If God created the universe, why doesn't the Bible mention astronomical objects like black holes...

...pulsars, galaxies, etc.? Would think only referencing the Earth, Sun, and Moon but not so much as the other planets of our own solar system curious. Nor does it seem to mention astronomincal phenomenae like shooting stars as asteroid or comets but uses religious jargon to describe them instead of mundane scientific language.

If God did all this, why isn't it covered in the Bible?

In the middle of our galaxy - you can see the galaxy with your own eyes - is a gigantic black hole. So what? The message is that we have a creator - not exactly how god made it. When "the spirit of god was hovering over the water" then "water" seems to be a concrete thing - but what they thought about in this time of history when they used a word like "water" (words are always abstracta) was for example that water is formless and water is a basic element of life and so on. Every word lives in an unspoken context. If you like to understand them then you have to go back in your thoughts some thousands years and to forget somehow what you know now, because you know what you know now only because people some thousand years ago went the first steps into the direction where you are now. What you ask is why they sat some thousand years ago not on the campfire "particle accelerator" when they spoke with each other about the messages of god and decided to write down in a book what they found.

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"If God created the universe, why doesn't the Bible mention astronomical objects like black holes..."

Because there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists; where ‘god,’ religion, and the bible are creations of man, reflecting man’s fear and ignorance.
"If God created the universe, why doesn't the Bible mention astronomical objects like black holes..."

Because there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists; where ‘god,’ religion, and the bible are creations of man, reflecting man’s fear and ignorance.

What's your belief - not your knowledge. Your 'dogma' is: "Everyone is an idiot who believes not what I believe"

...pulsars, galaxies, etc.? Would think only referencing the Earth, Sun, and Moon but not so much as the other planets of our own solar system curious. Nor does it seem to mention astronomincal phenomenae like shooting stars as asteroid or comets but uses religious jargon to describe them instead of mundane scientific language.

If God did all this, why isn't it covered in the Bible?

Remember the primitives thought the earth was flat, that why the 4 corners of the earth was referenced when the primitives wrote the bible, They also though the stars could fall to the earth and thought the sun revolved around the earth, real Low IQ stuff in this day and age for anyone to believe that crap other then mythology
Why do you presume that they thought the Earth was flat? Don't you think they could see mountains and horizons? Do you think they were all fucking blind, or what?

And, in actuality, the sun does revolve around the Earth. People who cannot comprehend the fact that motion is relative to the perspective of the observer are incredibly stupid. So I don't think you have any room to bitch about anyone's IQ.
...pulsars, galaxies, etc.? Would think only referencing the Earth, Sun, and Moon but not so much as the other planets of our own solar system curious. Nor does it seem to mention astronomincal phenomenae like shooting stars as asteroid or comets but uses religious jargon to describe them instead of mundane scientific language.

If God did all this, why isn't it covered in the Bible?

Remember the primitives thought the earth was flat, that why the 4 corners of the earth was referenced when the primitives wrote the bible, They also though the stars could fall to the earth and thought the sun revolved around the earth, real Low IQ stuff in this day and age for anyone to believe that crap other then mythology
Why do you presume that they thought the Earth was flat? Don't you think they could see mountains and horizons? Do you think they were all fucking blind, or what?

Aristotle - I hope everyone knows that for a long time in history the Heathen Aristotle was "the philosopher" and the Muslim Averroes was "the interpreter" for all Christians - made clear that the earth is a globe in the 4th century BC. Erastosthenes calculated the correct size of this globe about 240 BC. When Columbus started to India thousand and some hundred years later lots of people knew how crazy this project was. That's maybe the reason why Amerigo Vespuchii - a man who had much better ideas about the reality - was honored with the name for the new continent "Amerigo" ... ah sorry: "America". A continent is always female and ends with an "a" - in the german language - and the men who gave the continent this name were german cardmakers. History created some very strange myths about the knowledge ("The world is a globe") and intelligence of Christopherus Columbus (the so called "egg of Columbus" is a myth too).

And, in actuality, the sun does revolve around the Earth. People who cannot comprehend the fact that motion is relative to the perspective of the observer are incredibly stupid. So I don't think you have any room to bitch about anyone's IQ.

Every idiot calls every idiot "idiot". That's normal today. Maybe it's even true, who knows?

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...pulsars, galaxies, etc.? Would think only referencing the Earth, Sun, and Moon but not so much as the other planets of our own solar system curious. Nor does it seem to mention astronomincal phenomenae like shooting stars as asteroid or comets but uses religious jargon to describe them instead of mundane scientific language.

If God did all this, why isn't it covered in the Bible?

Remember the primitives thought the earth was flat, that why the 4 corners of the earth was referenced when the primitives wrote the bible, They also though the stars could fall to the earth and thought the sun revolved around the earth, real Low IQ stuff in this day and age for anyone to believe that crap other then mythology
Why do you presume that they thought the Earth was flat? Don't you think they could see mountains and horizons? Do you think they were all fucking blind, or what?

And, in actuality, the sun does revolve around the Earth. People who cannot comprehend the fact that motion is relative to the perspective of the observer are incredibly stupid. So I don't think you have any room to bitch about anyone's IQ.

Could say relative to the orbital path the Sun takes rotating with the rest of the galaxy it'd orbit around the Earth. Everything's in motion though. The planet around the Sun, the Sun around the galaxy, and the galaxy through intergalactic space.
...pulsars, galaxies, etc.? Would think only referencing the Earth, Sun, and Moon but not so much as the other planets of our own solar system curious. Nor does it seem to mention astronomincal phenomenae like shooting stars as asteroid or comets but uses religious jargon to describe them instead of mundane scientific language.

If God did all this, why isn't it covered in the Bible?

Remember the primitives thought the earth was flat, that why the 4 corners of the earth was referenced when the primitives wrote the bible, They also though the stars could fall to the earth and thought the sun revolved around the earth, real Low IQ stuff in this day and age for anyone to believe that crap other then mythology
Why do you presume that they thought the Earth was flat? Don't you think they could see mountains and horizons? Do you think they were all fucking blind, or what?

And, in actuality, the sun does revolve around the Earth. People who cannot comprehend the fact that motion is relative to the perspective of the observer are incredibly stupid. So I don't think you have any room to bitch about anyone's IQ.

Could say relative to the orbital path the Sun takes rotating with the rest of the galaxy it'd orbit around the Earth. Everything's in motion though. The planet around the Sun, the Sun around the galaxy, and the galaxy through intergalactic space.

And if someone travels through this universe he will always be in the middle of the universe - because it expands everywhere in all directions. I guess if someone understands this, then he understands the same time that he don't understand what the universe really is. It's not only the size of the universe what drives us crazy sometimes - it's also the quality of the universe what perplexes everyone who tries to think in a serios way about this structure.

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...pulsars, galaxies, etc.? Would think only referencing the Earth, Sun, and Moon but not so much as the other planets of our own solar system curious. Nor does it seem to mention astronomincal phenomenae like shooting stars as asteroid or comets but uses religious jargon to describe them instead of mundane scientific language.

If God did all this, why isn't it covered in the Bible?

Remember the primitives thought the earth was flat, that why the 4 corners of the earth was referenced when the primitives wrote the bible, They also though the stars could fall to the earth and thought the sun revolved around the earth, real Low IQ stuff in this day and age for anyone to believe that crap other then mythology
Why do you presume that they thought the Earth was flat? Don't you think they could see mountains and horizons? Do you think they were all fucking blind, or what?

And, in actuality, the sun does revolve around the Earth. People who cannot comprehend the fact that motion is relative to the perspective of the observer are incredibly stupid. So I don't think you have any room to bitch about anyone's IQ.

Could say relative to the orbital path the Sun takes rotating with the rest of the galaxy it'd orbit around the Earth. Everything's in motion though. The planet around the Sun, the Sun around the galaxy, and the galaxy through intergalactic space.

And if someone travels through this universe he will always be in the middle of the unvierse - because it expands in all directions.

Saw that last night too. :)
...pulsars, galaxies, etc.? Would think only referencing the Earth, Sun, and Moon but not so much as the other planets of our own solar system curious. Nor does it seem to mention astronomincal phenomenae like shooting stars as asteroid or comets but uses religious jargon to describe them instead of mundane scientific language.

If God did all this, why isn't it covered in the Bible?

Remember the primitives thought the earth was flat, that why the 4 corners of the earth was referenced when the primitives wrote the bible, They also though the stars could fall to the earth and thought the sun revolved around the earth, real Low IQ stuff in this day and age for anyone to believe that crap other then mythology
Why do you presume that they thought the Earth was flat? Don't you think they could see mountains and horizons? Do you think they were all fucking blind, or what?

And, in actuality, the sun does revolve around the Earth. People who cannot comprehend the fact that motion is relative to the perspective of the observer are incredibly stupid. So I don't think you have any room to bitch about anyone's IQ.

Could say relative to the orbital path the Sun takes rotating with the rest of the galaxy it'd orbit around the Earth. Everything's in motion though. The planet around the Sun, the Sun around the galaxy, and the galaxy through intergalactic space.

And if someone travels through this universe he will always be in the middle of the unvierse - because it expands in all directions.

Saw that last night too. :)

That's one of the astonishing qualities of the universe. We know that it is in this way - although we are not able to travel to any point where we can see it.

Remember the primitives thought the earth was flat, that why the 4 corners of the earth was referenced when the primitives wrote the bible, They also though the stars could fall to the earth and thought the sun revolved around the earth, real Low IQ stuff in this day and age for anyone to believe that crap other then mythology
Why do you presume that they thought the Earth was flat? Don't you think they could see mountains and horizons? Do you think they were all fucking blind, or what?

And, in actuality, the sun does revolve around the Earth. People who cannot comprehend the fact that motion is relative to the perspective of the observer are incredibly stupid. So I don't think you have any room to bitch about anyone's IQ.

Could say relative to the orbital path the Sun takes rotating with the rest of the galaxy it'd orbit around the Earth. Everything's in motion though. The planet around the Sun, the Sun around the galaxy, and the galaxy through intergalactic space.

And if someone travels through this universe he will always be in the middle of the unvierse - because it expands in all directions.

Saw that last night too. :)

That's one of the astonishing qualities of the universe. We know that it is in this way - although we are not able to travel to any point where we can see it.

Part of it is due to how we think of the universe. Easiest to think of it as some kind of balloon where we're inside it. The universe expands so the balloon inflates increasing the space inside. But that's not quite how it works. In fact it's more accurate to think of ourselveson the outisde of the balloon since time-space is curved at every scale. Thus wherever we go, we return to the start, and whereever you choose would be the 'center.'
...pulsars, galaxies, etc.? Would think only referencing the Earth, Sun, and Moon but not so much as the other planets of our own solar system curious. Nor does it seem to mention astronomincal phenomenae like shooting stars as asteroid or comets but uses religious jargon to describe them instead of mundane scientific language.

If God did all this, why isn't it covered in the Bible?

Another fail on the part of the OP who obviously has the reading skills of a 2 year old.
Try reading the first 4 verses of the Torah and see if you can extrapolate "darkness" from "light".
Also, check out Rabban Gamiliel's telescope (and no, I'm not goning look it up for you because you never read anything on your own anyway).
There are also many references to astronomy in the Prophets and Writings if you ever bother to do anything other than post on this site.
They had knowledge that the "advanced" nations didn't have until much later, such as knowing that the earth was hanging on nothing. They knew about the hydrological cycle, and that rabbits are ruminants, things that "modern" science didn't know about until much later. All of that is moot, however, given that the Bible simply was not meant to be an exhaustive scientific treatise.
Why do you presume that they thought the Earth was flat? Don't you think they could see mountains and horizons? Do you think they were all fucking blind, or what?

And, in actuality, the sun does revolve around the Earth. People who cannot comprehend the fact that motion is relative to the perspective of the observer are incredibly stupid. So I don't think you have any room to bitch about anyone's IQ.

Could say relative to the orbital path the Sun takes rotating with the rest of the galaxy it'd orbit around the Earth. Everything's in motion though. The planet around the Sun, the Sun around the galaxy, and the galaxy through intergalactic space.

And if someone travels through this universe he will always be in the middle of the unvierse - because it expands in all directions.

Saw that last night too. :)

That's one of the astonishing qualities of the universe. We know that it is in this way - although we are not able to travel to any point where we can see it.

Part of it is due to how we think of the universe. Easiest to think of it as some kind of balloon where we're inside it. The universe expands so the balloon inflates increasing the space inside. But that's not quite how it works. In fact it's more accurate to think of ourselveson the outisde of the balloon since time-space is curved at every scale. Thus wherever we go, we return to the start, and whereever you choose would be the 'center.'
If that is the case, the actual "center" would be in the dimension into which the universe is expanding, much like the center of a balloon is a point not on the (conceptually) 2 dimensional skin.
"If God created the universe, why doesn't the Bible mention astronomical objects like black holes..."

Because there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists; where ‘god,’ religion, and the bible are creations of man, reflecting man’s fear and ignorance.

You think there isn't. If you could say absolutely you'd be the god you're denying exists. Unless you have knowledge of everything in the entire universe, you simply have an opinion.

I don't believe in a religious or supernatural god either, but am careful about the language I use to express that BELIEF.

There may very well be a god as theists think of it. Religions may be wrong, but a being we'd call a god could exist anyway. Could be God isn't sentient and discrete like you and me, but some non-sentient thing in the universe. Black holes fit many parameters ascribed to God. All-powerful (infinite gravitational pull,) eternal, creators of life, outside of time and space, not subject to the laws of the universe (at the singularity anyway,) etc.

It's presumption to declare there is no god or God. How badass and powerful does someone or something need to be before we agree it's godlike? :)
Could say relative to the orbital path the Sun takes rotating with the rest of the galaxy it'd orbit around the Earth. Everything's in motion though. The planet around the Sun, the Sun around the galaxy, and the galaxy through intergalactic space.

And if someone travels through this universe he will always be in the middle of the unvierse - because it expands in all directions.

Saw that last night too. :)

That's one of the astonishing qualities of the universe. We know that it is in this way - although we are not able to travel to any point where we can see it.

Part of it is due to how we think of the universe. Easiest to think of it as some kind of balloon where we're inside it. The universe expands so the balloon inflates increasing the space inside. But that's not quite how it works. In fact it's more accurate to think of ourselveson the outisde of the balloon since time-space is curved at every scale. Thus wherever we go, we return to the start, and whereever you choose would be the 'center.'
If that is the case, the actual "center" would be in the dimension into which the universe is expanding, much like the center of a balloon is a point not on the (conceptually) 2 dimensional skin.

Assuming a spherical ballon, any point on the exterior would be the center.
And if someone travels through this universe he will always be in the middle of the unvierse - because it expands in all directions.

Saw that last night too. :)

That's one of the astonishing qualities of the universe. We know that it is in this way - although we are not able to travel to any point where we can see it.

Part of it is due to how we think of the universe. Easiest to think of it as some kind of balloon where we're inside it. The universe expands so the balloon inflates increasing the space inside. But that's not quite how it works. In fact it's more accurate to think of ourselveson the outisde of the balloon since time-space is curved at every scale. Thus wherever we go, we return to the start, and whereever you choose would be the 'center.'
If that is the case, the actual "center" would be in the dimension into which the universe is expanding, much like the center of a balloon is a point not on the (conceptually) 2 dimensional skin.

Assuming a spherical ballon, any point on the exterior would be the center.
You would have to define the term "center", as in how many dimensions. Also, the meaning of the terms "distance between points". Heck, a lot of assumptions go out the window when you introduce more dimensions.
Why do you presume that they thought the Earth was flat? Don't you think they could see mountains and horizons? Do you think they were all fucking blind, or what?

And, in actuality, the sun does revolve around the Earth. People who cannot comprehend the fact that motion is relative to the perspective of the observer are incredibly stupid. So I don't think you have any room to bitch about anyone's IQ.

Could say relative to the orbital path the Sun takes rotating with the rest of the galaxy it'd orbit around the Earth. Everything's in motion though. The planet around the Sun, the Sun around the galaxy, and the galaxy through intergalactic space.

And if someone travels through this universe he will always be in the middle of the unvierse - because it expands in all directions.

Saw that last night too. :)

That's one of the astonishing qualities of the universe. We know that it is in this way - although we are not able to travel to any point where we can see it.

Part of it is due to how we think of the universe. Easiest to think of it as some kind of balloon where we're inside it.

What's "easy" if someone thinks an expanding space is surrounded by a not expanding space? I guess this imagination is just simple wrong. The universe expands not in parts - it expands totally. And if there's no space 'outside' of the universe, then there is no 'outside'. How - without space?

The universe expands so the balloon inflates increasing the space inside. But that's not quite how it works. In fact it's more accurate to think of ourselveson the outisde of the balloon since time-space is curved at every scale. Thus wherever we go, we return to the start, and whereever you choose would be the 'center.'

I don't have any idea why you think so on what reason. If I speculate for example "If the sum of the positive and negative energy of the universe should be 0 in total, then in every point all around us could exist an endless number of universes" then this has for example nothing directly to do with my spiritual belief in god nor with my knowledge about natural facts - it's just simple a philosophical question. If I would know how to ask this question, so mother nature is able to give me the answer on her own, then I would be a natural scientist. Specially I don't think science is a another form of religion. So in most cases the very english discussion "science vs religion" or "religion vs science" make no sense for me. Truth is always true - independent from anything else. And both - science as well as the christian religion - think that there is only one truth. Natural laws are not in conflict with each other - they are only in conflict in our thoughts. If someone says for example "And Jimmy went ot the rainbows foot, because he was five and a man" why should someone try to find in such sentences now a conflict between religion and science - depending wether a bishop said so or a natural scientist said so?

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...pulsars, galaxies, etc.? Would think only referencing the Earth, Sun, and Moon but not so much as the other planets of our own solar system curious. Nor does it seem to mention astronomincal phenomenae like shooting stars as asteroid or comets but uses religious jargon to describe them instead of mundane scientific language.

If God did all this, why isn't it covered in the Bible?

Maybe the religious think this is like pulling your underwear right up the crack of your arse.
Could say relative to the orbital path the Sun takes rotating with the rest of the galaxy it'd orbit around the Earth. Everything's in motion though. The planet around the Sun, the Sun around the galaxy, and the galaxy through intergalactic space.

And if someone travels through this universe he will always be in the middle of the unvierse - because it expands in all directions.

Saw that last night too. :)

That's one of the astonishing qualities of the universe. We know that it is in this way - although we are not able to travel to any point where we can see it.

Part of it is due to how we think of the universe. Easiest to think of it as some kind of balloon where we're inside it. The universe expands so the balloon inflates increasing the space inside. But that's not quite how it works. In fact it's more accurate to think of ourselveson the outisde of the balloon since time-space is curved at every scale. Thus wherever we go, we return to the start, and whereever you choose would be the 'center.'
If that is the case, the actual "center" would be in the dimension into which the universe is expanding, much like the center of a balloon is a point not on the (conceptually) 2 dimensional skin.

What' the dimension of the "something" where the universe expands into - if it is not a nothing at all where god made it to come from, how lots of Christians believe, since a very very long row of centuries? Who knows this? How?

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The bible DOES mention black holes. Something to the effect that man shouldn't lie with man as he does with woman.

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