If Trump Can Hire This Attorney - His Case Will Definitely Be Dismissed


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Former President Donald Trump is having trouble nailing down a new lawyer to represent him ahead of his scheduled arraignment in Florida on Tuesday, and The Guardian's Hugo Lowell reports he may turn to one who has direct personal experience with the criminal justice system. According to Lowell, Trump is spending his Monday meeting with prospective lawyers, and Lowell claims that Trump has already been turned down by attorney David Markus. However, one of Lowell's sources also says that Trump is meeting with attorney "Ben Kuehne, who has previously been indicted." Kuehne was indicted in 2008 on multiple charges, including one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering, four counts of concealment money laundering, and one count of obstruction of justice.

The United States Department of Justice at the time alleged that Kuehne laundered drug money for the benefit of convicted cocaine Colombian trafficker Fabio Ochoa Vazquez to pay for his legal defense; The DOJ would drop all charges against Kuehen when the the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that any legal fees paid for criminal defense were exempt from money laundering laws."

This talk of Trump having difficulty finding brilliant legal help because of his unwillingness to pay legal fees is false...Lawyers turn down Trump because they are afraid of being punished by the Deep State -- but if Trump can hire this guy, it would be his best hire yet, because the case will most certainly be dropped. This is the best guy for the job, he knows how to fight the deep state....when they tried to convict him for accepting drug money for legal payment, they had to throw that case out....This guy knows the Deep State, hell, he once represented Deep State architect, Al Gore during his 2000 election ballot case.

"Colleagues call Ben Kuehne a lawyer’s lawyer, an attorney whose ethics are beyond reproach. Vice President Al Gore relied on him in his fight to get ballots recounted in the 2000 presidential election."

He even took on Deep State RINO traitor Bill Bar when he was trying to have him removed from a case the DOJ was bringing against a drug company CEO:

"U.S. Magistrate Judge William Matthewman denied a prosecution motion to disqualify the defense counsel for dietary supplement company Blackstone Labs and its CEO Phillip Braun on Monday. An indictment filed against Braun on March 7 accused him of participating in a conspiracy to skirt Food and Drug Administration oversight as well as falsely market unregulated steroids and nutraceutical drugs as dietary supplements"

So Kuehne has proven himself to be able to defeat the Deep State and their tyrannical corrupt racist Anti-American justice system over and over again and if Trump can manage to get him on board....he will once and for all bring down the Deep State and beat them in their own court.
Trump is a lawyers worst nightmare

He doesn’t keep his mouth shut
He doesn’t follow legal advice
He demands his lawyers lie for him
He refuses to pay his bills

I don’t see why any credible lawyer would choose to represent him

"Former President Donald Trump is having trouble nailing down a new lawyer to represent him ahead of his scheduled arraignment in Florida on Tuesday, and The Guardian's Hugo Lowell reports he may turn to one who has direct personal experience with the criminal justice system. According to Lowell, Trump is spending his Monday meeting with prospective lawyers, and Lowell claims that Trump has already been turned down by attorney David Markus. However, one of Lowell's sources also says that Trump is meeting with attorney "Ben Kuehne, who has previously been indicted." Kuehne was indicted in 2008 on multiple charges, including one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering, four counts of concealment money laundering, and one count of obstruction of justice.

The United States Department of Justice at the time alleged that Kuehne laundered drug money for the benefit of convicted cocaine Colombian trafficker Fabio Ochoa Vazquez to pay for his legal defense; The DOJ would drop all charges against Kuehen when the the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that any legal fees paid for criminal defense were exempt from money laundering laws."

This talk of Trump having difficulty finding brilliant legal help because of his unwillingness to pay legal fees is false...Lawyers turn down Trump because they are afraid of being punished by the Deep State -- but if Trump can hire this guy, it would be his best hire yet, because the case will most certainly be dropped. This is the best guy for the job, he knows how to fight the deep state....when they tried to convict him for accepting drug money for legal payment, they had to throw that case out....This guy knows the Deep State, hell, he once represented Deep State architect, Al Gore during his 2000 election ballot case.

"Colleagues call Ben Kuehne a lawyer’s lawyer, an attorney whose ethics are beyond reproach. Vice President Al Gore relied on him in his fight to get ballots recounted in the 2000 presidential election."

He even took on Deep State RINO traitor Bill Bar when he was trying to have him removed from a case the DOJ was bringing against a drug company CEO:

"U.S. Magistrate Judge William Matthewman denied a prosecution motion to disqualify the defense counsel for dietary supplement company Blackstone Labs and its CEO Phillip Braun on Monday. An indictment filed against Braun on March 7 accused him of participating in a conspiracy to skirt Food and Drug Administration oversight as well as falsely market unregulated steroids and nutraceutical drugs as dietary supplements"

So Kuehne has proven himself to be able to defeat the Deep State and their tyrannical corrupt racist Anti-American justice system over and over again and if Trump can manage to get him on board....he will once and for all bring down the Deep State and beat them in their own court.
I don't know. Two lead lawyers quit him, after seeing he had been hiding document from his lawyers and leaving them to deal with false statements of no documents left in his possession. Maybe he can find some independent or Democrat lawyers. His usual picks don't seem to be working out.
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Trump is a lawyers worst nightmare
No. But he is the kind of client who is “difficult.”
He doesn’t keep his mouth shut
At least not always; and sometimes on matters he should simply zip his lips on.
He doesn’t follow legal advice
You don’t know that. But a guess is as good as a fact to you link heads.
He demands his lawyers lie for his claim. And no proof. And as a matter of reality, he couldn’t, anyway. Any lawyer who did so because a client asked him to do so is a moron.

He refuses to pay his bills
False. There are instances of him declining to pay, of course. Imagine demanding that work AS Contracted for has to be performed before he pays the bill. Shocking.
I don’t see why any credible lawyer would choose to represent him

What you don’t see is of zero significance. You’re a hack.
Well the list of lawyers whose careers were ruin by taking the money and having to deal with trump has a few lawyers name on it.

The current example is his previous lawyer who was handling the classified documents issue in the Florida case. The lawyer is no longer Trump's lawyer and has providing damning evidence that could get Trump convicted of a Federal crime.

Trump and his supporters will counter with client-attorney privilege. The problem is that there is an exception to this privilege. a client's communication to his attorney isn't privileged if he made it with the intention of committing or covering up a crime or fraud.

So when Trump is asking his lawyer how he should dispose or get rid of certain documents in his possession , then he has just lost that privilege. The lawyer can now be used to offer evidence of a crime or fraud or Trumps comments by repeating what Trump had said to him in relationship to a cover up of a crime. That is how smart Trump is.
That is your problem
Right now, Trump is facing over 70 charges in two indictments
In many, the facts can’t be disputed

There are still charges pending in Georgia and DC

To assume Trump will be acquitted on every single charge is optimistic on your part.
This country doesn't convict former presidents...

Every benefit of a doubt will be extended to Trump to the point his charges will be dismissed....

This country isn't set up to punish white conservative power like that...never has, never will....
This country doesn't convict former presidents...

Every benefit of a doubt will be extended to Trump to the point his charges will be dismissed....

This country isn't set up to punish white conservative power like that...never has, never will....

Not so far
This country doesn't convict former presidents...

Every benefit of a doubt will be extended to Trump to the point his charges will be dismissed....

This country isn't set up to punish white conservative power like that...never has, never will....

The only reason Nixon was not indicted in a court was because Ford had granted him an unconditional pardon. Case was closed. Yet the courts have said that a pardon is an admissions of guilt but they cannot be prosecuted for their crimes.

What going to happen if Trump is convicted , is that some republican president will pardon him at a later date.

If Trump was smart , he would drop out of the race and support another Republican candidate for president in hopes of getting an unconditional pardon. All his legal issues that might convict him of a crime would go away. Trump would try to pardon himself and that would raise some real issues.

Democrats have to make sure that they win the election. But at some point they will lose one.
I don't know. Two lead lawyers quit him, after seeing he had been hiding document from his lawyers and leaving them to deal with false statements of no documents left in his possession. Maybe he can find some independent or Democrat lawyers. His usual picks don't seem to be working out.
They didn't quit... they are not licensed to practice law in Florida... you guys just swallow it all don't ya... one lie after another goes down your pie holes and you don't even stop to find the truth....
The only reason Nixon was not indicted in a court was because Ford had granted him an unconditional pardon. Case was closed. Yet the courts have said that a pardon is an admissions of guilt but they cannot be prosecuted for their crimes.

What going to happen if Trump is convicted , is that some republican president will pardon him at a later date.

If Trump was smart , he would drop out of the race and support another Republican candidate for president in hopes of getting an unconditional pardon. All his legal issues that might convict him of a crime would go away. Trump would try to pardon himself and that would raise some real issues.

Democrats have to make sure that they win the election. But at some point they will lose one.
Trump won't be convicted because Judge Cannon will make sure he doesn't
Trump won't be convicted because Judge Cannon will make sure he doesn't
Prior to the trial your assuming that the judge will do a JNOV if he/she does not like the verdict. Sounds like deep state activities by the right. Still even if he does it then it will be appealed and he is risking his job for Trump. Any JNOV will be closely reviewed by the next level of appeal.
Prior to the trial your assuming that the judge will do a JNOV if he/she does not like the verdict. Sounds like deep state activities by the right. Still even if he does it then it will be appealed and he is risking his job for Trump. Any JNOV will be closely reviewed by the next level of appeal.
It can be a JNOV or the judge may elect to render the verdict herself instead of the jury; meaning the jury won't be involved in the verdict at all......and her job isn't at risk because she has a lifetime appointment and she won't be impeached
It can be a JNOV or the judge may elect to render the verdict herself instead of the jury; meaning the jury won't be involved in the verdict at all......and her job isn't at risk because she has a lifetime appointment and she won't be impeached

Well any judge can be removed but granted it would be difficult in the case of a federal judge as it has to voted on.

Still as a federal judge she pledge to uphold the rules of law so your confidence that she will rule in favor of Trump because Trump appointed her is fallacy.

the case will be appealed and if she does a JNOV to reverse the jury verdict then that will reflect upon her impartiality and here oath to uphold ability as a judge to uphold the rules of law.

"Former President Donald Trump is having trouble nailing down a new lawyer to represent him ahead of his scheduled arraignment in Florida on Tuesday, and The Guardian's Hugo Lowell reports he may turn to one who has direct personal experience with the criminal justice system. According to Lowell, Trump is spending his Monday meeting with prospective lawyers, and Lowell claims that Trump has already been turned down by attorney David Markus. However, one of Lowell's sources also says that Trump is meeting with attorney "Ben Kuehne, who has previously been indicted." Kuehne was indicted in 2008 on multiple charges, including one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering, four counts of concealment money laundering, and one count of obstruction of justice.

The United States Department of Justice at the time alleged that Kuehne laundered drug money for the benefit of convicted cocaine Colombian trafficker Fabio Ochoa Vazquez to pay for his legal defense; The DOJ would drop all charges against Kuehen when the the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that any legal fees paid for criminal defense were exempt from money laundering laws."

This talk of Trump having difficulty finding brilliant legal help because of his unwillingness to pay legal fees is false...Lawyers turn down Trump because they are afraid of being punished by the Deep State -- but if Trump can hire this guy, it would be his best hire yet, because the case will most certainly be dropped. This is the best guy for the job, he knows how to fight the deep state....when they tried to convict him for accepting drug money for legal payment, they had to throw that case out....This guy knows the Deep State, hell, he once represented Deep State architect, Al Gore during his 2000 election ballot case.

"Colleagues call Ben Kuehne a lawyer’s lawyer, an attorney whose ethics are beyond reproach. Vice President Al Gore relied on him in his fight to get ballots recounted in the 2000 presidential election."

He even took on Deep State RINO traitor Bill Bar when he was trying to have him removed from a case the DOJ was bringing against a drug company CEO:

"U.S. Magistrate Judge William Matthewman denied a prosecution motion to disqualify the defense counsel for dietary supplement company Blackstone Labs and its CEO Phillip Braun on Monday. An indictment filed against Braun on March 7 accused him of participating in a conspiracy to skirt Food and Drug Administration oversight as well as falsely market unregulated steroids and nutraceutical drugs as dietary supplements"

So Kuehne has proven himself to be able to defeat the Deep State and their tyrannical corrupt racist Anti-American justice system over and over again and if Trump can manage to get him on board....he will once and for all bring down the Deep State and beat them in their own court.

Top drawer lawyers have been turning Trump down for 30 years. Not only does he not pay his legal bills he doesn't listen or cooperate with his lawyers.

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