If God created the universe, why doesn't the Bible mention astronomical objects like black holes...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
...pulsars, galaxies, etc.? Would think only referencing the Earth, Sun, and Moon but not so much as the other planets of our own solar system curious. Nor does it seem to mention astronomincal phenomenae like shooting stars as asteroid or comets but uses religious jargon to describe them instead of mundane scientific language.

If God did all this, why isn't it covered in the Bible?
If God did all this, why isn't it covered in the Bible?

Because we are not God and our small brains can not grasp it.We a created for special purpose on the Earth and not as to be quasi gods in Universe.Anything we need is written in the Bible.
...pulsars, galaxies, etc.? Would think only referencing the Earth, Sun, and Moon but not so much as the other planets of our own solar system curious. Nor does it seem to mention astronomincal phenomenae like shooting stars as asteroid or comets but uses religious jargon to describe them instead of mundane scientific language.

If God did all this, why isn't it covered in the Bible?

Sheesh, why are liberals blessed with so much unused brain matter?
...pulsars, galaxies, etc.? Would think only referencing the Earth, Sun, and Moon but not so much as the other planets of our own solar system curious. Nor does it seem to mention astronomincal phenomenae like shooting stars as asteroid or comets but uses religious jargon to describe them instead of mundane scientific language.

If God did all this, why isn't it covered in the Bible?

Yes you'd think he would have been proud enough of the amazing vastness of his "Creation" that he would have revealed little details like the stars are other Suns and not just pricks of light that can fall to Earth, why give his chosen people such crappy info. He easily could have explained the reality of constellations, he could have described the actual galactic nature of the milky way and told them he had made billions more like it. I can't understand why he would have concealed all this.
Actually, I kinda relate the Big Bang with the verse in the Bible where God said "Let there be Light, and there was", because (according to scientists), there was nothing before that really big explosion, which gave rise to everything in the Universe.

Black holes and other distant objects aren't mentioned, probably because there was no way of detecting them.

I also believe that the more we uncover with science, the better we are going to be able to understand who God is.
True. The only part of the Bible (which has been severely mangled by translations) that is considered the Word of God is the Torah, which is the first 5 books of the Bible.

The rest was written by mankind. And the reason those things aren't mentioned is because we didn't have Hubble, super colliders, microscopes or any of that other stuff.

Interestingly enough though, those things all exist in the Hebrew bible under the Torah codes, as well as many other things.
...pulsars, galaxies, etc.? Would think only referencing the Earth, Sun, and Moon but not so much as the other planets of our own solar system curious. Nor does it seem to mention astronomincal phenomenae like shooting stars as asteroid or comets but uses religious jargon to describe them instead of mundane scientific language.

If God did all this, why isn't it covered in the Bible?

Remember the primitives thought the earth was flat, that why the 4 corners of the earth was referenced when the primitives wrote the bible, They also though the stars could fall to the earth and thought the sun revolved around the earth, real Low IQ stuff in this day and age for anyone to believe that crap other then mythology
...pulsars, galaxies, etc.? Would think only referencing the Earth, Sun, and Moon but not so much as the other planets of our own solar system curious. Nor does it seem to mention astronomincal phenomenae like shooting stars as asteroid or comets but uses religious jargon to describe them instead of mundane scientific language.

If God did all this, why isn't it covered in the Bible?

I don't think it was ever God's intention that his prophets should provide us with an astronomy textbook.
...pulsars, galaxies, etc.? Would think only referencing the Earth, Sun, and Moon but not so much as the other planets of our own solar system curious. Nor does it seem to mention astronomincal phenomenae like shooting stars as asteroid or comets but uses religious jargon to describe them instead of mundane scientific language.

If God did all this, why isn't it covered in the Bible?

I know there is a Latin term for the kind of argument this is but I can't recall it at the moment.

We can't rationally expect the Bible would contain all information to ever be discovered in the entire universe. Based on the relative size of our planet and just the limited information we've discovered thus far in human existence, the Bible would certainly need to be several times larger than Earth to contain all the possible information in the entire universe. This would certainly have posed a logistical problem for the Gideon Society among others.

When evaluating the Scriptures, it is very important to remember it was written for 1st Century Christians. Inspired by God but clearly written by men. When we read the story of creation, for instance, there was no human there recording the events. We are presented the story from the perspective of God because man didn't exist yet. We are relying on a 1st Century man and his limited ability to comprehend what he simply didn't know. The story is not intended to be an historic documentary. The purpose is to reveal how we came to be to 1st Century Christians.

To me... a much more fascinating thing is what actual SCIENCE is discovering. Like dark energy. Dark energy is something very peculiar and mysterious... and we have no idea what it is. Particles of dark energy are passing through your body and indeed the entire planet as we speak. We are not aware of them, they do not interact with regular matter. This almost makes dark energy "metaphysical" aside from the fact that we can confirm it exists with physics.
or dinosaurs....we know they were on the earth but somehow the entire population of the Bible avoided them.
The bible would be a much more impressive book if it contained even a little bit of information that couldn't possibly have been known or imagined by the primitive humans of the time.
Revelation 6:12 speaks of the eclipse and blood moon, revelation 16:21 speaks of meteors. Why would the bible speak of black holes specifically? What relevance does a black hole have to every day life and how to live life? Isaiah 30:26 speaks of a time when the sun swells and explodes. There is another passage about the heavens and earth folding up as well but I cannot recall the location. These are things scientists have theorized or proven long after they were spoken of in the bible
The bible would be a much more impressive book if it contained even a little bit of information that couldn't possibly have been known or imagined by the primitive humans of the time.

Ahh.. like a Nostradamus kind of thing? Because something like that certainly wouldn't have been met with any skepticism, right?

I actually heard a really good sermon once when I was a teen. It was from this older minister who had really done his research and homework. The title of the sermon was, It's later than you think. The focus of the sermon was from Revelations but other books were used in support as well. He took a series of passages and connected them to events that had taken place in history and it was quite riveting.

Now, I am not a religious person. I am a Spiritualist. I don't have a problem with the Bible, I think it is a great primitive human attempt at trying to understand Spiritual Nature. That said, I have to recognize it is impressive due to the fact it is the most widely published and distributed book of all time. Somewhere in the ballpark of 5 billion copies. In every language, in every country. If that doesn't impress you, I surmise the problem is with you and not the book.
The bible doesn't have everything about medical science either. So what? The Lord never claimed all knowledge was in the bible.

In fact the bible clearly states that all the knowledge of Jesus could not be found in one book. Just Jesus. Let alone less important subjects
At one point, Revelations talks about an asteroid impact, and the whole "let their be light" thing can be interpreted as the Big Bang... the story about Jesus dying on the cross and rising after three days could be interpreted from an astronomical perspective as having to do with specific events in the sky around the winter solstice... twelve disciples of the son of God could be interpreted as twelve constellations around the sun of God... the son of God could be interpreted as the sun of God, as an advanced form of solar worship- "The "son" (sun) "risen again", "can be seen coming in the clouds", "the Light of the world", etc

All kinds of astronomy could be mentioned in the Bible depending on how you choose to interpret the passages...

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The bible is not a Science Book, that's why it and many other things are not in there, it's a book on human nature, from basic beliefs of honoring your parents, to not stealing, or killing, because it hurts people, humans...

but filled with stories of falling short,

David with Bathsheba and having her husband killed to hide their affair and pregnancy hidden, losing that child, and then still being rewarded with the Great King Soloman, Bathsheba's and David's later son..... (I mean, huh? You'd think David would not have been rewarded after the adultery and murder of B's husband, no?) So this is humanity, we just ain't perfect, no matter how close we are with God, as David was not....right? Or, maybe the meaning is that we have a very forgiving and loving God, and He really does see us as his children? I dunno?

Lot's daughters with their Father, sleeping with him, because they believed that he was the only person alive that could impregnate them and allow them to "produce and multiply" as commanded.... (Talk about warped thinking, imo....) But who knows how strongly they truly believed that multiplying at that time in the world, was more important, than committing the sin of incest? Again, I dunno what else a story like this could mean or why it even deserved to be a part of the Bible, yet it was....so what is it suppose to teach us? I mean, Lot and his daughters were chosen to be kept alive out of those at Sodom and Gomorrah etc, and his wife for just looking back was turned to a pillar of salt....yet, the daughters who got their father drunk and slept with him, were rewarded with life and living through the catastrophe? Is this just to teach us that we are not perfect or what?

I can go on and on and on....my husband and I often get in discussions about these very passages and many many others, just trying to figure out, what the meaning behind the stories are....

Anyway, the bible is mostly about humanity...and the human relationship with the Lord....

It isn't a Science book, I wouldn't expect to see the Big Bang theory or Worm holes, or theory of Inflation, the expanding Universe or anything like that, in the Bible....You'd need a book the size of Fort Knox to cover everything....
The OP is merely yet another feeble attempt to "Why doesn't the Bible talk about <insert favorite topic here>" in a vain hope of somehow delegitimizing the Word. What it really does is reveal an abject lack of understanding of anything about the Bible.
...pulsars, galaxies, etc.? Would think only referencing the Earth, Sun, and Moon but not so much as the other planets of our own solar system curious. Nor does it seem to mention astronomincal phenomenae like shooting stars as asteroid or comets but uses religious jargon to describe them instead of mundane scientific language.

If God did all this, why isn't it covered in the Bible?

Another fail on the part of the OP who obviously has the reading skills of a 2 year old.
Try reading the first 4 verses of the Torah and see if you can extrapolate "darkness" from "light".
Also, check out Rabban Gamiliel's telescope (and no, I'm not goning look it up for you because you never read anything on your own anyway).
There are also many references to astronomy in the Prophets and Writings if you ever bother to do anything other than post on this site.
Revelation 6:12 speaks of the eclipse and blood moon, revelation 16:21 speaks of meteors. Why would the bible speak of black holes specifically? What relevance does a black hole have to every day life and how to live life? Isaiah 30:26 speaks of a time when the sun swells and explodes. There is another passage about the heavens and earth folding up as well but I cannot recall the location. These are things scientists have theorized or proven long after they were spoken of in the bible

Regarding the heavens folding up, perhaps these are the verses you are seeking:

“And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling fig from the fig tree” (Isaiah 34:4, KJV).

“And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places” (Revelation 6:14, KJV).

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