if Biden wins, what will the Trump fans feel or do?

the same question referring to the Biden fans is in another thread
Going by what happened the last time - throw a hissy fit, assault the United States Capitol, and try to hang anyone who tries to follow the Constitution.
Nothing. They'll bitch, piss, and moan, but there won't be another garden party at the Capitol on 1/6/2025.
My feeling is this time, authorities will be ready.
Going by what happened the last time - throw a hissy fit, assault the United States Capitol, and try to hang anyone who tries to follow the Constitution.
When did this happen???
Regardless of the winner, America's biggest concern that dwarfs all others is the war against Russia. And so Americans will unite over that cause.

But! The cause has to be an antiwar cause on account of a full blown war against Russia is impossible!
Nothing. They'll bitch, piss, and moan, but there won't be another garden party at the Capitol on 1/6/2025.
My feeling is this time, authorities will be ready.
They were ready the last time, but figure the odds on anyone being stupid enough to fall for that scam a second time.
Regardless of the winner, America's biggest concern that dwarfs all others is the war against Russia. And so Americans will unite over that cause.

But! The cause has to be an antiwar cause on account of a full blown war against Russia is impossible!
The chances of that are slim to none.
Russia has been fighting a war for the last few years and they're having difficulty getting fresh bodies to fight.,
The chances of that are slim to none.
Russia has been fighting a war for the last few years and they're having difficulty getting fresh bodies to fight.,
I'm a little bit concerned on account of claims that Russia's weaponry is superior to America's, mainly because Russia's is more suitable to the conditions of the war. And also the fact that it's been determined that there is no missile defense system that actually works anymore.

Examples are the Abrams tanks that are being destroyed by Russia as soon they're deployed. America has no air support so far.

How much of the propaganda can we believe?
I'm a little bit concerned on account of claims that Russia's weaponry is superior to America's, mainly because Russia's is more suitable to the conditions of the war. And also the fact that it's been determined that there is no missile defense system that actually works anymore.

Examples are the Abrams tanks that are being destroyed by Russia as soon they're deployed. America has no air support so far.

How much of the propaganda can we believe?
An Abrams tank is only as good as the unit it's assigned to.
If the unit is filled with dunderheads, it doesn't matter how good the tanks are.
You still have to learn how to use them...and deploy them properly,

And the fact is we cannot believe anything that comes out of Ukraine.
Life will go on.
That's even a bigger factor than you realize!
But it's so far ensuring that there can't be nuclear war.

There's a reluctance to discussing the possibilities on this board and that's unfortunate.

As an opener: Russia's claim of not ever accepting defeat! Can America afford to accept defeat? Or is there another way that can satisfy both sides?

We'll be talking about it sooner or later!
That's even a bigger factor than you realize!
But it's so far ensuring that there can't be nuclear war.

There's a reluctance to discussing the possibilities on this board and that's unfortunate.

As an opener: Russia's claim of not ever accepting defeat! Can America afford to accept defeat? Or is there another way that can satisfy both sides?

We'll be talking about it sooner or later!
Russia accepted defeat in Afghanistan, so there's hope.
The free world cannot afford for America to be defeated.
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An Abrams tank is only as good as the unit it's assigned to.
If the unit is filled with dunderheads, it doesn't matter how good the tanks are.
You still have to learn how to use them...and deploy them properly,

And the fact is we cannot believe anything that comes out of Ukraine.
Those who are using the Abrams tanks are the best and the most battle seasoned in the world. The shortcoming is in the lack of air support. At least understand that! That's the main reason why the 20+ are not being deployed, along with their negatives in the battle situation. Fuel?
Those who are using the Abrams tanks are the best and the most battle seasoned in the world. The shortcoming is in the lack of air support. At least understand that! That's the main reason why the 20+ are not being deployed, along with their negatives in the battle situation. Fuel?
Proper deployment involves a lot of considerations. One of them is proper air & ground support.
Another is intel on the AO to assure success.
Russia accepted defeat in Afghanistan, so there's hope.
Yes, but this is not the same sort of defeat.

And fwiw, America has accepted defeat in all of it's wars against a formidable enemy since the end of WW2. Afghanistan and Vietnam being examples.

Not to suggest that this war against Russia is in any way similar to Afghanistan for either side.

I'm particularly concerned about Iran becoming involved now that the Brics alliance is such a large part of the equation.
The minimum is red states openly refuse to cooperate with federal dogma. The maximum is they secede. Many Trump fans move to red states.

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