If Cohen Billed Trump $130 G for Legal Fees and Accountants Paid it Where’s the Crime?

Didn’t read much of the thread.

The reason Rudy went on Hannity and made sure he broadcasted that Trump paid Cohen back was to sate the campaign finance charge. In effect, giving the money back can be seen as refusing the “donation” in legal terms. It’s a legal tightrope to walk but there is a path now where none existed before.

Of course, this is just one of the malady of issues Trump faces.

The collusion charge is alive and well. His own sons met with Russians as did his campaign manager.
His senior advisor met with Russian Hackers who were credited with hacking the DNC.

Then there is the OOJ charge where he apparently dropped the FBI director who refused to “drop” the charges on General Flynn

Cohen’s problems and the Stormy Daniels is just another issue….

It really doesn't solve his problem. Even if it was his money, he still would have had to report the money as a loan to his campaign. Trying to push it as Cohen's retainer still puts Trump in the legal crosshairs.
Didn’t read much of the thread.

The reason Rudy went on Hannity and made sure he broadcasted that Trump paid Cohen back was to sate the campaign finance charge. In effect, giving the money back can be seen as refusing the “donation” in legal terms. It’s a legal tightrope to walk but there is a path now where none existed before.

Of course, this is just one of the malady of issues Trump faces.

The collusion charge is alive and well. His own sons met with Russians as did his campaign manager.
His senior advisor met with Russian Hackers who were credited with hacking the DNC.

Then there is the OOJ charge where he apparently dropped the FBI director who refused to “drop” the charges on General Flynn

Cohen’s problems and the Stormy Daniels is just another issue….

It really doesn't solve his problem. Even if it was his money, he still would have had to report the money as a loan to his campaign. Trying to push it as Cohen's retainer still puts Trump in the legal crosshairs.

But the campaign donation reporting issue would be a slap on the wrist compared to exceeding campaign donation limits Cohen would be guilty of.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer
You obviously have no clue how retainers work. This explains how you are so easily lied to and parrot what you are told to parrot.
/-----/ I'm still waiting for the crime that justifies the Muller investigation.

the Crime is that Trump is president after the people clearly said "No".

I do find it hilarious that the same people who thought Clinton should be impeached for getting a blow job from an intern are saying that fucking a porn star because she looks like his daughter and paying her off before an election is no big deal.

The people said "no" to Hillary, not Trump. The way 3 million illegal aliens in CA voted doesn't matter.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer

Bullshit. Rich people don’t just sign cheques without questioning every bill. You don’t get rich paying out money with no idea where or why it’s going.

You especially don’t pay out hundreds of thousands of dollars to a criminal lawyer in your employ without knowing exactly what he’s doing and how it can come back to bite you in your ass.
Trump doesn't pay the money he actually owes people. LOL

But the OP accidentally posits a legit question. Trump bought sex with Stormy ten years before the election, why pay extortion to hide it? I guess its logically possible that Trump thought it might influence voters. But then, why did Trump lie for months that the money didn't come from him? Ghouliani's spinning isn't changing the fact that somebody broke finance laws, and it's probably a felony. But very few people get kicked out of office, especially if they just own up and fix it. It's only a felony when it's "intentional." And Trump will never be impeached or indicted for campaign finance.

It's just weird. But Trump's not exactly normal.
Didn’t read much of the thread.

The reason Rudy went on Hannity and made sure he broadcasted that Trump paid Cohen back was to sate the campaign finance charge. In effect, giving the money back can be seen as refusing the “donation” in legal terms. It’s a legal tightrope to walk but there is a path now where none existed before.

Of course, this is just one of the malady of issues Trump faces.

The collusion charge is alive and well. His own sons met with Russians as did his campaign manager.
His senior advisor met with Russian Hackers who were credited with hacking the DNC.

Then there is the OOJ charge where he apparently dropped the FBI director who refused to “drop” the charges on General Flynn

Cohen’s problems and the Stormy Daniels is just another issue….

It really doesn't solve his problem. Even if it was his money, he still would have had to report the money as a loan to his campaign. Trying to push it as Cohen's retainer still puts Trump in the legal crosshairs.
I don't think you have to report personal donations to your campaign. Rich candidates do it all the time. Furthermore, you still don't have a case calling it a campaign donation. Many things you do for personal reasons can benefit your campaign, like buying a suit or catting caps on your teeth. If there's a plausible personal benefit, then it's not a campaign donation.

This is a dry hole for the Mewler witch hunt.
When Hillary's filth was exposed by leakers, the pseueocons had a collective mass orgasm.

When Trump's filth is exposed by leakers, those very same pseuedocons scream for leakers to be jailed! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Trump paid top dollar to keep his filth under wraps. And that's why he won.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer
You obviously have no clue how retainers work. This explains how you are so easily lied to and parrot what you are told to parrot.
yeah, I just don't see why Trump and now Rudy are tying themselves into knots with lies about this, which should be the least of their concerns. I understand why they pulling back from blaming Cohen, because they don't need to add to his legal problems and give him more reason to take down Trump with him
Didn’t read much of the thread.

The reason Rudy went on Hannity and made sure he broadcasted that Trump paid Cohen back was to sate the campaign finance charge. In effect, giving the money back can be seen as refusing the “donation” in legal terms. It’s a legal tightrope to walk but there is a path now where none existed before.

Of course, this is just one of the malady of issues Trump faces.

The collusion charge is alive and well. His own sons met with Russians as did his campaign manager.
His senior advisor met with Russian Hackers who were credited with hacking the DNC.

Then there is the OOJ charge where he apparently dropped the FBI director who refused to “drop” the charges on General Flynn

Cohen’s problems and the Stormy Daniels is just another issue….

It really doesn't solve his problem. Even if it was his money, he still would have had to report the money as a loan to his campaign. Trying to push it as Cohen's retainer still puts Trump in the legal crosshairs.
I don't think you have to report personal donations to your campaign. Rich candidates do it all the time.
They have to report expenditures, which is apparanlty why Rudy is tying himself into knots about Cohen somehow having regular legal bills

Remember, Hillary passed campaign spending scruitiny because she TIMELY disclosed her lawyers paid for the dossier. Now do your primal scream thing
Didn’t read much of the thread.

The reason Rudy went on Hannity and made sure he broadcasted that Trump paid Cohen back was to sate the campaign finance charge. In effect, giving the money back can be seen as refusing the “donation” in legal terms. It’s a legal tightrope to walk but there is a path now where none existed before.

Of course, this is just one of the malady of issues Trump faces.

The collusion charge is alive and well. His own sons met with Russians as did his campaign manager.
His senior advisor met with Russian Hackers who were credited with hacking the DNC.

Then there is the OOJ charge where he apparently dropped the FBI director who refused to “drop” the charges on General Flynn

Cohen’s problems and the Stormy Daniels is just another issue….

It really doesn't solve his problem. Even if it was his money, he still would have had to report the money as a loan to his campaign. Trying to push it as Cohen's retainer still puts Trump in the legal crosshairs.

But the campaign donation reporting issue would be a slap on the wrist compared to exceeding campaign donation limits Cohen would be guilty of.
The snowflakes are so desperate to make this into something when it's a big nothing burger.
Didn’t read much of the thread.

The reason Rudy went on Hannity and made sure he broadcasted that Trump paid Cohen back was to sate the campaign finance charge. In effect, giving the money back can be seen as refusing the “donation” in legal terms. It’s a legal tightrope to walk but there is a path now where none existed before.

Of course, this is just one of the malady of issues Trump faces.

The collusion charge is alive and well. His own sons met with Russians as did his campaign manager.
His senior advisor met with Russian Hackers who were credited with hacking the DNC.

Then there is the OOJ charge where he apparently dropped the FBI director who refused to “drop” the charges on General Flynn

Cohen’s problems and the Stormy Daniels is just another issue….

It really doesn't solve his problem. Even if it was his money, he still would have had to report the money as a loan to his campaign. Trying to push it as Cohen's retainer still puts Trump in the legal crosshairs.
I don't think you have to report personal donations to your campaign. Rich candidates do it all the time.
They have to report expenditures, which is apparanlty why Rudy is tying himself into knots about Cohen somehow having regular legal bills

Remember, Hillary passed campaign spending scruitiny because she TIMELY disclosed her lawyers paid for the dossier. Now do your primal scream thing
It's a personal expenditure. It came out of Trump's pocket, not the campaign's.

The coupe against Trump ends up with another nothing burger.
Didn’t read much of the thread.

The reason Rudy went on Hannity and made sure he broadcasted that Trump paid Cohen back was to sate the campaign finance charge. In effect, giving the money back can be seen as refusing the “donation” in legal terms. It’s a legal tightrope to walk but there is a path now where none existed before.

Of course, this is just one of the malady of issues Trump faces.

The collusion charge is alive and well. His own sons met with Russians as did his campaign manager.
His senior advisor met with Russian Hackers who were credited with hacking the DNC.

Then there is the OOJ charge where he apparently dropped the FBI director who refused to “drop” the charges on General Flynn

Cohen’s problems and the Stormy Daniels is just another issue….

It really doesn't solve his problem. Even if it was his money, he still would have had to report the money as a loan to his campaign. Trying to push it as Cohen's retainer still puts Trump in the legal crosshairs.

But the campaign donation reporting issue would be a slap on the wrist compared to exceeding campaign donation limits Cohen would be guilty of.
The snowflakes are so desperate to make this into something when it's a big nothing burger.

Everything is nothing burger according to you fools even as people around Trump keep pleading guilty or indicted.

Trump's failure to report this "donation" to the campaign is at very least a misdemeanor.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer

Trump knew what was going on. Simple reality. Trump is someone who has refused to pay legitimate bills. The idea he would fork over $130,000 without knowing where it was going is ridiculously stupid.
yea but what is more stupid is the idea that someone with zero internal knowledge seems to know so much after all.

you hate trump so all reasons you have to hate him are just and valid to you. that's really about the best way i can think of to define the fusion between pathetic and insecure.
/-----/ I'm still waiting for the crime that justifies the Muller investigation.

the Crime is that Trump is president after the people clearly said "No".

I do find it hilarious that the same people who thought Clinton should be impeached for getting a blow job from an intern are saying that fucking a porn star because she looks like his daughter and paying her off before an election is no big deal.

Maybe because lying to a grand jury, under oath, is a crime, and paying off a porn star is not a crime.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer
Because...that's not a legal fee, that is money laundering.

Oh, you mean that giving money to a law firm to give to another organization, to hire a foreigner to conspire with the russians to get dirt on trump is actually money laundering?
another fallacy Joey...your scumbag buddy Bubba was NOT impeached for a blow job by an intern. Read up son.

Sure he was... that's why Starr had to spend so much time trying to get Monica to describe their encounters in graphic detail.

And most sensible Americans looked at that and said, "you spent 70 million dollars on THIS?"

But if you think that lying about a blow job is impeachable, then lying about paying off a porn star is impeachable... you guys need to be consistant.
Yeah...blame Starr and ignore the actions of your boy Bubba. Typical.

That is not the point... Ken Star started at Whitewater and ended up with a consensual oral sex in the White house after years of investigation, Lewinsky wanted to refuse to testify until Ken Starr threatened to put her mother in jail. er

So what actions are you blaming 'Bubba'...

On contrast Mueller's investigation is about Russian involvement int he election and any crimes found there after... So far he has a list of charges, some related to the Trump campaign... Trump didn't help himself by confessing on TV to obstruction of justice and telling Russian's allies secrets....

If so innocent why act so guilty?
And all Bubba had to do was admit it, and all the cost and time spent would have been avoided. Instead he used his bitch wife and others in his administration to lie about his actions.

It is all Bubba's fault, but you won't get that fact from your sources.

Bill handled just fine...

His approval rose and if there was an election tomorrow he hand Trump his ass...

Trump is rated as the worst President in History...

History experts in New York Times op-ed: Trump worst president ever, Obama in top 10

Do we laugh now, or do you have a punchline?
Man, this show just gets more and more hilarious.

Trump denies knowledge of payment to Stormy.

Giuliani contradicts Trump and says Trump paid Cohen back for the payment.

Trump then tweets confirmation that Giuliani is correct.

And now...Trump says Giuliania got his facts wrong! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Trump Undercuts Giuliani About Payments to Stormy Daniels

President Trump undercut his attorney, Rudolph W. Giuliani, on Friday, and said the former New York mayor will eventually get the facts right regarding a payment to a pornographic actress who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump.

“And virtually everything said has been said incorrectly, and it’s been said wrong, or it’s been covered wrong by the press,” Mr. Trump said.

Wait wait wait wait!

Here's the best part. The President says to reporters: “You know what? Learn before you speak. It’s a lot easier,” the president said.

BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Oh my god the irony is fucking killing me! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

The Trump presidency is like a really badly edited reality TV show where the continuity editor was high on crack cocaine when he spliced everything together.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer

Sounds like money laundering. The $130k is not a legal fee, is a payout for a settlement. Definitely changes the tax liabilities.
Man, this show just gets more and more hilarious.

Trump denies knowledge of payment to Stormy.

Giuliani contradicts Trump and says Trump paid Cohen back for the payment.

Trump then tweets confirmation that Giuliani is correct.

And now...Trump says Giuliania got his facts wrong! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Trump Undercuts Giuliani About Payments to Stormy Daniels

President Trump undercut his attorney, Rudolph W. Giuliani, on Friday, and said the former New York mayor will eventually get the facts right regarding a payment to a pornographic actress who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump.

“And virtually everything said has been said incorrectly, and it’s been said wrong, or it’s been covered wrong by the press,” Mr. Trump said.

Wait wait wait wait!

Here's the best part. The President says to reporters: “You know what? Learn before you speak. It’s a lot easier,” the president said.

BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Oh my god the irony is fucking killing me! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Damn, what a total fucking circus.

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