If Cohen Billed Trump $130 G for Legal Fees and Accountants Paid it Where’s the Crime?


May 23, 2014
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer
/-----/ I'm still waiting for the crime that justifies the Muller investigation.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer
/-----/ I'm still waiting for the crime that justifies the Muller investigation.
Me too. This is just an attempt to overturn an election.
/-----/ I'm still waiting for the crime that justifies the Muller investigation.

the Crime is that Trump is president after the people clearly said "No".

I do find it hilarious that the same people who thought Clinton should be impeached for getting a blow job from an intern are saying that fucking a porn star because she looks like his daughter and paying her off before an election is no big deal.
/-----/ I'm still waiting for the crime that justifies the Muller investigation.

the Crime is that Trump is president after the people clearly said "No".

I do find it hilarious that the same people who thought Clinton should be impeached for getting a blow job from an intern are saying that fucking a porn star because she looks like his daughter and paying her off before an election is no big deal.
another fallacy Joey...your scumbag buddy Bubba was NOT impeached for a blow job by an intern. Read up son.
another fallacy Joey...your scumbag buddy Bubba was NOT impeached for a blow job by an intern. Read up son.

Sure he was... that's why Starr had to spend so much time trying to get Monica to describe their encounters in graphic detail.

And most sensible Americans looked at that and said, "you spent 70 million dollars on THIS?"

But if you think that lying about a blow job is impeachable, then lying about paying off a porn star is impeachable... you guys need to be consistant.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer
/-----/ I'm still waiting for the crime that justifies the Muller investigation.
Me too. This is just an attempt to overturn an election.
how can any of this over turn the election? Even if he were impeached for felonies committed during the election run up....the election will never be over turned and given to Clinton.... it'll go to your pick as Vice president, Mike Pence....

so no, the election results will never be over turned...even if the Trump Campaign team cheated and aided and abetted the enemy, that's just another hogwash meme.... developed by the Trumpster himself!!!
another fallacy Joey...your scumbag buddy Bubba was NOT impeached for a blow job by an intern. Read up son.

Sure he was... that's why Starr had to spend so much time trying to get Monica to describe their encounters in graphic detail.

And most sensible Americans looked at that and said, "you spent 70 million dollars on THIS?"

But if you think that lying about a blow job is impeachable, then lying about paying off a porn star is impeachable... you guys need to be consistant.
Yeah...blame Starr and ignore the actions of your boy Bubba. Typical.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer

Bullshit. Rich people don’t just sign cheques without questioning every bill. You don’t get rich paying out money with no idea where or why it’s going.

You especially don’t pay out hundreds of thousands of dollars to a criminal lawyer in your employ without knowing exactly what he’s doing and how it can come back to bite you in your ass.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer
/-----/ I'm still waiting for the crime that justifies the Muller investigation.
Me too. This is just an attempt to overturn an election.
how can any of this over turn the election? Even if he were impeached for felonies committed during the election run up....the election will never be over turned and given to Clinton.... it'll go to your pick as Vice president, Mike Pence....

so no, the election results will never be over turned...even if the Trump Campaign team cheated and aided and abetted the enemy, that's just another hogwash meme.... developed by the Trumpster himself!!!
it would open the door to further stupidity. you see, the next argument from the left would be that if trumps victory was a fraud, then pence should not be president now. the entire side should be thrown out and our "runner up, little miss can't be be wrong popular vote winner" should be president.

sounds stupid, i know. and many elections ago this would never even have gotten out of the "lord that's assnugget stupid" stage. but today, it would happen. neither extreme can let a thing go and will continue to push as long as "we the people" let them.
/-----/ I'm still waiting for the crime that justifies the Muller investigation.

the Crime is that Trump is president after the people clearly said "No".

I do find it hilarious that the same people who thought Clinton should be impeached for getting a blow job from an intern are saying that fucking a porn star because she looks like his daughter and paying her off before an election is no big deal.

Wrong, The people voted him in office. You guys are beyond delusional at this point.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer

Bullshit. Rich people don’t just sign cheques without questioning every bill. You don’t get rich paying out money with no idea where or why it’s going.

You especially don’t pay out hundreds of thousands of dollars to a criminal lawyer in your employ without knowing exactly what he’s doing and how it can come back to bite you in your ass.

He did nothing wrong. Where is the russia collusion connection? Where?
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1. Mueller's questions to Trump that were leaked is part of the investigation of the 10th District as it was turned over to them because it was outside the scope of his investigation. So why was he asking those questions when those questions should have come from the District and not his investigation.

2. Non Disclosure Agreements are legal. The Mueller investigation is fishing and the MSM is trying to push a phony story that it was done with Campaign Funds. Trump is rich and didn't need to use campaign funds to pay it

3. Stormy said that the sex was consensual which is not a crime.

4. Stormy was using a one night stand story to try and make money off of it. Which leads to possible extortion.

5. Stormy is a whore.

6. Stormy is probably the highest paid whore in history.

7. The original scope of the investigation was about Russia. Now it about any business deals and offshoring of money that if were universally tried........we would have to re elect nearly the entire Senate and congress. Not to mention the corporations and Banks that PAY TO PLAY with the most corrupt government in history.

8. Leaks in Congress, the Senate, and Government are now common place on Confidential matters for political reasons.

9. Top dogs of the FBI have been caught in lies, which they put people in prison for.

10. Top dogs in the FBI and Intel arena's are getting high paying jobs in the MSM and companies who lobby the government.

11. Both the RNC and the DNC paid the middle men FUSION GPS to dig up dirt on Trump during an election. Then used false information to get a FISA Warrant to wire tap members of the Trump Campaign.

12. Brought to you by the last administration which used Federal Agencies to attack American Citizens for there beliefs.

13. Brought to you by the last administration that destroyed evidence after being ordered by the courts to turn it over.

14. Brought to you by the last administration that had groups like the CF receiving VASTS amounts of money from Foreign Gov'ts including Russia...............but no Collusion charges there.

15 Evidence of Crimes of the Federal Laws on the books were there during the last administration. Violating Classified material and the Handling of State Dept information.

The WRONG PEOPLE ARE UNDER INVESTIGATION..............The dirty politicians and their gangs should have a microscope up their asses. They are doing this to cover up their own crimes and dirty politics by Career Whore politicians who all need to go.
1. Mueller's questions to Trump that were leaked is part of the investigation of the 10th District as it was turned over to them because it was outside the scope of his investigation. So why was he asking those questions when those questions should have come from the District and not his investigation.

2. Non Disclosure Agreements are legal. The Mueller investigation is fishing and the MSM is trying to push a phony story that it was done with Campaign Funds. Trump is rich and didn't need to use campaign funds to pay it

3. Stormy said that the sex was consensual which is not a crime.

4. Stormy was using a one night stand story to try and make money off of it. Which leads to possible extortion.

5. Stormy is a whore.

6. Stormy is probably the highest paid whore in history.

7. The original scope of the investigation was about Russia. Now it about any business deals and offshoring of money that if were universally tried........we would have to re elect nearly the entire Senate and congress. Not to mention the corporations and Banks that PAY TO PLAY with the most corrupt government in history.

8. Leaks in Congress, the Senate, and Government are now common place on Confidential matters for political reasons.

9. Top dogs of the FBI have been caught in lies, which they put people in prison for.

10. Top dogs in the FBI and Intel arena's are getting high paying jobs in the MSM and companies who lobby the government.

11. Both the RNC and the DNC paid the middle men FUSION GPS to dig up dirt on Trump during an election. Then used false information to get a FISA Warrant to wire tap members of the Trump Campaign.

12. Brought to you by the last administration which used Federal Agencies to attack American Citizens for there beliefs.

13. Brought to you by the last administration that destroyed evidence after being ordered by the courts to turn it over.

14. Brought to you by the last administration that had groups like the CF receiving VASTS amounts of money from Foreign Gov'ts including Russia...............but no Collusion charges there.

15 Evidence of Crimes of the Federal Laws on the books were there during the last administration. Violating Classified material and the Handling of State Dept information.

The WRONG PEOPLE ARE UNDER INVESTIGATION..............The dirty politicians and their gangs should have a microscope up their asses. They are doing this to cover up their own crimes and dirty politics by Career Whore politicians who all need to go.

Mueller and company already know all this and are there to cover this stuff up.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer

Trump knew what was going on. Simple reality. Trump is someone who has refused to pay legitimate bills. The idea he would fork over $130,000 without knowing where it was going is ridiculously stupid.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer

Trump knew what was going on. Simple reality. Trump is someone who has refused to pay legitimate bills. The idea he would fork over $130,000 without knowing where it was going is ridiculously stupid.
Maybe you should offer your services to Trump. For 1 night you can then go to the tabloids and say you did him for a bunch of money........then make a call to Trump and say .........for x amount of dollars I'll stay quiet about having sex with you.

Perhaps for more money than Stormy.

Get busy bee.
No one has shown evidence that the Russian Spy ring altered the elections in any way.

No one has said Jack Squat about Obama trying to tamper in Israel elections. Did it influence elections there at all. Doubtful but if it did it had the opposite effect because Israel didn't like Obama anyway.

Where was the outrage when the German's found out our intel agencies were hacking into the leaders phone.

Again...........paid for by the DNC and Hillary campaign to dig dirt on Trump in Russia. There's your Collusion.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer

Trump knew what was going on. Simple reality. Trump is someone who has refused to pay legitimate bills. The idea he would fork over $130,000 without knowing where it was going is ridiculously stupid.
Maybe you should offer your services to Trump. For 1 night you can then go to the tabloids and say you did him for a bunch of money........then make a call to Trump and say .........for x amount of dollars I'll stay quiet about having sex with you.

Perhaps for more money than Stormy.

Get busy bee.

FUCK YOU SICK BASTARD!! Besides you have your mouth so far up Trump's ass there is no room WHORE!!
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer

Trump knew what was going on. Simple reality. Trump is someone who has refused to pay legitimate bills. The idea he would fork over $130,000 without knowing where it was going is ridiculously stupid.
Maybe you should offer your services to Trump. For 1 night you can then go to the tabloids and say you did him for a bunch of money........then make a call to Trump and say .........for x amount of dollars I'll stay quiet about having sex with you.

Perhaps for more money than Stormy.

Get busy bee.

FUCK YOU SICK BASTARD!! Besides you have your mouth so far up Trump's ass there is no room WHORE!!
Raw nerve ending hit. GOOD.........LET IT FLOW.

Along with your BS investigation from Criminals who have proven to violate the laws in this country.

Which you turn a blind eye to. Now go see Trump and get your money.
/-----/ I'm still waiting for the crime that justifies the Muller investigation.

the Crime is that Trump is president after the people clearly said "No".

I do find it hilarious that the same people who thought Clinton should be impeached for getting a blow job from an intern are saying that fucking a porn star because she looks like his daughter and paying her off before an election is no big deal.
/-----/ "I do find it hilarious that the same people who thought Clinton should be impeached for getting a blow job" The only ones spreadig that lie is you democRATs. He was impeached for lying to a Federal Judge and allowing testimony he knew to be false as evidence. But maybe you Libtards are too simple minded to understand the nuances so you talk about BJs because it's all you understand.
are you a moron.gif

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