if any one KESC consumer’s do not satisfy with the decision made my WMS


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2011
Karachi & Islamabad

Wafaqi Mohtasib

Sub : if any one KESC consumer’s do not satisfy with the decision made my WMS than he has no right to registered “fresh” complain and seek quick justice
A/c No. 0508903450227 AL - 888067

PRB-7416-11. Governor of Sind Complain lodge on 17 August 2011
cad-166524205 complain registered with Nepra on 17-08-2011

Dear Sir

I have registered the following complain with WMS details as follows
Brief History of my complain lodge against KESC but net ZERO result.
1. KHI-001161/10
2. ONL-144/10
3. ONL-440/09
4. ONL-115/09
5. ONL-710/09
6. ONL-035/09

But very regret and disappointment honestly speaking I do not satisfied with the justice or decision made my said WMS that reasons I want to registered a fresh complain but failed but got message that my complain already with WMS, which is a negative tactics to make people foolish and keeping away not to make frequent complain.

Our problem begins when replace our OLD meter during Jun 2005. Before we never lodge complain or approach to any authority or complain for excess ELECTRICITY BILLINGS. I have worked more for 2 years what amount of electricity bill we paid and consumed units, see the huge difference?

Aug 2006 to Jul 2007
Total Unit consumed 2,905
Avg unit monthly basis 242
Total bill amount paid Rs. 9,655
Avg bill amount monthly Rs. 805

Jul 2010 to Jun 2011
Total Unit consumed 2,813
Avg unit monthly basi 234
Total bill amount paid Rs.20,650
Avg bill amount monthly Rs. 1,721
Why WMS want to delay when a complain reach to them against KESC in order to protect the KESC? And Nepra and Power Minister do not interest to ask question from directly WMS for reasons they preferred to handle complain cases very slow and delay to protect consumer’s or KESC?

My Complain and Demand
I want rebate of Rs.14,000 for paying the bills which is result the meter is moving very fast above the normal consumption. When we uses our first meter from July 1999 to Jun 2005 than we never Lodge a complaint. When we face problem than we have right to protest and lodge complain too but very sad even KESC and Wafaqi Mohtasib Secretariat only do formalities but end result ZERO ( which is waste of time nothing else).

KESC HAVE MORE POWER & AUTHORITY that is why not answerable to any one
More painful I got support from the following organization and department but sill not hope to solve my complain for facing excess billing of KESC.

vide letter Ref PS/KESC/09/6/08 of Jun 2, 2009

vide letter Ref FPCCI/MA/2009 of Jun 18, 2009

vide letter Ref GS 2010 (SOV) 20 of March 2, 2010
vide letter Ref GS 2010 (SOV) 21 of March 2, 2010
vide letter Ref GS 17-71/09 433 of Jun 15, 2009

4.N E P R A, Islamabad
vide letter Ref TCD 10/950-2010 of Sep 1, 2010
vide letter Ref TCD 09/1707-2010 OF April 1, 2010
vide letter EIK-I/8-1NEPRA/2010-495 of Jun 6, 2010

Even I am not satisfied with the case and want to re-registered a fresh complain and guide how to lodge? When I lodge complain than my complain do not registered.

We normally use those light or fan which we need and try to switch off un-necessary saver bulb but in spite of this we face the KESC monthly bills which we does not expect. I am from middle class family and can’t afford to pay the double KESC power bills.

Yours faithfully

( Ashfaq Sharif )
Now I see why all the red marks. :|

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