If Donald Trump becomes President, how will it affect our economy?

That's NOT what he says in this video.
This is my last post concerning this issue until after you watch the video.
MFer falls all over himself coming up with bullshit.

Milton Friedman has opposed tariffs his entire career, like virtually every other economist of any renown.

Whatever you are misconstruing is of no consequence.
MFers opposition of Tariffs fed his investments quite well.
Bottom line is Trump is right. Countries have been taking advantage for the last three decades, destroyed our manufacturing and jobs. .

How have they been taking advantage?

Its cheaper to make product in countries with lower wages and other lower costs. That is the essence of capitalism.
It's a long list but start with countries making goods under conditions that would be considered criminal here in the US, and then exporting them to the US with no questions asked. Countries that have child labor, no minimum wage, and no environmental laws, no restrictions. Also, we allow countries that make it almost impossible for US to sell products to (through tariffs or protectionism laws), to openly import goods into the US. Then we have countries who's govt. is openly sponsoring and financing certain industries, in order to compete and destroy certain American industries, and then allowing these same countries to import and conquer American companies and industries who have little or non of the same govt. protection.

Like I said, the list is long but this insanity has to stop.

Well lets talk about that.

Countries that have child labor- certainly something I object to. What is 'child labor'? And I say this as a serious question- because in places like Bangladesh and India you have kids 12 years old working on farms. And also here in the United States. Is it child labor if you have your own kids working on your farm?

Meanwhile- we have countries that have child labor laws that are more restrictive than the United States- should those countries prohibit imports of all American product? These are serious questions when it comes to setting trade policy.

"no minimum wage" Almost every country has a minimum wage- the problem is that just like here the minimum wage is rarely a livable wage, and in many places it is not enforced well. That is not the case in China anymore- China has minimum wage laws and from what I have seen workers get paid more than minimum wage.

"no environmental laws'- and this is a biggie. Lots of countries- from Russia to China to Vietnam have less restrictive environmental laws than the United States- where do we set the line? And once again there are countries with more restrictive environmental laws than the United States- what if they enforce the same kinds of rules to prohibit American imports?

Countries tend to be protective of their industries- and tend to 'bend' the rules to protect industries. We do in the United States. Other countries do it even more successfully- the WTO is the mechanism to fight those protections.
Right, I see you are having a hard time saying that you agree with me.
So therefore you can't have American workers competing against countries that are playing against different rules. American manufacturing have been decimated because politicians have been selling out our national interests, for the last four decades.
I'm sure the millions of replaced and laid off workers are making enough to EXERCISE a choice.

There have been tens of millions of jobs that were never created due to tariffs.

You are quite obnoxious; you work for FoxNews?


Free trade is supported universally by all respected economists. It is one of the few bridges between the Keynesian and Austrian schools.
MFers opposition of Tariffs fed his investments quite well.

Because tariffs are not good for nobodies wallets, except that of very few individuals and their special interests.
MF was a self serving MFer who was responsible for millions losing everything they had.
Well defined Tariffs are good for protecting a nation against ruin.
MF was a self serving MFer who was responsible for millions losing everything they had

Milton Friedman was just one soldier in the army of common sense.

Emotional appeals do not destroy well grounded economic theory.

Well defined Tariffs are good for protecting a nation against ruin.

That argument is based on a dozen highly fallacious premises which have been shot down time and time again, by hundreds of economists much more knowledgeable than you.
I'm sure the millions of replaced and laid off workers are making enough to EXERCISE a choice.

There have been tens of millions of jobs that were never created due to tariffs.

You are quite obnoxious; you work for FoxNews?


Free trade is supported universally by all respected economists. It is one of the few bridges between the Keynesian and Austrian schools.
Gee...how do economists MAKE A LIVING?
I know a good few of them and their results have to meet the agenda of the guy who signs their checks.
MF was a self serving MFer who was responsible for millions losing everything they had

Milton Friedman was just one soldier in the army of common sense.

Emotional appeals do not destroy well grounded economic theory.

Well defined Tariffs are good for protecting a nation against ruin.

That argument is based on a dozen highly fallacious premises which have been shot down time and time again, by hundreds of economists much more knowledgeable than you.
Oh, THAT'S why US employment is skyrocketing and MNCs want more and more off-shoring and business visas.
Oh, THAT'S why US employment is skyrocketing and MNCs want more and more off-shoring and business visas.

The economy got better as the market was allowed to play itself out.

US unemployment has been falling and is now into safe territory (generally agreed to be under 5%), while tariffs imposed under the Bush administration contributed to the recession in the first place.
Gee...how do economists MAKE A LIVING?

By voicing intelligence which is often ignored in favor of special interests.

I know a good few of them and their results have to meet the agenda of the guy who signs their checks.

Remember how I said independent economists earlier?
Oh, THAT'S why US employment is skyrocketing and MNCs want more and more off-shoring and business visas.

The economy got better as the market was allowed to play itself out.

US unemployment has been falling and is now into safe territory (generally agreed to be under 5%), while tariffs imposed under the Bush administration contributed to the recession in the first place.
Unemployment has stopped progressing because just about everybody's been fired from their original profession and is now pumping coffee.
It is becoming ever more obvious that you live off your Stock Portfolio and read bullshit publications like the Wall Street Journal.
Both Bushes were for off-shoring DEMOCRACY & CAPITALISM and didn't give a damn about how many Americans lost their jobs.
Gee...how do economists MAKE A LIVING?

By voicing intelligence which is often ignored in favor of special interests.

I know a good few of them and their results have to meet the agenda of the guy who signs their checks.

Remember how I said independent economists earlier?
There are about 3 INDEPENDENT economists in the world.
They need to be published and give speeches to people who can afford to pay them for their travel and time.
Unemployment has stopped progressing because just about everybody's been fired from their original profession and is now pumping coffee.

Baseless conjecture which is unsupported by reality.

It is becoming ever more obvious that you live off your Stock Portfolio and read bullshit publications like the Wall Street Journal.


It is obvious that you have a very limited understanding of economics theory. You are just regurgitating emotional appeals and conjecture.

Both Bushes were for off-shoring DEMOCRACY & CAPITALISM and didn't give a damn about how many Americans lost their jobs.

Ha, capitalism.

Bush was a socialist who often displayed impropriety in his actions. The intervention in Iraq was about stopping Saddam Hussien from trading petroleum in anything other than US dollars.

By the way, his steel tariffs which were designed to prevent the industry from moving offshore actually wrecked the industry at home. If he had an educated economist at his side, he could of had the fallacies behind the protectionist argument explained to him.
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There are about 3 INDEPENDENT economists in the world.

Define independent.

They need to be published and give speeches to people who can afford to pay them for their travel and time.

You are absurdly implying that almost every social scientist throughout history has been selling out for the paycheck. It is much easier to discredit those that disagree with you than to accept the reality of their arguments.

If you want to disagree with the theory then fine, but attack the arguments and not the people.
There are about 3 INDEPENDENT economists in the world.

Define independent.

They need to be published and give speeches to people who can afford to pay them for their travel and time.

You are absurdly implying that almost every social scientist throughout history has been selling out for the paycheck. It is much easier to discredit those that disagree with you than to accept the reality of their arguments.

If you want to disagree with the theory then fine, but attack the arguments and not the people.

Only the economists before FDR and those from Reagan and on.
You know, all the economists who were mocked by people like you who reply on foreign slave labor.
Face it, ANY economist who disagrees with the elites is ridiculed.
Only the economists before FDR and those from Reagan and on.
You know, all the economists who were mocked by people like you who reply on foreign slave labor.

Seriously? The economists before FDR were almost all free trade.The economists advising Reagan (like Milton fucking Friedman) were free trade.

What do you not understand about the term universal? Now stop with the conjecture, and analyze the history.

Every time society has turned on free trade, the subsequent command economy took a hit or was limited in growth.

Face it, ANY economist who disagrees with the elites is ridiculed.

Let me school you on ruling class politcs 101. The elites are the ones that favor protectionism.

Why do you think the entire Austrian school was against protectionism? They were a bunch of extreme libertarians and anarchists.

The only contemporary school of thought that supports high tariffs is the American school of economics, which is broken and has failed the common man throughout history. The Great Depression?
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Why Donald Trump is bad for the global economy
I read an article written by an Anti-Trump person and while there are some bias, he had some good points. I think if you take into account just the global economy, Hillary would do a much better job?

Edit: would he be bad just for the American economy or the global economy as well?

It looks like that decision has been made for us.
Backlash to World Economic Order Clouds Outlook at IMF Talks

The IMF Is Worried About the World's $152 Trillion Debt Pile
Only the economists before FDR and those from Reagan and on.
You know, all the economists who were mocked by people like you who reply on foreign slave labor.

Seriously? The economists before FDR were almost all free trade.The economists advising Reagan (like Milton fucking Friedman) were free trade.

What do you not understand about the term universal? Now stop with the conjecture, and analyze the history.

Every time society has turned on free trade, the subsequent command economy took a hit or was limited in growth.

Face it, ANY economist who disagrees with the elites is ridiculed.

Let me school you on ruling class politcs 101. The elites are the ones that favor protectionism.

Why do you think the entire Austrian school was against protectionism? They were a bunch of extreme libertarians and anarchists.

The only contemporary school of thought that supports high tariffs is the American school of economics, which is broken and has failed the common man throughout history. The Great Depression?
I was being sarcastic about FDR.
Of course, under FDR the world continued to exist and thrive and many people became VERY wealthy.
Libertarians are globalists, NOT imperialists.
Neo-Conservatives are globalists and love war related stocks.

Name me ONE elitist TODAY who favors protectionism.
Name me ONE elitist TODAY who favors protectionism.

Donald Trump.

Do I really need to explain how certain special interests are protected via protectionism?

By the way, I am not oblivious to how you have been deflecting from arguing economics theory. I would like to see you start defending the fallacies behind the protectionist argument. Start by justifying how bubble economics and government issued life support are good for long term self sufficiency.

Libertarians are globalists, NOT imperialists.

Where did I disagree with this?

That is why the entire Austrian school was in favor of free trade. Even the Keynesians are for free trade. Fucking John Keynes!
Name me ONE elitist TODAY who favors protectionism.

Donald Trump.

Do I really need to explain how certain special interests are protected via protectionism?

By the way, I am not oblivious to how you have been deflecting from arguing economics theory. I would like to see you start defending the fallacies behind the protectionist argument. Start by justifying how bubble economics and government issued life support are good for long term self sufficiency.
Trump is NOT an elitist.
I have been following him in the news for over 20 years and he has been pro-US for that entire period.
He's has been completely consistent.

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