If Cohen Billed Trump $130 G for Legal Fees and Accountants Paid it Where’s the Crime?

Sounds like money laundering. The $130k is not a legal fee, is a payout for a settlement. Definitely changes the tax liabilities.
But the $12 million the COLE lawfirm paid to Fusion GPS wasn't money laundering?
Neither payment is money laundering.

However, Cohen may have committed fraud to evade Patriot Act disclosure requirements, in much the same way Denny Hastert did to hide his payoff to a guy he molested when the guy was a child.
What "Patriot Act disclosure requirements?" Does every single financial transaction you make need to be reported to the government?
Any movement of money over $10,000 has to be reported to the government, yes, retard.

Cohen moved $130,000. I'm sure even someone as stupid as yourself can see that is more than $10,000.

Here, let me give you a refresher: Patriot Act that Hastert heralded helped bring his downfall

You're welcome.
Banks report it automatically, moron. That's been true since long before the Patriot Act. What Hasert did is make a series of transactions for just under $10,000 to prevent them from being reported.
And it appears Cohen may have committed a similar evasion for the same purpose.

All caught up now?
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer
Because...that's not a legal fee, that is money laundering.

Oh, you mean that giving money to a law firm to give to another organization, to hire a foreigner to conspire with the russians to get dirt on trump is actually money laundering?
No, not what I meant at all. Please pay attention.
/-----/ I'm still waiting for the crime that justifies the Muller investigation.

the Crime is that Trump is president after the people clearly said "No".

I do find it hilarious that the same people who thought Clinton should be impeached for getting a blow job from an intern are saying that fucking a porn star because she looks like his daughter and paying her off before an election is no big deal.
No...they people clearly said yes...and now you have exposed what investigation is really about. Overturning a fair election.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer

The Communists don't need a "crime," they just need accusations.

This is a witch hunt, not a legal proceeding.
Trump didn't commit a crime. The purpose of the Mueller Investigation, however, is not to find a real crime, it's to undermine Trump's Presidency via a Perpetual Witch Hunt.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer

Trump knew what was going on. Simple reality. Trump is someone who has refused to pay legitimate bills. The idea he would fork over $130,000 without knowing where it was going is ridiculously stupid.
It’s 100% plausibile.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer

Trump knew what was going on. Simple reality. Trump is someone who has refused to pay legitimate bills. The idea he would fork over $130,000 without knowing where it was going is ridiculously stupid.
So think Trump walked around with $130,000 cash in paper bags...gave it to Cohen and said, “Thanks pal!” That’s just not realistic.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer
Because...that's not a legal fee, that is money laundering.
No...that’s a bill to be paid.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer

So what you're saying is someone with low morals has no effect on or enters into any other decisions they may make? It's ok to lie one day and turn around and say something else on the left hand but on the right hand you've passed a budget. It's ok to follow someone who puts out more fake news than all combined news sources. Someone who just keeps making the swamp bigger. I was all for electing someone that had no political experience if that someone was moral and ethical. At present we have someone who has no morality, ethics or any scruples at all. But you follow........ unbelievable there are so many people in the U.S. with the same qualities as your orange one and to boot regular church goers.
Sounds like the Clinton’s to me.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer
It doesn't matter. Cohen was Trump's personal attorney handling a personal matter and if Mueller and Rosenstein had a shred of personal integrity, they would't even be looking into it.
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/-----/ I'm still waiting for the crime that justifies the Muller investigation.

the Crime is that Trump is president after the people clearly said "No".

I do find it hilarious that the same people who thought Clinton should be impeached for getting a blow job from an intern are saying that fucking a porn star because she looks like his daughter and paying her off before an election is no big deal.
/——-/ Trump is at 51%. WTF do you mean the people said no? Are you drunk?
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer

Sounds like money laundering. The $130k is not a legal fee, is a payout for a settlement. Definitely changes the tax liabilities.
Cohen paid it out of pocket and billed Trump.
Sure he was... that's why Starr had to spend so much time trying to get Monica to describe their encounters in graphic detail.

And most sensible Americans looked at that and said, "you spent 70 million dollars on THIS?"

But if you think that lying about a blow job is impeachable, then lying about paying off a porn star is impeachable... you guys need to be consistant.
Yeah...blame Starr and ignore the actions of your boy Bubba. Typical.

That is not the point... Ken Star started at Whitewater and ended up with a consensual oral sex in the White house after years of investigation, Lewinsky wanted to refuse to testify until Ken Starr threatened to put her mother in jail. er

So what actions are you blaming 'Bubba'...

On contrast Mueller's investigation is about Russian involvement int he election and any crimes found there after... So far he has a list of charges, some related to the Trump campaign... Trump didn't help himself by confessing on TV to obstruction of justice and telling Russian's allies secrets....

If so innocent why act so guilty?
And all Bubba had to do was admit it, and all the cost and time spent would have been avoided. Instead he used his bitch wife and others in his administration to lie about his actions.

It is all Bubba's fault, but you won't get that fact from your sources.

Bill handled just fine...

His approval rose and if there was an election tomorrow he hand Trump his ass...

Trump is rated as the worst President in History...

History experts in New York Times op-ed: Trump worst president ever, Obama in top 10

Do we laugh now, or do you have a punchline?
NYT op ed....:laughing0301:
No...that’s a bill to be paid.
100% wrong, and fire your legal research team immediately. A settlement paid is not a legal fee. If the payment was intentionally misrepresented as a fee for legal services rendered, that is illegal. And , considering the nature of the transaction, it would constitute money laundering.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer
Imagine if this happened during voting?

It's called quid pro quo.
The wealthy and powerful are busy people and give much latitude into how accountants handle their bills. Payment to Cohen could have been a bill for “legal fees.” Trump probably didn’t know where the $$$ was going. Simple reality. When your as rich as DJT $130,000 is like $13.00 to the rest of us.
How Lawyers Bill for Their Services | Rocket Lawyer

Trump knew what was going on. Simple reality. Trump is someone who has refused to pay legitimate bills. The idea he would fork over $130,000 without knowing where it was going is ridiculously stupid.
Maybe you should offer your services to Trump. For 1 night you can then go to the tabloids and say you did him for a bunch of money........then make a call to Trump and say .........for x amount of dollars I'll stay quiet about having sex with you.

Perhaps for more money than Stormy.

Get busy bee.

FUCK YOU SICK BASTARD!! Besides you have your mouth so far up Trump's ass there is no room WHORE!!
Raw nerve ending hit. GOOD.........LET IT FLOW.

Along with your BS investigation from Criminals who have proven to violate the laws in this country.

Which you turn a blind eye to. Now go see Trump and get your money.

It's amazing perverts like you are allowed out by yourself.
Your side uses every dirty trick in the book You trash us daily and expect no return fire. Suck it up Sugar tits and deal with Karma.
Cohen had access to $774000 during 2016 campaign How many payoffs was he making?

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