollars worth of arms ISIS

let loose 2000 firearms to dangerous criminals and felons

which are still killing Americans and Mexicans as i post this
It was Bush who armed ISIS when he sent the Iraqi army home with its small arms.

I'm no fan of Obama, but if the unjustified Iraq war didn't happen, or if Bush & Rumsfeld had a combined IQ higher than that of a gnat with a head injury, there would never have been an ISIS.

It was Bush who armed ISIS when he sent the Iraqi army home with its small arms.

you are simply incorrect

obama left behind billions and billions of arms

  • 9 DEC 2015
ISIS show off TANKS and military equipment but fail to mention major problem
LMAO. Billions huh? Take another toke man: you're almost Cheech high.
For threatening a small, backwards country with nuclear war no less. It's really offensive.

Of course, Obama wasn't any more deserving than is Trump.

then he got us into several conflicts

left billions of dollars worth of arms ISIS

let loose 2000 firearms to dangerous criminals and felons

which are still killing Americans and Mexicans as i post this
It was Bush who armed ISIS when he sent the Iraqi army home with its small arms.

I'm no fan of Obama, but if the unjustified Iraq war didn't happen, or if Bush & Rumsfeld had a combined IQ higher than that of a gnat with a head injury, there would never have been an ISIS.

It was Bush who armed ISIS when he sent the Iraqi army home with its small arms.

you are simply incorrect

obama left behind billions and billions of arms

  • 9 DEC 2015
ISIS show off TANKS and military equipment but fail to mention major problem
LMAO. Billions huh? Take another toke man: you're almost Cheech high.

yes billions

one tank costs well over 6 million dollars

the government admitted to well over a billion dollars worth

makes for especially sobering reading given the long history of leakage of US arms to multiple armed groups committing atrocities in Iraq, including the armed group calling itself the Islamic State.
Patrick Wilcken, Amnesty International’s Arms Control and Human Rights Researcher
Obama got one for..nothing!

Does Trump need one? What is it anyway? Is there any integrity to it whatsoever?

In their articled titled: “Idiots Are Already Trying to Give Trump a Nobel Peace Prize”, Splinter reports that Indiana Republican Congressman Luke Messer declared Friday, “ ‘We are seeing unprecedented progress toward peace, and it’s a direct result of President Trump’s strong leadership.’ ”

Messer’s declaration wants to credit the idiot trump for the growing détente between the two Koreas. But, the months of idiot trump’s insults and threats during 2017 only exacerbated the tense situation between the North and the South and other nations of the Pacific Rim.

The Splinter article continues, “As it happens, Messer isn’t the only Republican to float a Nobel for Trump. White House frenemy-who-is-actually-a-crotch-sniffing-lapdog Lindsay Graham also chimed in on Friday, telling Fox News that ‘We’re not there yet, but if this happens, President Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.’ ”

Despite the ignorant and ridiculous assertions by Republicans, the true thawing between the Koreas is due to influence made possible by the Winter Olympics. For the 2018 Olympics, representatives from the Moon Jae-in administration and Kim Jong-un agreed to participate as a united Korea.

In June 2017, Moon first proposed the two Koreas form a unified team for the Pyeongchang Games. Kim used his New Year’s Day speech to respond, suggesting meetings with the South to discuss North Korea’s participation in the Olympics.

Kim’s meetings with China’s Xi Jinping and the reassurances Kim received from the Chinese leader, coupled with the contacts with the South, including Kim’s meeting yesterday (April 27) with Moon at Peace House, a South Korean building inside Panmunjom, have done much for creating the potential for peace in the region.

Any summit between Kim and the idiot trump can only eliminate any and all the progress made in the past few months. Plus, as the spineless bully he is, the childish insults and threats the idiot trump will spew before, during, and after the meeting will show the world the voice-of-reason in this circumstance to be Kim.

Anyone with access to current event reports know the idiot trump is a boorish fool due to his many past antics. Sadly, he will prove it to the world....again, if he proceeds with his meeting with Kim Jong-un.

Despite all of the truth stated above, nominating the idiot trump might be a good idea. After all, the Norwegian Nobel Committee 2018 members, lawyer Berit Reiss-Andersen (Chair), Professor and Senior Researcher at the International Peace Research Institute Oslo Henrik Syse (Vice Chair), Secretary General Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland, Independent adviser and former County Governor and member of Parliament/government Anne Enger, Research Director at the Norwegian Nobel Institute Asle Toje, and Professor (Secretary) Olav Njølstad, would undoubtedly enjoy the side-splitting laughter such a nomination would provide them.

Unlike Republicans Messer and Graham, the idiot trump, and all of the other conservatives who have already forgotten and/or rewritten the history of the past fifteen months, the Norwegian Nobel Committee members know full well the truth of the idiot trump's lack of ethics record and also aware of his of his “peace” efforts. Their laughter will be long and loud over any nomination for the idiot trump. Whether such nominations are made in Oslo, or to the other Nobel Committees in Stockholm.

Regardless of the laughter by Norwegian Nobel Committee 2018 members, and the hundreds-of-millions of people around the world who would also be in stitches after hearing the news, the fact that two separate groups of Chinese scientists studying the issue have confirmed, North Korea’s mountain nuclear test site has collapsed, putting China and other nearby nations at unprecedented risk of radioactive exposure.

Kim's inability to proceed with his nuclear weapons program is a far more believable reason for his sudden willingness to discuss nuclear disarmament.

Given these developments in that region, the idiot trump should, instead, drag his fat a$$ around the Mar-a-Lago golf course for the next week or two. And tomorrow, send Kim Jong-un a polite note explaining how grateful he is for Kim's movements towards peace, congratulate both Moon and Kim for their efforts for reunification, and most of all, keep his big, fat mouth shut concerning everything else.

The idea the idiot trump had any influence in the events between North and South Korea is, indeed, laughable. As is any thought the idiot trump should receive a Nobel Prize. Conservatives will show they agree with this OP, as their ratings of "funny" will confirm the truth in the opening post in this thread..

North and South Korean Teams to March as One at Olympics

The Norwegian Nobel Committee

Nuke test mountain collapse may be why Kim Jong-un actually shut down site


Then maybe the solution to our problems is electing Republicans because they are simply good luck!

The cold war ended under Reagan, but he had nothing do to with it according to the left.
Our economy is doing great, but had nothing to do with Trump's polices according to the left.
The Korean conflict is coming to and end, and Trump has nothing to do with that according to the left.
Our trade problems with China are being addressed, but of course, it has nothing to do with Trump.
The economy went on a rebound after the Republicans took over Congress in 2010 , but had nothing to do with them according to the left.
ISIS is out of Iraq, but had nothing to do with Trump according to the left.

So if Republicans are never responsible for the great things happening here and around the world, maybe it's just good luck.........according to the left.
Obama got one for..nothing!

Does Trump need one? What is it anyway? Is there any integrity to it whatsoever?

the award is nothing more then a leftist award these days

if he won

he would tweet it couple of times to piss the haters off

then throw it in a drawer

maybe give it away to chance the rapper to wear as some bling

So, now the truth is anti-Semitic, eh?
The idea that Jews are the dominant social group is anti-Semitic bullshit, yes.

And you know it too, Nazi.

Well, if that's the case, why isn't it anti-White bullshit, for you to say that Whites are the dominant social group, as you strongly implied, earlier?
I did not imply it: I said it. It's provably true. I'm a straight white Christian male by the way: the single most privileged group of demographics possible in the USA.


Even after Affirmative Action?

Even after the media, and Hollywood picks on Whites more than non-Whites in general?
Ask the black man with 5 kids by 3 wives who was elected President, when it happens

Obama's only half Black, and won a Nobel Prize for doing what, exactly?
Obama had more privilege for being Black.

I mean many White presidents were compared to Monkey's, and it was not racist.

But,when Obama was compared to Monkey's, it was all of a sudden racist.
Absurd. Obama couldn't have even been elected as a Chicago alderman if he had Trump's record of serial philandering, divorce, business failures and general dishonesty, much less POTUS.

Your racism is showing.

In their articled titled: “Idiots Are Already Trying to Give Trump a Nobel Peace Prize”, Splinter reports that Indiana Republican Congressman Luke Messer declared Friday, “ ‘We are seeing unprecedented progress toward peace, and it’s a direct result of President Trump’s strong leadership.’ ”

Messer’s declaration wants to credit the idiot trump for the growing détente between the two Koreas. But, the months of idiot trump’s insults and threats during 2017 only exacerbated the tense situation between the North and the South and other nations of the Pacific Rim.

The Splinter article continues, “As it happens, Messer isn’t the only Republican to float a Nobel for Trump. White House frenemy-who-is-actually-a-crotch-sniffing-lapdog Lindsay Graham also chimed in on Friday, telling Fox News that ‘We’re not there yet, but if this happens, President Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.’ ”

Despite the ignorant and ridiculous assertions by Republicans, the true thawing between the Koreas is due to influence made possible by the Winter Olympics. For the 2018 Olympics, representatives from the Moon Jae-in administration and Kim Jong-un agreed to participate as a united Korea.

In June 2017, Moon first proposed the two Koreas form a unified team for the Pyeongchang Games. Kim used his New Year’s Day speech to respond, suggesting meetings with the South to discuss North Korea’s participation in the Olympics.

Kim’s meetings with China’s Xi Jinping and the reassurances Kim received from the Chinese leader, coupled with the contacts with the South, including Kim’s meeting yesterday (April 27) with Moon at Peace House, a South Korean building inside Panmunjom, have done much for creating the potential for peace in the region.

Any summit between Kim and the idiot trump can only eliminate any and all the progress made in the past few months. Plus, as the spineless bully he is, the childish insults and threats the idiot trump will spew before, during, and after the meeting will show the world the voice-of-reason in this circumstance to be Kim.

Anyone with access to current event reports know the idiot trump is a boorish fool due to his many past antics. Sadly, he will prove it to the world....again, if he proceeds with his meeting with Kim Jong-un.

Despite all of the truth stated above, nominating the idiot trump might be a good idea. After all, the Norwegian Nobel Committee 2018 members, lawyer Berit Reiss-Andersen (Chair), Professor and Senior Researcher at the International Peace Research Institute Oslo Henrik Syse (Vice Chair), Secretary General Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland, Independent adviser and former County Governor and member of Parliament/government Anne Enger, Research Director at the Norwegian Nobel Institute Asle Toje, and Professor (Secretary) Olav Njølstad, would undoubtedly enjoy the side-splitting laughter such a nomination would provide them.

Unlike Republicans Messer and Graham, the idiot trump, and all of the other conservatives who have already forgotten and/or rewritten the history of the past fifteen months, the Norwegian Nobel Committee members know full well the truth of the idiot trump's lack of ethics record and also aware of his of his “peace” efforts. Their laughter will be long and loud over any nomination for the idiot trump. Whether such nominations are made in Oslo, or to the other Nobel Committees in Stockholm.

Regardless of the laughter by Norwegian Nobel Committee 2018 members, and the hundreds-of-millions of people around the world who would also be in stitches after hearing the news, the fact that two separate groups of Chinese scientists studying the issue have confirmed, North Korea’s mountain nuclear test site has collapsed, putting China and other nearby nations at unprecedented risk of radioactive exposure.

Kim's inability to proceed with his nuclear weapons program is a far more believable reason for his sudden willingness to discuss nuclear disarmament.

Given these developments in that region, the idiot trump should, instead, drag his fat a$$ around the Mar-a-Lago golf course for the next week or two. And tomorrow, send Kim Jong-un a polite note explaining how grateful he is for Kim's movements towards peace, congratulate both Moon and Kim for their efforts for reunification, and most of all, keep his big, fat mouth shut concerning everything else.

The idea the idiot trump had any influence in the events between North and South Korea is, indeed, laughable. As is any thought the idiot trump should receive a Nobel Prize. Conservatives will show they agree with this OP, as their ratings of "funny" will confirm the truth in the opening post in this thread..

North and South Korean Teams to March as One at Olympics

The Norwegian Nobel Committee

Nuke test mountain collapse may be why Kim Jong-un actually shut down site

It's obviously premature and given that neither Reagan nor H W Bush got one but Obama did for some inexplicable reason, it seems highly unlikely regardless.

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