If Biden said you had to wear only fluorescent green clothing while walking outdoor because it would make you safer would you support a mandate?

This days died in Texas a 49 years old man - the father of 12 children - on covid-19.

Democrats continue to play politics with the chinese virus problem

LefTard Logic:
“Please Father Government, guide me, please tell me I should be terrified of the Democrat Virus, step all over my freedom and FORCE me to do what you want me to do, please stop me from pursuing life, liberty and happiness, stop me from having the right to choose."

A biological problem is not a political problem !!!
I'm just curious as to how far people are willing to be pushed by Father Government.
Would you allow Joe to tell you what to wear as long as it made you safer?
All that fluorescent green does is enact the possibility of a better score on the golf course
I'm just curious as to how far people are willing to be pushed by Father Government.
Would you allow Joe to tell you what to wear as long as it made you safer?

Their argument would be "wear bright green so you can be seen. Someone might not see you and hit you and cause an accident, think of their lives". It's just like "get the vaccine or you kill someone's grandma".

"Do as we say or you're a murderer".

No I wouldn't wear green. I'd wear what i want to wear. It's not my responsibility to protect the rest of the country. My responsibility is to do what I think is best for myself and my immediate family, and try to be a decent person. That's it.
Nah, you're projectingt your own sheeplike nature on to liberals. DearLeader says jump, you jump. DearLeader tells you to lie about election fraud, you lie. DearLeader says attack the Capitol, you attack.

Thus, you assume liberals must think the same way. That's not the case. We are not like you. We don't have a DearLeader giving us orders.
Lol, no you don't take orders. You just do and act like you are told to do. If not, you're off the plantation.
I don't have to read the thread to know there are several liberals twisting themselves into a pretzel explaining how the two things are completely different!!!
I do not wear a mask because of Biden or anyone else. If a business I am going into requires it then I will either choose not to enter the business or I will wear a mask. I am the same way with a dress code or other rules a business might have. I am not a dick and will not make some hourly wage employee have to choose between their job and enforcing a policy they did not make.

A golf course I go to every now and then requires a shirt with a collar and pants with a belt. If I do not wish to wear these things I will play golf else where. When I do play there, there are always a couple of Karen's that think they are above the rules, they make me want to puke
If Trump told you that the election was stolen in spite of 60 court challenges and not a lick of evidence that makes sense and that you need to attack the Capitol in order that he maintain power, would you do it?

Oh wait....
Lol, if we wanted to do that. Jan 6 would've been a lot different.
I'm just curious as to how far people are willing to be pushed by Father Government.
Would you allow Joe to tell you what to wear as long as it made you safer?
I feel so sorry for you in your mental struggles....thinking that's equivalent in any way.
Good question to ask those with the brown-stained faces who were told Obama shat ice cream.

The only weapon we have against virusses is our own immune system. A very astonishing thing of this system is it that we are able to condition it: It is able to learn! - what means in the reverse it seems to be on its own a kind of animal - a "beast" - a kind of weapon with artificial - ah sorry: biological - intelligence. And this beast is our only ally - our only help - if a virus will attack us. If the IS (immune system) with its BS (biological intelligence) knows a virus it will react fast - if the virus is unknown it will react slow. This can be the difference between life and death.

But how to communicate with this very good friend of us? How to help this beast to help us? With a vaccination! We have to tell the immune system what our enemy is - so it will awake the right moment and protect us. And how do we tell this to our very good friend? By showing our immune system a part of our enemy which is not able to fight on its own - the "uniform" for example, or the "sword" - we call this v-a-c-c-i-n-a-t-i-o-n. And so in very most cases our immune system will in the future afterwards not be surprised from an attack from a virus and it will find best ways to eliminate it soon. That's our only serios chance - we don't have any other chance!

So: What's wrong with your brain? Why do you suggest to your people to go into a heavy fight for their own life without any training - without the shield vaccination and a sharp immune system - what means in many serios situations without any chance to win? That's why I call you a "coffin nail" for everyone who trusts in you and all this absurde political nonsense which is not able to solve a serios biological problem. Vaccinations make free!

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Is it fundamentally different than something that covers one's feet or torso?
Well folks…apparently Freedom Fighting LiberalTarians believe local government should control and dictate what people have the RIGHT to wear….TWILIGHT ZONE SHIT.
Well folks…apparently Freedom Fighting LiberalTarians believe local government should control and dictate what people have the RIGHT to wear….TWILIGHT ZONE SHIT.

Pretty sure they already do. Try walking down your main street naked and see what happens to you.
Pretty sure they already do. Try walking down your main street naked and see what happens to you.
I guess so…and apparently you Freedom Fighters aren’t about to draw a line in the sand and stop them from controlling more of you.

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