If Biden is so popular and won by a landslide, why are we locking down DC and calling in 25,000 troops for an inauguration that no one will attend????

Domestic terrorism by Trump supporters.

BLM and Antifa a voters of Biden
So the bad behavior of radicals that associated themselves with Antifa or BLM excuses the bad behavior of radicals that associated themselves with Trump? What you're saying is that the extreme Right is no better than the extreme Left? If so I agree but that doesn't excuse either.
The Trumpsters are putting a great deal of effort into deflecting, changing the subject, and putting the other guy on the defensive.

Both groups are destructive and absolutely part of the problem. But comparing what Antifa and the Trump Jihadis have done is dishonest in the extreme. This is a literal threat to our democracy. We now have millions of heavily-armed domestic terrorists emotionally unhinged and ready to fight. The Antifa idiots have bricks and rocks.
Domestic terrorism by Trump supporters.

BLM and Antifa a voters of Biden
So the bad behavior of radicals that associated themselves with Antifa or BLM excuses the bad behavior of radicals that associated themselves with Trump? What you're saying is that the extreme Right is no better than the extreme Left? If so I agree but that doesn't excuse either.
The Trumpsters are putting a great deal of effort into deflecting, changing the subject, and putting the other guy on the defensive.

Both groups are destructive and absolutely part of the problem. But comparing what Antifa and the Trump Jihadis have done is dishonest in the extreme. This is a literal threat to our democracy. We now have millions of heavily-armed domestic terrorists emotionally unhinged and ready to fight. The Antifa idiots have bricks and rocks.

I'm not Trumpster, I'm a Free Man who's wanna stay free.
I don't need communism and the great reset.
Are white patriots 'domestic terrorists' for you?
Domestic terrorism by Trump supporters.

BLM and Antifa a voters of Biden
So the bad behavior of radicals that associated themselves with Antifa or BLM excuses the bad behavior of radicals that associated themselves with Trump? What you're saying is that the extreme Right is no better than the extreme Left? If so I agree but that doesn't excuse either.
The Trumpsters are putting a great deal of effort into deflecting, changing the subject, and putting the other guy on the defensive.

Both groups are destructive and absolutely part of the problem. But comparing what Antifa and the Trump Jihadis have done is dishonest in the extreme. This is a literal threat to our democracy. We now have millions of heavily-armed domestic terrorists emotionally unhinged and ready to fight. The Antifa idiots have bricks and rocks.

I'm not Trumpster, I'm a Free Man who's wanna stay free.
I don't need communism and the great reset.
Are white patriots 'domestic terrorists' for you?
Of course, yes.
You’re going to be sorely disappointed. The assault on our nation is going to be anything but calming.

I'm sure you crazies will keep getting crazier...

But after his little coup attempt, Trump's approval rating has dropped to 29%

It's going to get worse after he's gone, and we find out the true extent of his corruption and incompetence. That assume he doesn't do anything else sleazy in the next three days, like pardon a bunch of people or start a war.
Simple English escapes you- imagine that. Public Education at it's finest- I was told several years ago one has to write at a 4th grade level- I don't. I'm 73 years old and dealing with stupid Pubicly Educated stupid people and proving they're stupid letting them shine in public- good job, stupid.

Sorry, man, I was a product of Catholic Education. It's why I'm so wary of religious loons wanting power.

But you were babbling about "evidence" or something.

Most of your posts are barely coherent and sound like a mentally ill person.

Suddenly, the leftists are concerned about violence and insurrection? After 1/2 day of what amounts to nothing more than trespassing, they need 30,000 troops to protect their lily asses?

These motherfuckers are deliberately trying to piss us off. They are deliberately begging us to rebel. They believe they have all the power over us and they are waving it in our faces.

Actually, you are kind of getting to the point where you are a loud but ever shrinking minority.

But, yes, sit down, shut up and take it. Doing more of what you tried to pull last week will only get you into trouble.
Domestic terrorism by Trump supporters.

BLM and Antifa a voters of Biden
So the bad behavior of radicals that associated themselves with Antifa or BLM excuses the bad behavior of radicals that associated themselves with Trump? What you're saying is that the extreme Right is no better than the extreme Left? If so I agree but that doesn't excuse either.
The Trumpsters are putting a great deal of effort into deflecting, changing the subject, and putting the other guy on the defensive.

Both groups are destructive and absolutely part of the problem. But comparing what Antifa and the Trump Jihadis have done is dishonest in the extreme. This is a literal threat to our democracy. We now have millions of heavily-armed domestic terrorists emotionally unhinged and ready to fight. The Antifa idiots have bricks and rocks.

I'm not Trumpster, I'm a Free Man who's wanna stay free.
I don't need communism and the great reset.
Are white patriots 'domestic terrorists' for you?
We have more troops in DC now than we have in Afghanistan.

About the same number we have in South Korea.

Just saying.
The troops are there to arrest Biden and the rest of the DC pedophiles
Ya you see pedophiles wanna to separate children from their families at the border so they have no protection from their family. Non pedophiles want adults to have supervision of their children. An idiot like you does not understand this though.
Based on the DNA tests, about 1/3 of these children were already separated from their families in Latin America. That probably means that they are to be sold to human traffickers to pay their "parents" (kidnappers) fare to El Norte
So 2/3 of them were stolen or .666 of them Interesting how that works out. At any rate the . At any rate the policy was 100& percent evil. Thank you for pointing that out. Not a policy made by rational good human beings. That's exactly what the nazi did to the jee as soon as they hit the German concentration camps you fucking piece of trash.
Why has this thread not been banished to the cornfield of "conspiracy "theories" where no one will view it? Was someone not paying attention?
Wednesday's insurrection and 6 people killed? Threats of more criminal insurrection?Take a guess
Let's see....

Four died from medical emergencies (meaning the deaths were unrelated to the riots)....

And the officer that died was verified as having a stroke (possibly unrelated to the riot) ....

Then we have another officer that died from suicide (self-inflicted) a few days after the riots...

That means that the only death that can positively be identified as being a result of the riot was the shooting of an unarmed protestor by the Capitol police!!!!

one cop was beat TO DEATH.

one died as a result of her own ilk trampling her TO DEATH.

one was shot TO DEATH as a result of being a participant in a criminal act where other lives were threatened by her & her ilk's direct actions.
considering where she was & what she was doing - it matters not that she was unarmed.

one died of suicide ... perhaps a victim of PTSD.

one died of a heart attack.

i believe they reported a 6th death, but i don't know the details of that.
The 6th was also a stroke.

thanx, i tried finding the cause to no avail. good to see you posting - just the other day, i was wondering where you been.
Why would the "most popular President ever" need to do this???? It seems Biden just might not have the support the Democrats claim!!!!

Because you people are certifiably crazy. that's why we need to do that.
View attachment 443612

Um, yeah, those rioters were upset that they were being murdered by police.

You guys are butthurt you lost an election.
Those rioters didn't care about who got killed. They are liberals, you don't care about nobody but yourselves. Actually, you lost. Biden's policies are going to bury your party. He has already lost about 400,000 jobs and are falling more daily. Gas is already reacting to the cheating. Going to be a bad 4 years and you own it all!:itsok:
I'm not hurting in any way.
There you go, you just proved all you have is projection and repeating lies ad infinitum. Thanks.

Screeches the idiot who claims there was widespread voter fraud but can't prove it. It exists to him because he says it happened.

It has been prove multiple times over, NAZI

If that were true, fucking moron, Twice Impeached Trump would have been Twice Elected Trump instead.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

You’re going to be sorely disappointed. The assault on our nation is going to be anything but calming.

I'm sure you crazies will keep getting crazier...

But after his little coup attempt, Trump's approval rating has dropped to 29%

It's going to get worse after he's gone, and we find out the true extent of his corruption and incompetence. That assume he doesn't do anything else sleazy in the next three days, like pardon a bunch of people or start a war.
You people have been waiting for this Great War for four years and it never even came close to happening. And now you voted for an idiot who had a hand in every war we’ve been in for the last 47 years. Dumbass.
It was a protest, just like the protests by the left we saw all summer except the leftist were armed with tear gas, molotov cocktails, guns, clubs, etc. Comparing that to the British invasion is beyond ludicrous. You sure don't know much about U.S. History.
You miss the central difference. People rioting to the detriment of their fellow citizens is a crime.
Citizens doing the same against the government is insurrection.
No one did anyting of the sort, NAZI. You let us know when someone is charge with insurrection.
They will be charged with that after Twice Impeached Trump is no longer president.
A nation's president, who is inaugurated in a bunker because he is terrified of his constituency, is not legitimate.
Now...let's ask why he is surrounded by all the security. The reason being that the outgoing so called president cannot accept defeat and has angered all his cult with lies and misinformation about voter fraud. trump is not a man. He is a Coward who wants his mob to do his dirty work.

OF COURSE the extra security is necessary. If the outgoing POS was a man and had any dignity at all, he would tell his demented crowd that had lost and to stop their acts of violence. But he can't do that. He is a COWARD.
He did tell his supporters, obtuse moron. You and your Antifa/BLM rioters apparently didn't get the memo.
The people with the red hats and screaming to hang Pence were Trumpsters. The FBI has stated there was no evidence of Antifa at the Capitol. AND THEY WERE ALL WHITE.....STUPID!
You are sadly misinformed. BLM activist at riot ARRESTED after shouting 'we got to BURN this s***'
left-wing organizers have been keen to stress that they ejected Sullivan from their ranks months ago, accusing him of being either a right-wing infiltrator or a dangerously naive amateur.

he was banished from BLM protests after inviting Proud Boys to talk at a protest in Salt Lake City.

Ohs NOES! This means Eric Arthur Blair's ONE has gone back to bupkis.
ZERO AntiFa, ZERO BLM, and ZERO Anarchist Left.
But of course he'll scour the RW Fever Swamp for another hopeful one-off. :D
I'm not hurting in any way.
There you go, you just proved all you have is projection and repeating lies ad infinitum. Thanks.

Screeches the idiot who claims there was widespread voter fraud but can't prove it. It exists to him because he says it happened.

It has been prove multiple times over, NAZI

If that were true, fucking moron, Twice Impeached Trump would have been Twice Elected Trump instead.

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

No, you see when you criminal scum cheat and steal, it doesn't work anymore.
Because of a bunch of right wing radical shitheads. After all, it is the right wing that is listed as the chief terror threat in the US. And with the outgoing criminal President encouraging the fruitloops, we have a real problem. In case you have forgotten, it is the second time that the right wing has smeared shit all over a federal installation. The chief terrorist threat to the US is from the right wing.

Chris Wray and the FBI have told them that, the DOJ has told them that, DHS has told them that and the CIA has told them that. But you know, those guys are all leftist Deep State Satin-worshipping pedophile cannibals. :laugh:

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