If Biden loses, will it be the econony or broken borders?

Middle Easterners are an improvement.
They have a higher sense of morals.
Jihad means doing what is right even if it is hard.
They are not the ones invading everyone all the time, we are.
Why are we in Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Israel, the Ukraine, etc.?
We are the bad guys.
Don't expect us to change here. Just go there and improve. We will all be better off.


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Do those two issues outweigh abortion, climate change, Democracy and the former fuckup itchy asshole?
The Economy is far more important than baby murder. WW3 and how to avoid it is far more important than phony Climate issues.
You said it.

Wait, are you hiding under the bed pissing in your pants at night worried about what that shirtless Russian president is gonna do next?
Nope. Being 73 ,I really don't give a shit. I saw enough war in 'Nam. But I see NO benefit to piss and moan over a Climate that has been changing for 5 Billion years.
Nope. Being 73 ,I really don't give a shit. I saw enough war in 'Nam.


But I see NO benefit to piss and moan over a Climate that has been changing for 5 Billion years.

Well 4.5 bln to be exact.

Climate changes - that's a given. Hominids have endured through extremes, but not human civilization. That was built on climate stability, not climate change. We have 8 billion people and counting, all of whom owe their existence to a stable climate and improvements in efficiency.

If Biden loses, will it be the econony or broken borders?​

Maybe it will be because he is removed from tons of state ballots. 😎

Well 4.5 bln to be exact.

Climate changes - that's a given. Hominids have endured through extremes, but not human civilization. That was built on climate stability, not climate change. We have 8 billion people and counting, all of whom owe their existence to a stable climate and improvements in efficiency.
So what do we do? Sacrifice OUR economy while China and India and others build more and more coal plants? I don't like pollution any more than the next person. But we have to be realistic. Solar and wind will NEVER replace Fossil fuel. Alternatives? Nuclear. Hydroelectric. Hydrogen Peroxide.
So what do we do? Sacrifice OUR economy while China and India and others build more and more coal plants? I don't like pollution any more than the next person. But we have to be realistic. Solar and wind will NEVER replace Fossil fuel. Alternatives? Nuclear. Hydroelectric. Hydrogen Peroxide.

I don't know. I think that conversations about the 'solution' can start in earnest when enough people - a critical mass - have a better understanding of what we're dealing with, and what the consequences of getting it wrong are. We're not there yet. Won't be for probably another decade. Impacts will be happening well before then - already are. But we won't collectively make the connection until we're observing widespread suffering around us. And even then, who knows how the human animal reacts or responds.
I don't know. I think that conversations about the 'solution' can start in earnest when enough people - a critical mass - have a better understanding of what we're dealing with, and what the consequences of getting it wrong are. We're not there yet. Won't be for probably another decade. Impacts will be happening well before then - already are. But we won't collectively make the connection until we're observing widespread suffering around us. And even then, who knows how the human animal reacts or responds.
All I am saying is ,stop tilting at windmills (excuse the pun}. Remember the Manhatten Project? Maybe do some R&D on Nuclear FUSION. Solar is worthless. So is Wind. Hydrogen Peroxide? The Krauts used it in their V2 Rockets. The by-products are water and oxygen. Just a thought.
All I am saying is ,stop tilting at windmills (excuse the pun}. Remember the Manhatten Project? Maybe do some R&D on Nuclear FUSION. Solar is worthless. So is Wind. Hydrogen Peroxide? The Krauts used it in their V2 Rockets. The by-products are water and oxygen. Just a thought.

There's a lot of research on fusion. Even some advancement. But that needs to happen sooner, faster.
There's a lot of research on fusion. Even some advancement. But that needs to happen sooner, faster.
Like I said. An INTENSIVE R&D. In the meantime ,our Engineers should look into converting our CARS to Hydrogen Peroxide. We still have SOME engineering talent in this country. Divert ALL research away from Solar and Wind and concentrate on good alternatives.
Like I said. An INTENSIVE R&D. In the meantime ,our Engineers should look into converting our CARS to Hydrogen Peroxide. We still have SOME engineering talent in this country. Divert ALL research away from Solar and Wind and concentrate on good alternatives.

In the meantime, our environmental problems get worse.
Like I said. An INTENSIVE R&D. In the meantime ,our Engineers should look into converting our CARS to Hydrogen Peroxide. We still have SOME engineering talent in this country. Divert ALL research away from Solar and Wind and concentrate on good alternatives.

No hydrogen peroxide wells out there.
You're going to waste energy to make it? Why?
Hmmmm.... Almost ALL material for Solar comes from China. Waste? It costs money to drill for Oil and ship it. The BENEFITS would far outweigh the Cost of Production. What are they? CLEAN Energy that actually WORKS. Wind and Solar do NOT work.

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