If a religious businessowner denies someone service...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
...Do they then have to be consistent with other parts of their religion? Or are they allowed to pick n choose which parts to practice? Does the business, as a business then have to tithe the scriptural amount to the needy? Offer freebies to the poor? Stuff like that?

To leave the unreaped corner of the field or orchard for the poor (Lev. 19:9)
To leave ol'loth (the imperfect clusters) of the vineyard for the poor (Lev. 19:10; Deut. 24:21)
To leave peret (the single grapes) of the vineyard for the poor (Lev. 19:10)
To leave the forgotten sheaves for the poor (Deut. 24:19-20)
To give charity according to one's means (Deut. 15:11)

Business Practices

170. Not to do wrong in buying or selling (Lev. 25:14) (CCN47).
171. Not to make a loan to an Israelite on interest (Lev. 25:37) (CCN54).
172. Not to borrow on interest (Deut. 23:20) (because this would cause the lender to sin) (CCN55).
173. Not to take part in any usurious transaction between borrower and lender, neither as a surety, nor as a witness, nor as a writer of the bond for them (Ex. 22:24) (CCN53).
174. To lend to a poor person (Ex. 22:24) (even though the passage says "if you lend" it is understood as obligatory) (CCA62).
175. Not to demand from a poor man repayment of his debt, when the creditor knows that he cannot pay, nor press him (Ex. 22:24) (CCN52).
176. Not to take in pledge utensils used in preparing food (Deut. 24:6) (CCN58).
177. Not to exact a pledge from a debtor by force (Deut. 24:10) (CCN59).
178. Not to keep the pledge from its owner at the time when he needs it (Deut. 24:12) (CCN61).
179. To return a pledge to its owner (Deut. 24:13) (CCA63).
180. Not to take a pledge from a widow (Deut. 24:17) (CCN60).
181. Not to commit fraud in measuring (Lev. 19:35) (CCN83).
182. To ensure that scales and weights are correct (Lev. 19:36) (affirmative).
183. Not to possess inaccurate measures and weights (Deut. 25:13-14) (CCN84).

Or is a religious businessowner allowed to just discriminate on spec?
181 might be tricky if you're selling a "quarter pounder" and the quarter-pound is 'precooked' weight. :)

Also, employees get to eat for free in the restaurants they work in:

That the hired laborer shall be permitted to eat of the produce he is reaping (Deut. 23:25-26)

Then there's other things like if the religious businessowner claims to be following their religion, and it uses a Bible, then everything else should be getting followed too like,

Vows, Oaths and Swearing

203. That a man should fulfill whatever he has uttered (Deut. 23:24) (CCA39).

Also worth asking whether Christians in the course of being Christians are supposed to follow God's laws, as above, or Disciples' commands as in the New Testament. Who should they follow if those conflict? And if Paul should be listened to what about Jesus and/or God? How many leaders do Christians have to obey?

And if they're now following and benefitting from theocratic law, can others mete out theocratic justice to them? (eager anticipatory look)
Give it a break. Business right to do business as they see fit is American. Forcing them to go against their beliefs is unAmerican, period. You are wrong, live with it.

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