If Florida Were A Nation, U.S. Would Consider A COVID Travel Ban: Doc

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

“The viral load in Florida is so high right now, there are really only two places on the planet where it’s higher” — Louisiana and Botswana, Dr. Jonathan Reiner, a professor at the George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences, said on CNN Sunday.

Its a good job that Florida has such a responsible governor who is taking every protective measure to protect people..
This is the same BS as Trump getting covid right before the election.

THEY CONTROL the test.

You "have covid" when they want you to...

You fascist treasonous fuckheads do not like DeSantis.

“The viral load in Florida is so high right now, there are really only two places on the planet where it’s higher” — Louisiana and Botswana, Dr. Jonathan Reiner, a professor at the George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences, said on CNN Sunday.

Its a good job that Florida has such a responsible governor who is taking every protective measure to protect people..
The only 'viral load' is that load of crap story you posted from that sewer Huff Post.
HuffPo isn't all BS.

They did post this truth...

“He always portrayed himself as a foreign student,” Pope said. “Girls were never anything that he ever was interested in ... He would get with these older white gay men, and this is how we just pretty much had the impression that that’s how he was procuring his cocaine.”

She then notes, “In other words, he was having sex with these older white guys and that’s how he was getting this cocaine to be able to freebase.”
Pope, of course, isn’t the first conservative voice to make such claims about the president’s personal life. In May, “Coach” Dave Daubenmire implied Obama was “openly gay” or “better yet, openly bisexual” in a News With Views broadcast, nothing that the president’s “face seems to really light up when he begins to talk about the gay agenda.”
In fall 2012, gossip columnist turned Tea Party author Jerome Corsi alleged that the president had been actively involved in Chicago’s gay bar and bathhouse scene.
I'm all for implementing a Florida travel ban right now. Give Floridians who are out of state two weeks to return. Then close the damn border - Nobody in, nobody out. Close the airports, shut down the cruise lines. Let Captain Ronnie wallow in the misery and death he created purely to be Trumpier than Trump.

They are losing huge conventions as we speak. Hit 'em where it hurts.

I'm all for implementing a Florida travel ban right now. Give Floridians who are out of state two weeks to return. Then close the damn border - Nobody in, nobody out. Close the airports, shut down the cruise lines. Let Captain Ronnie wallow in the misery and death he created purely to be Trumpier than Trump.

They are losing huge conventions as we speak. Hit 'em where it hurts.

I know folk who go there every year, they love it. They are giving it a miss until it is safe.
I'm all for implementing a Florida travel ban right now. Give Floridians who are out of state two weeks to return. Then close the damn border - Nobody in, nobody out. Close the airports, shut down the cruise lines. Let Captain Ronnie wallow in the misery and death he created purely to be Trumpier than Trump.

They are losing huge conventions as we speak. Hit 'em where it hurts.

you sound about as American as those you bad mouth here for being bad ones.....
Its such bullshit they are begging for ventilators to be sent down. How can you be so dumb ?
The article you posted says nothing about anyone begging for ventilators. Post a link please. The rest of the article reads like a far left political hit piece against DeSantis whom Democrats absolutely hate. Huff Po is a DNC political megaphone.
The article you posted says nothing about anyone begging for ventilators. Post a link please. The rest of the article reads like a far left political hit piece against DeSantis whom Democrats absolutely hate. Huff Po is a DNC political megaphone.
There is a whole thread on this subject on this board. Begging for nurses as well. His covid strategy is a shambes and lots of people are dying.

“The viral load in Florida is so high right now, there are really only two places on the planet where it’s higher” — Louisiana and Botswana, Dr. Jonathan Reiner, a professor at the George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences, said on CNN Sunday.

Its a good job that Florida has such a responsible governor who is taking every protective measure to protect people..

Are you too stupid to realize that they are only focusing on Florida because they fear DeSantis running for President?
If Florida was a nation we would not allow all that shit from New York to come here to infect our people and we sure as hell would not be allowing Biden's Illegals to come into the state.
There is a whole thread on this subject on this board. Begging for nurses as well. His covid strategy is a shambes and lots of people are dying.

And being a stubborn bully asshole like his Daddy Donald, Lil Ronnie's burrowed in WAY too deep to make any sort of graceful escape. I'm now counting six school districts who are telling him to shove his pay and funding cuts where the sun don't shine. They'll do as they see fit.

One NEVER surrenders to a bully - Punch 'em in the nose and they'll run home crying for Mommy.
Or in Ronnie's case - DADDY :)

And being a stubborn bully asshole like his Daddy Donald, Lil Ronnie's burrowed in WAY too deep to make any sort of graceful escape. I'm now counting six school districts who are telling him to shove his pay and funding cuts where the sun don't shine. They'll do as they see fit.

One NEVER surrenders to a bully - Punch 'em in the nose and they'll run home crying for Mommy.
Or in Ronnie's case - DADDY :)
He is a monumental fuck up.

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