If 25% of a commodity is removed, will the consumers' cost go up?

I agree to disagree. Public policies could change that and energy technologies are improving all the time.
The technology has moved slowly but dependably despite hundreds of billions of expenditures on it. You want people to suffer for your dream agendas. It will be done. But not in a decade like you make suckers of us all with. A few decades or more will be much more achievable at a growing percentage. You are going to kill billions of people with your insanity.
The technology has moved slowly but dependably despite hundreds of billions of expenditures on it. You want people to suffer for your dream agendas. It will be done. But not in a decade like you make suckers of us all with. A few decades or more will be much more achievable at a growing percentage. You are going to kill billions of people with your insanity.
A "Manhattan Project" could accomplish it in a few years.
But NOT one comment about the damages incurred by interference with the tides.
Or damages to the wildlife that depend on tides for food, etc.
Where are those assessments?
Check this out...https://pmiind.com/5-complications-tidal-wave-energy-devices/

5 Complications for Tidal and Wave Energy Devices​

Environmental disruption​

3. Any large mechanical device placed into an active ocean ecosystem is going to be problematic. Spinning blades may injure or kill aquatic species. A coastal barrage for tidal energy might upset an entire estuarial ecosystem.
Mechanical devices also can leak lubricants and emit noises that make trouble for fish and aquatic mammals. Engineers can tweak their designs in an attempt to minimize environmental damage, but they really can’t be sure what will happen until they get their prototypes in the water, so it’s difficult to solve these problems on the drawing board before they become much more expensive.
Check this out...https://pmiind.com/5-complications-tidal-wave-energy-devices/

5 Complications for Tidal and Wave Energy Devices​

Environmental disruption​

3. Any large mechanical device placed into an active ocean ecosystem is going to be problematic. Spinning blades may injure or kill aquatic species. A coastal barrage for tidal energy might upset an entire estuarial ecosystem.
Mechanical devices also can leak lubricants and emit noises that make trouble for fish and aquatic mammals. Engineers can tweak their designs in an attempt to minimize environmental damage, but they really can’t be sure what will happen until they get their prototypes in the water, so it’s difficult to solve these problems on the drawing board before they become much more expensive.
Better design could incorporate the device into seawalls to also help out with global sea rising and more ecologically friendly.
Why would you want the opinion of a partisan hack?
Mac1958 is a holier-than-thou who cant smell his own poop

in this case the harm that democrat energy policies are doing to the United States

he can lie to us but he should not be allowed to lie to himself
Mac1958 is a holier-than-thou who cant smell his own poop

in this case the harm that democrat energy policies are doing to the United States

he can lie to us but he should not be allowed to lie to himself

The US has the highest lift costs in the world. If the ppb goes too low it puts our domestic producers out of business.

You don't know anything about the oil business and calling other posters names won't fix your ignorance.
Question... If 25% of a commodity is reduced and eventually eliminated, will that increase the costs to the consumers of that commodity?

About a quarter (25%) of U.S. oil and an eighth of the nation's natural gas is produced on federal lands.
Supporting link: U.S. oil and natural gas production to fall in 2021, then rise in 2022 - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

If 25% of oil and gas on Federal lands is eliminated from the supply will the cost go up to gasoline consumers?


As gas prices soar, Americans can blame Joe Biden​

Biden's attack on U.S. energy producers, starting with his freeze on federal oil and gas leases, will assuredly take a toll on output down the road and cause prices at the pump to rise.
But today, Biden has pushed those prices, which were already rising because of severe weather, even higher by gratuitously alienating Saudi Arabia. The Gulf kingdom just surprised energy markets by announcing it would not raise oil output, despite developing supply constraints and rising prices.
Oil prices jumped on the news, popping 4 percent to pre-pandemic levels for the first time in a year; the surge rattled markets alread

Current production on federal lands is in no way being cut or curtailed. There were no new leases on federal lands granted during the 8 years of the Obama Administration. Even as the Obama Administration increased production and put the country on the path for achieving energy independence:

The right wing outrage machine continues to make the false claims that Biden is leading the country away from the energy independence created by Donald Trump. Trump didn't created American energy independence, the Obama Administration did that. Trump just took credit for it. Joe Biden was one of the architects of energy independence. Why would he destroy his own legacy?

The right wing outrage machine keeps pumping out lies about the goals and priorities of the Biden Administration, and like good little sheep, you come here and bleat out your fear and paranoia, and never question their lies.

There was no drilling during lockdown - anywhere. That's why production is down. Now that drilling has resumed, production will continue to rise. Biden is stopping production on federals, he is stopping new leases from being given out. Existing leases are being honoured.

Current production on federal lands is in no way being cut or curtailed. There were no new leases on federal lands granted during the 8 years of the Obama Administration. Even as the Obama Administration increased production and put the country on the path for achieving energy independence:

The right wing outrage machine continues to make the false claims that Biden is leading the country away from the energy independence created by Donald Trump. Trump didn't created American energy independence, the Obama Administration did that. Trump just took credit for it. Joe Biden was one of the architects of energy independence. Why would he destroy his own legacy?

The right wing outrage machine keeps pumping out lies about the goals and priorities of the Biden Administration, and like good little sheep, you come here and bleat out your fear and paranoia, and never question their lies.

There was no drilling during lockdown - anywhere. That's why production is down. Now that drilling has resumed, production will continue to rise. Biden is stopping production on federals, he is stopping new leases from being given out. Existing leases are being honoured.

These are the FACTS regarding Federal leases signed under the last 3 presidents FROM the federal government!
NOTE Under Obama only one year of 8 years where he signed more leases than the year before! The other 7 he signed fewer leases...again on Federal lands that provide 25% and before Obama..
Under Obama he caused the drop in Federal oil production on federal land from 36% in 2009 to less than 24%
The federal share of total U.S. crude oil production fell from its peak at nearly 36% in 2009 to less than 24% in 2017 at the same time overall production increased

Trump was increasing the number of leases in the 3 short years reported below.
So the AP article didn't add that FACT!
No where did the AP "fact checking" look at the major 25% source of domestic oil... FEDERAL LAND leases!
FACT:U.S. energy production in 2019 was higher than U.S. energy consumption for the first time in 62 year
About a quarter (25%) of U.S. oil and an eighth of the nation's natural gas is produced on federal lands.

What's going to charge those EV's? Petroleum.
Seawall technology that not only provides protection against global sea rising (for a while), but also generates electricity, desalinates seawater, and pumps it to the interior so we can refill aquifers.
What's going to charge those EV's? Petroleum.
Hmmm. Daniel, you disagree. What do you think will charge the EV's? Here's a hint, coal and oil are still the backbone of electricity production in this nation.
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Current production on federal lands is in no way being cut or curtailed. There were no new leases on federal lands granted during the 8 years of the Obama Administration. Even as the Obama Administration increased production and put the country on the path for achieving energy independence:

The right wing outrage machine continues to make the false claims that Biden is leading the country away from the energy independence created by Donald Trump. Trump didn't created American energy independence, the Obama Administration did that. Trump just took credit for it. Joe Biden was one of the architects of energy independence. Why would he destroy his own legacy?

The right wing outrage machine keeps pumping out lies about the goals and priorities of the Biden Administration, and like good little sheep, you come here and bleat out your fear and paranoia, and never question their lies.

There was no drilling during lockdown - anywhere. That's why production is down. Now that drilling has resumed, production will continue to rise. Biden is stopping production on federals, he is stopping new leases from being given out. Existing leases are being honoured.

The Peace President led the way to energy independence and now Quid Pro is leading us away from it. Instead of making it easier for us to produce our own energy, he begged the rest of the world to make up the difference. That's not good economic leadership.
Remember folks Obama and now Obama FAVOR the attached Anti-American, Anti-business truly negative aspects...all of which Trump was undoing... Keystone for example... Obama/BIDEN now favor destroying the environment by forcing 34 million barrels a month to travel on the open ocean when that same oil could travel safely (700 barrels per mile) on dry land! Why aren't you supposedly environmentalists angry about that? Or why are you people so in favor of economic growth want a president who favors HIGHER gas prices, 1,400 companies going out of business, "skyrocketing" utility prices as utilities go bankrupt?
Makes NO SENSE folks!
Seawall technology that not only provides protection against global sea rising (for a while), but also generates electricity, desalinates seawater, and pumps it to the interior so we can refill aquifers.
Oh, good grief. How much energy is being produced by these magical seawalls? This sounds an awful lot like your fantasy that we can upgrade Ellis Island to handle all the immigrants from south of the border. IOW, a pipe dream.

You do know that we've tried using tidal and wave power to produce electricity and nothing much came of it, right? Certainly not enough to replace coal and oil. And why do you want to fill up aquifers when we'd just have to pump the water right back out of the ground? If we have enough water being pumped from the coasts to fill the aquifers, why not just use it and leave the aquifers to refill naturally from rain water like they've been doing for thousands of years?
Hmmm. Daniel, you disagree. What do you think will charge the EV's? Here's a hint, coal and oil are still the backbone of electricity production in this nation.
Alternative energy technologies are improving all the time. And, infrastructure should include mass storage capability.

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