If Dems. want the Senate back next year, this is what they need to do...

The twats on the right and far right are trembling.

The party that can promise and deliver on a massive tax cut on the middle and laboring classes while keeping the taxes on the wealthy and conglomerates the same will win overwhelmingly

PRECISELY my point in the O/P....thank you!!!
(points at nat) LOSERS (makes big L sign) better luck next time demwits.


The twats on the right and far right are trembling.

The party that can promise and deliver on a massive tax cut on the middle and laboring classes while keeping the taxes on the wealthy and conglomerates the same will win overwhelmingly.

Rather than addressing what my O/P posited, moronic right wingers just idiotically keep on repeating (because they're idiots) "....but, we won last year, we won last year".........LOL
Don't look weak and don't back down! Fight for civil rights, human rights and point out what a crock Trumps policies are.

This and only this can give us a chance.
Don't look weak and don't back down! Fight for civil rights, human rights and point out what a crock Trumps policies are.

This and only this can give us a chance.
Nope, because Middle America is Post Civil Rights Normative.

They want their middle class lifestyle back.
Don't look weak and don't back down! Fight for civil rights, human rights and point out what a crock Trumps policies are.

This and only this can give us a chance.
Nope, because Middle America is Post Civil Rights Normative.

They want their middle class lifestyle back.

Defunding education, science and infrastructure is going to make them even poorer. Democrats need to point that out.
Next year in Utah: Jenny Wilson the dem beats Hatch if he runs. Romney beats God and Hatch and Wilson if he runs altogether.

Wilson hates Trump but not as much as Romney hates Trump.
Don't look weak and don't back down! Fight for civil rights, human rights and point out what a crock Trumps policies are.

This and only this can give us a chance.
Nope, because Middle America is Post Civil Rights Normative.

They want their middle class lifestyle back.

Defunding education, science and infrastructure is going to make them even poorer. Democrats need to point that out.
Yes. please point out what is not happening. You will win for sure.

....and I've always proposed a challenge for anyone to name a dozen or so large corporations who are actually paying the high tax rate...the loopholes make the codified corporate tax rate a fucking joke.
Well, virtually every other tax has become less progressive since 1980, and now the 1%/chamber complain only the 1-20% pay income tax, this is a way to give the "bottom" 80% a tax cut while reforming income tax. The gop admits it'll blow up the deficit. So leave taxes the same but for giving the 2nd and 3rd quintiles a credit. lol. I don't really agree with the policy, but don't let anyone tell you the cut has to go primarily to those making 900K a year. LOL
Typical commiecrat, you're ignoring reality. The fact is middle America made NY and CA irrelevant. Trump ran on a specific agenda, if you think they will give the obstructionist to that agenda a pass, you're dreaming. Their focus will be on the agenda, not on all the political propaganda being churned out by you commiecrats.

My O/P aimed at democrat leaders' possible willingness to re-attract deceived American voters who thought that Trump was some kind of savior.....the thread is NOT meant for CULT members like you and your ilk who kiss his orange ass incessantly.

No your op is about the commiecrats trying to co-opt Trumps message and a portion of his agenda, voters don't take kindly to johnny-come-latelys. Commiecrats had their chance to work for everyones benefit, they chose to be obstructionist. They will be reminded of that fact at the polls.

No your op is about the commiecrats trying to co-opt Trumps message and a portion of his agenda, voters don't take kindly to johnny-come-latelys. Commiecrats had their chance to work for everyones benefit, they chose to be obstructionist. They will be reminded of that fact at the polls.


Careful when you throw out your fucked up label of "Commiecrats" little Tigger........

No your op is about the commiecrats trying to co-opt Trumps message and a portion of his agenda, voters don't take kindly to johnny-come-latelys. Commiecrats had their chance to work for everyones benefit, they chose to be obstructionist. They will be reminded of that fact at the polls.


Careful when you throw out your fucked up label of "Commiecrats" little Tigger........


So all you got is deflection, figures.

...That stated, a Hispanic representation will, in the next decade or so, turn Texas and Florida blue or at least purple...
Your problem is 2018, not 2028 or 2038...

...Further, there are TWO BILLION Muslims on this planet...

There are 1.6 billion Muslims, and 2.2 billion Christians.


...and about 4 to 5% are radicalized......dream on if you and your ilk think that they will go away because you fear them.
Never said anything about them going away...

Just staying within their own domains... their cult is entirely and irredeemably incompatible with Western Civilization and Culture and Philosophy and Democracy.

Wake us up when one can build a Church or Synagogue or Temple in Saudi Arabia or Egypt or Iran or Pakistan, and worship openly and without fear.

Until then... without Reciprocity, nobody gives a $hit... except to ensure that you snowflakes don't let them enjoy a one-sided cultural interaction that works to our detriment.


As to "fear"... the only "fear" is that of the Enemy Within... the wolves admitted into our midst... the Barbarians allowed through the gates by idiotic LibTards.

In any toe-to-toe between Christendom and Islam, Christendom holds all the cards today... population, territory, technology, wealth, military prowess, nukes, ICBMS, etc.


It's more "disgust" and "disdain" for warrior-religions and third-world-$hithole mentalities, and a desire to keep the peace domestically, than it is "fear", little one.

The sooner you-and-your-ilk figure that out, the sooner you'll be back on the road to political power again.

Until then... keep deluding yourselves... and throwing peanut shells from the sidelines and cheap seats (political impotence)... you're gonna be there a while.
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Lots of BS and gas lighting on both sides of the isle. I think Trumps tax reform will ultimately pass and give him some momentum in 2018.

That said, the midterms are still over a year from now and very little analysis is really needed to predict the outcome. If the economy jumps into a higher gear in 2018, the Republicans will have close to a super majority in the Senate and will easily hold the house handing the Dems a crushing defeat. If the economy lags, the Dems have a shot at taking the house back and the Republicans will probably be at around 53-54 seats in the senate. It's that simple really.

I am betting on option #1. I think the economy is getting pretty close to a lift off here and that will benefit Trump. I think 2018 was set to be a pretty good year for the economy no matter who the president turned out to be, so in Trump may find himself at the right place and time. 2020 will be more interesting, Will the economy be running out of gas by then? Recessions happen about once every 10 years. We are about due for one. But, I think we are just starting to hit a groove in this recovery.
They'd need to stop being whiney twats.

Never gonna happen.
Were you in a coma during the eight years of the Obama Administration? How the FUCK did you miss all the whining and screaming and gnashing of teeth and flailing and thrashing and kicking and moaning of the pseudocons in all that time?
LOL, Really? The GOP controls the Presidency, The HoR, The Senate and SCOTUS, not to mention 33 Governorships and 69 of the 99 State Legislative Chambers if this is a "disaster" I'd hate to see what a GOP electoral boon looks like.

Apparently the Democratic Party has held your brain in captivity for so long that it has developed Stockholm Syndrome.:cool:

Shut up ... o_O
If you keep talking they may figure out the GOP is close to being able to rewrite and ratify the Constitution.

They'd need to stop being whiney twats.

Never gonna happen.
Were you in a coma during the eight years of the Obama Administration? How the FUCK did you miss all the whining and screaming and gnashing of teeth and flailing and thrashing and kicking and moaning of the pseudocons in all that time?

Were you in a coma during the eight years of the Obama Administration?

I didn't miss the 8 years of Obama Whiney Twat.
I was a Berner not a Hillarian - didn't vote for Crooked Trump OR Crooked Hillary. But of course my vote for POTUS in Idaho is meaningless anyway thanks to the obsolete electoral system that leaves me without a voice.

Curious how ignorant some voters are about our system.

Without the Electoral College, Idaho, along with a couple dozen other states might as well not vote at all. The entire election would hinge on fewer than a dozen states and actually cities. That's the reason the Electoral College was considered so important they included it in our Constitution was specifically to bring the smaller states into the union.

You might as well throw in the towel on doing away with the Electoral. Aside from all the other hurdles, the bottom line is that THIRTY-EIGHT of the fifty states has to approve the amendment. Without a question, Idaho would NOT be among those thirty-eight states. Why would they voluntarily surrender any voice, whatsoever, in the Presidential Election?
I was a Berner not a Hillarian - didn't vote for Crooked Trump OR Crooked Hillary. But of course my vote for POTUS in Idaho is meaningless anyway thanks to the obsolete electoral system that leaves me without a voice.

Curious how ignorant some voters are about our system.

Without the Electoral College, Idaho, along with a couple dozen other states might as well not vote at all. The entire election would hinge on fewer than a dozen states and actually cities. That's the reason the Electoral College was considered so important they included it in our Constitution was specifically to bring the smaller states into the union.

You might as well throw in the towel on doing away with the Electoral. Aside from all the other hurdles, the bottom line is that THIRTY-EIGHT of the fifty states has to approve the amendment. Without a question, Idaho would NOT be among those thirty-eight states. Why would they voluntarily surrender any voice, whatsoever, in the Presidential Election?

You have it all backwards, which i guess is no surprise. You started out okay and finished badly. Yep, currently with the EC the number of states who determine the outcome of a presidential election is in the single digits. Candidates throw all their efforts and advertising toward purples/ swings leaving the deep blue and deep red states entirely out of the equation. If you are a Democrat in Texas or a Republican in California there is honestly no reason to vote for anything nationally other than your Rep in the House and of course other local issues in which you still have a voice.

The EC is one of the last vestiges of slavery. You know it, I know it, literally everyone who's researched it and thought it through knows it. The only reason Republicans still support it is that it's the only way a Republican candidate can win nationally due to changing demographics. This of course has the likes of Trump and his white nationalist minions having conniption fits. You may be correct that it will be difficult to overturn, but it will happen not with a change to the constitution but on a state by state basis. States will continue one by one to reject it.

Sorry - one man, ONE vote ... not 10 or 20 or 30.

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