If borders are assumed to be open....


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Where do individual governments like the US federal government get their legitimacy?

Shouldn't we just assume we are world citizens?
Well, we do have an wide open southern border.
And political correctness dictates all federal government matters. And we wonder why our debt is so large it’s unpayable, Violent crime is out-of-control in progressive controlled urban areas.
There is no way millions of illegal aliens will benefit this country
Liberals claim they’re against open boarders, but they’re against any effort that would deter foreigners from invading our boarders, and they try to claim that there’s no problem that needs addressing. They’re pissing on everyone’s head, telling us it’s raining
For the past 3 years here in the southwest, good luck trying to be seen in an emergency room in the winter during the height of the flu season in a timely manner. My wife had a stroke 2 years ago and waited 14 hours to get a bed after being brought in by an ambulance.

If that's the case the FBI, DEA, ATF, & all those other agencies, should be able to go down and clean up.


Immigration into the US is at a 40 year low.

The US has for the first time ever, over 7 million jobs available. That from the bureau of labor statistics.

And Republicans are terrified terrified of immigrants? Why? Are they that stupid?
Where do individual governments like the US federal government get their legitimacy?

Shouldn't we just assume we are world citizens?

I ran my boat down to Cancun two summers ago and I swear to you there were more REAL Americans there than there are in Los Angeles...my point is this; you no longer have to travel to Mehico for the disgusting wetback experience...one can easily overdose on wetback culture in LA.
The advantage to open borders is that the country would be able to fire all of the border guards and customs agents.

Replace them with Costco style greeters who will work for a lot less.

Immigration into the US is at a 40 year low.

The US has for the first time ever, over 7 million jobs available. That from the bureau of labor statistics.

And Republicans are terrified terrified of immigrants? Why? Are they that stupid?

You must be deluded into thinking most of those jobs are picking crops.
How many in this current horde trying to enter the country have the skills to occupy the majority of these jobs requiring skilled labor?
These jobs are not part-time Obama jobs.
Who would need a passport?

Apparently you only need a passport to leave the US.

But you'll need a 'Real ID' drivers license in order to board a plane by April 2020. I got mine and many illegals won't be flying.
That's a good little compliant subject.

Hey, I do what I gotta do when they change the rules if I want to fly.
I guess you don't need to fly.
He may not have left his basement in years.
As a sidebar, actually requiring a real ID license or an ID in order to vote would put to bed any suspicions about illegal voting.
But, that makes too much sense.
Well, we do have an wide open southern border.
And political correctness dictates all federal government matters. And we wonder why our debt is so large it’s unpayable, Violent crime is out-of-control in progressive controlled urban areas.
There is no way millions of illegal aliens will benefit this country
Just what we want more Gangs killing and selling dope. If I was patrolling a area and I caught a Bro with a gun and no CCW, I would really not arrest him. It got so bad in blk areas with the Mexicans moving in that a person better be carrying.
Immigration into the US is at a 40 year low.

The US has for the first time ever, over 7 million jobs available. That from the bureau of labor statistics.

And Republicans are terrified terrified of immigrants? Why? Are they that stupid?
not terrified at all--stop the dumbshit
..basic economics--more workers/people = lower wages- higher prices-overcrowded schools-more crime--etc
..they especially pay dumb, non-english speakers lower wages

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