If 25% of a commodity is removed, will the consumers' cost go up?

Seriously ignorant comment.....nationalizing anything increases the prices as corrupt pols want their cut, but worse with gas price its like you have no clue how much of the cost is just fucking taxes.

You can find out exactly how much you pay in gasoline taxes in every state.

Producers have had the same propfit margin fo decades.. between 7-8%.
So you believe that capturing ocean waves to generate electricity would solve ALL our energy and water issues?
Now The theoretical annual energy potential of waves off the coasts of the United States is estimated to be as much as 2.64 trillion kilowatthours or the equivalent of about 64% of U.S. electricity generation in 2019.

Do you consider ocean waves a "replenishable" source?
Do you have any concerns with the damage to ocean life?
impact of wind turbines on the environment and finds that they are “doing great harm to wildlife”.

As it is with wind turbines doing the following, what kind of environmental/weather damage would be done by waves?
•Warming effect strongest at night when temperatures increase with height
•Nighttime warming effect observed at 28 operational US wind farms
•Wind's warming can exceed avoided warming from reduced emissions for a century

So if wind turbines increase temperatures at night, this means more A/Cs running meaning more energy use.
No. Diversification is more reliable.

Yes, ocean waves are virtually inexhaustible. Research into wave energy technologies could take impact into marine biology into consideration.

Ocean wave energy capture structures could also function as seawalls with appropriate research and consideration.
You said waves are virtually inexhaustible... hmmm...
So by tampering with wave structures, i.e. forcing waves into some form of generating system are you not altering
the physics of the water motion? What would be the affect on the shore lines? The affect on ocean/seacoast life that
depend on dependable waves?

Waves function to clean organisms near the surface and to help oxygenate the water beneath.
Waves also work in combination with tides and currents to carry nutrients to marine animals along the shorelines. By pushing water onto the shore, waves make it possible for intertidal animals to live in areas of beaches and shorelines that would otherwise be too dry to sustain them. Larger animals, such as fish, whales and other marine mammals, and even some aquatic birds follow the currents -- which also carry plankton, a source of food for many species of marine life -- in search of food and breeding grounds.
So wave generating systems would by their very function interrupt the "natural" flow of waves and affect the intertidal and marine animals. Are you in favor of endangering these innocent species all for a energy source that will be constantly altered by the wave generating systems?
You said waves are virtually inexhaustible... hmmm...
So by tampering with wave structures, i.e. forcing waves into some form of generating system are you not altering
the physics of the water motion?
Negligible by our standards. Ocean-going ships could be studied for that effect. Gravity plays a part and the moon is one "actor" upon it.
The affect on ocean/seacoast life that
depend on dependable waves?
Design is a factor. Wave energy structures also rely on dependable waves. One effect that could be considered by wave energy technologies functioning as seawalls is reducing global sea rising by desalinating ocean water and pumping it to the interior. We could be refilling aquifers.
To get to the real reason for higher gas prices it would be better to ask if you were the head of a publicly traded oil company and your shareholder's return on investment has been shitty greatly lagged the overall market, would you really address the problem through expanding supply?


To understand why things are as they are, it is best to follow the money. Best media for doing so are trade publications and associated websites.
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Making the USA MORE energy DEPENDENT. Which would mean more military involvement in the Middle East which was why we were there in 1991 through 2021. So you would rather Americans do as Obama said...
“would have preferred a gradual adjustment” meaning higher prices.
Making the USA MORE energy DEPENDENT. Which would mean more military involvement in the Middle East which was why we were there in 1991 through 2021. So you would rather Americans do as Obama said...
“would have preferred a gradual adjustment” meaning higher prices.
Not at all. I believe in transitioning away from fossil fuels and even concentrating more capital to fund fusion (an energy with a future).
It is estimated that fossil fuels will last...
Oil - approximately 56 years
Gas: approximately 55 years
Coal: approximately 100 years
... unless we find some more.
In the meantime all the concerns about global warming are fundamentally based on this premise:

All of the information I supplied with links substantiating mean nothing to you?
Wave technology will destroy coastlines, make extinct sea life dependent on waves, basically because people using the attached crude thermometer readings for decades declare the earth's temperature (even though 12% of land mass wasn't included) has gone up 1.53 degrees? Wow... truly mind-boggling that this is the basis for global warming and for your need to destroy more of the seacoasts by harnessing waves.
I am advocating for more research into wave energy technologies to help solve our energy and water issues.

Until then, the energy will be generated from conventional coal or natural gas (unless you are lucky enough to be tied to a nuclear plant).
All of the information I supplied with links substantiating mean nothing to you?
Wave technology will destroy coastlines, make extinct sea life dependent on waves, basically because people using the attached crude thermometer readings for decades declare the earth's temperature (even though 12% of land mass wasn't included) has gone up 1.53 degrees? Wow... truly mind-boggling that this is the basis for global warming and for your need to destroy more of the seacoasts by harnessing waves.

You are not going to capture even a small fraction of that wave energy.
Until then, the energy will be generated from conventional coal or natural gas (unless you are lucky enough to be tied to a nuclear plant).
I agree to disagree. Public policies could change that and energy technologies are improving all the time.
Only because there is so much of it. California has a long coast which means plenty of locations to place such structures more optimally.

Please tell me how much you'll capture.

Please tell me how many BTU's it will take to manufacture and construct the facilities.

Looking forward to the numbers.
Question... If 25% of a commodity is reduced and eventually eliminated, will that increase the costs to the consumers of that commodity?

About a quarter (25%) of U.S. oil and an eighth of the nation's natural gas is produced on federal lands.
Supporting link: U.S. oil and natural gas production to fall in 2021, then rise in 2022 - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

If 25% of oil and gas on Federal lands is eliminated from the supply will the cost go up to gasoline consumers?


As gas prices soar, Americans can blame Joe Biden​

Biden's attack on U.S. energy producers, starting with his freeze on federal oil and gas leases, will assuredly take a toll on output down the road and cause prices at the pump to rise.
But today, Biden has pushed those prices, which were already rising because of severe weather, even higher by gratuitously alienating Saudi Arabia. The Gulf kingdom just surprised energy markets by announcing it would not raise oil output, despite developing supply constraints and rising prices.
Oil prices jumped on the news, popping 4 percent to pre-pandemic levels for the first time in a year; the surge rattled markets alread

Wow, you should do something about that.
Please tell me how much you'll capture.

Please tell me how many BTU's it will take to manufacture and construct the facilities.

Looking forward to the numbers.
Many tidal power technologies are not available at an industrial scale, and thus tidal energy contributes a negligible fraction of global energy today. There is, however, a large potential for its use, because much usable energy is contained in water currents. The total energy contained in tides worldwide is 3,000 gigawatts (GW; billion watts), though estimates of how much of that energy is available for power generation by tidal barrages are between 120 and 400 GW, depending on the location and the potential for conversion.

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