If Biden is so popular and won by a landslide, why are we locking down DC and calling in 25,000 troops for an inauguration that no one will attend????

There is evidence being withheld from discovery. That is an admission of fraud just like Trump withholding his taxes prove his guilt. You assholes can't have it both ways.
There is no evidence being "withheld" Elections are open to poll watchers from both parties. The dominion voting machines have been certified and recertified, with the hand recount in Georgia certifying them one more time.

They are only entitled to expedited discovery if:
(2) some probability of success on the merits,
[ Notaro v. Koch, 95 F.R.D. 403 (S.D.N.Y. 1982), ]

If they are saying they can't make their case without discovery, then as such, are admitting they have little probability of success with the evidence they have.
The troops are there to arrest Biden and the rest of the DC pedophiles
Ya you see pedophiles wanna to separate children from their families at the border so they have no protection from their family. Non pedophiles want adults to have supervision of their children. An idiot like you does not understand this though.
Even if some Trump supporters show up, although they are being advised to not do so, there will be a token assault on the process, but by leftists dressed like pro-Trumper's. Biden, needs his excuse to declare all pro-Trumper's and Republicans, as "Insurrectionists" and suspend the Constitution, arresting millions and making us disappear. He's following Mao Zedong and Stalin's playbook. Eliminate the competition. First though, will come the mass disarming of law-abiding citizens, followed by the arrests.
but by leftists dressed like pro-Trumper's ...LOL!!
A nation's president, who is inaugurated in a bunker because he is terrified of his constituency, is not legitimate.
Now...let's ask why he is surrounded by all the security. The reason being that the outgoing so called president cannot accept defeat and has angered all his cult with lies and misinformation about voter fraud. trump is not a man. He is a Coward who wants his mob to do his dirty work.

OF COURSE the extra security is necessary. If the outgoing POS was a man and had any dignity at all, he would tell his demented crowd that had lost and to stop their acts of violence. But he can't do that. He is a COWARD.
He did tell his supporters, obtuse moron. You and your Antifa/BLM rioters apparently didn't get the memo.
The people with the red hats and screaming to hang Pence were Trumpsters. The FBI has stated there was no evidence of Antifa at the Capitol. AND THEY WERE ALL WHITE.....STUPID!
You are sadly misinformed. BLM activist at riot ARRESTED after shouting 'we got to BURN this s***'
left-wing organizers have been keen to stress that they ejected Sullivan from their ranks months ago, accusing him of being either a right-wing infiltrator or a dangerously naive amateur.

he was banished from BLM protests after inviting Proud Boys to talk at a protest in Salt Lake City.

Another one jumps ship. Dems eat their own.

banished means that you eject one that doesnt belong.
The troops are there to arrest Biden and the rest of the DC pedophiles
Ya you see pedophiles wanna to separate children from their families at the border so they have no protection from their family. Non pedophiles want adults to have supervision of their children. An idiot like you does not understand this though.
Based on the DNA tests, about 1/3 of these children were already separated from their families in Latin America. That probably means that they are to be sold to human traffickers to pay their "parents" (kidnappers) fare to El Norte
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I wonder too about this supposedly populor of Xiden so How come Trump that was banned for twilet did had more the 55.000.000 millions of followers and Xiden got only 24,200.000 millions ?
Covid ,The mostly peaceful protest at the capital are just excuses cause pretty much no one was gonna show up anyway ....

Which got me thinking ...ya know Biden has now pretty much served his purpose... and during the primaries the establishment desperately wanted a Kamala /.someone else ticket

They may shoot Biden and blame the right ...
Why does your blob have a new wall around his house?


Isn't he popular?
I wonder too about this supposedly populor of Xiden so How come Trump that was banned for twilet did had more the 55.000.000 millions of followers and Xiden got only 24,200.000 millions ?
That's unbelievable...
I wonder too about this supposedly populor of Xiden so How come Trump that was banned for twilet did had more the 55.000.000 millions of followers and Xiden got only 24,200.000 millions ?
That's unbelievable...
It tell the true about what going on in your country.
Nah, I meant you not knowing how to spell "popular".
I know that they were almost nobody at Sleepy Joe rallies.
Why would the "most popular President ever" need to do this???? It seems Biden just might not have the support the Democrats claim!!!!
Seems like a really dumb question, or an obvious loaded lame attempt of showing some wit. Gosh, law enforcement is warning of domestic terrorism, and President Biden is asking folks to stay away for safety concerns.
Covid ,The mostly peaceful protest at the capital are just excuses cause pretty much no one was gonna show up anyway ....

Which got me thinking ...ya know Biden has now pretty much served his purpose... and during the primaries the establishment desperately wanted a Kamala /.someone else ticket

They may shoot Biden and blame the right ...

It's ripe for another False Flag
Domestic terrorism by Trump supporters.

BLM and Antifa a voters of Biden
So the bad behavior of radicals that associated themselves with Antifa or BLM excuses the bad behavior of radicals that associated themselves with Trump? What you're saying is that the extreme Right is no better than the extreme Left? If so I agree but that doesn't excuse either.

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