The Myth of Millions of Years - Creationist cosmology is full of wormholes

So why do intelligent designers wish to attack evolution? If they thought that faith and evolution were mutually exclusive then they would just leave it alone.
Pale Rider said:
So much science and information, much of what is highly questionable, and we STILL don't know much for SURE.

That's why people that take the "I'm right and you're wrong" approach, which can be either side in this debate, are the real morons.

Maybe, but people who try to maintain that the earth was created in 4004 bc are uber-morons, just as I hope people would consider me to be if I said I had pink fairies living at the bottom of my garden.
rtwngAvngr said:
Oh yeah. You libs think refusing to make decisions is the height of intellectuality. You mire yourself down in doubt, handwringing and pessismism ("oh no, clearly creating a new committee to investigate is the proper course of action") while the world moves on around you.

I agree.
8236 said:
I agree.

How's it feel to be a fool? :D

Psalms 14:1
The fool says in his heart, "There is no God."
Hobbit said:
The Earth being flat was once widely accepted by the scientific community

Haha, that made me laugh. What scientific 'community' was that then? Even the ancient greeks knew that the earth was round, and they calculated its circumference.
Must be talking about a pre 4004 bc scientific community.:p

PS. Hobbit, stick to religion, because you really havn't the faintest idea what you are talking about. e.g. mutations only remove bits from DNA??? Where on earth did u get that little nugget from?
rtwngAvngr said:
That's kind of the idea behind ID, dipass.
As much as I would like to agree with you, seems many disagree. Personally, I see a 'maker', ie God, and evolution, by HIS design. Then again, I'm Catholic.
Powerman said:
So why do intelligent designers wish to attack evolution? If they thought that faith and evolution were mutually exclusive then they would just leave it alone.

Some don't attack evolution. they see evolution as process involving rules of physics set up and overseen by god.
Kathianne said:
As much as I would like to agree with you, seems many disagree. Personally, I see a 'maker', ie God, and evolution, by HIS design. Then again, I'm Catholic.

Oh yeah. There are some uber morons.
Maybe there's a new crop of ID'ers but I thought they believe what Kathianne and I are about evolution guided by an unseen godly hand. My bad.
8236 said:
Haha, that made me laugh. What scientific 'community' was that then? Even the ancient greeks knew that the earth was round, and they calculated its circumference.
Must be talking about a pre 4004 bc scientific community.:p

PS. Hobbit, stick to religion, because you really havn't the faintest idea what you are talking about. e.g. mutations only remove bits from DNA??? Where on earth did u get that little nugget from?

There's still a flat Earth society, and that's not the only tidbit. What about bumblebees not being able to fly or the appendix and tonsils being useless?

The second tidbit is a scientific fact. I can't remember the thread, but a link to a lengthy scientific paper on the topic was part of it. The paper had several refrences from genetics studies that showed that mutations were incapable of adding information that was not already there. Sometimes they had duplicate information, such as with Down's Syndrome and sometimes they activated information that was unused in certain cells (like liver cells using parts of DNA usually reserved for lung cells), but never did they generate new information. If mutations really did cause the emergence of new features in life, then even the most insignificant bacteria has all the genetic information needed to form a human being, it's just not using it.
Hobbit said:
There's still a flat Earth society, and that's not the only tidbit. What about bumblebees not being able to fly or the appendix and tonsils being useless?

The second tidbit is a scientific fact. I can't remember the thread, but a link to a lengthy scientific paper on the topic was part of it. The paper had several refrences from genetics studies that showed that mutations were incapable of adding information that was not already there. Sometimes they had duplicate information, such as with Down's Syndrome and sometimes they activated information that was unused in certain cells (like liver cells using parts of DNA usually reserved for lung cells), but never did they generate new information. If mutations really did cause the emergence of new features in life, then even the most insignificant bacteria has all the genetic information needed to form a human being, it's just not using it.

Seriously though, you are pulling my leg eh:)
Species have different numbers of chromosomes, genes etc. we have 23 pairs of chr. flies may have 4. In fact the other great apes (eg. chimps) have 24 pairs of chromosomes. A mutation occurs during DNA replication when the wrong base pairs up with its opposite (they come in pairs eg. guanine and cytosine).
8236 said:
Seriously though, you are pulling my leg eh:)
Species have different numbers of chromosomes, genes etc. we have 23 pairs of chr. flies may have 4. In fact the other great apes (eg. chimps) have 24 pairs of chromosomes. A mutation occurs during DNA replication when the wrong base pairs up with its opposite (they come in pairs eg. guanine and cytosine).

No, I'm quite serious. Mutations may cause blue sclera or having a pair of mouths or other appendages, but it does not give the cells the ability to translate this DNA as, say, a ground mammal growing wings (bats). Mutations in DNA can alter existing commands, but cannot simply add new ones. I mean, do you have any idea how complicated the circulatory system is? Some rearrangement of the pairs didn't cause that. Even the process of photosynthesis, even if the chemical processes were already there, would require that millions of DNA sequences simply fall together just perfectly or the entire process would be useless. Have you ever even seen the proesses that it takes just to make respiration, the basic process of energy creation? Jim would ban me for overuse of space if I posted that her. Fine print takes up the entier wall of my old chemistry teacher's classroom. That stuff doesn't just happen due to a random rearrangement of DNA sequences.
Hobbit said:
No, I'm quite serious. Mutations may cause blue sclera or having a pair of mouths or other appendages, but it does not give the cells the ability to translate this DNA as, say, a ground mammal growing wings (bats). Mutations in DNA can alter existing commands, but cannot simply add new ones. I mean, do you have any idea how complicated the circulatory system is? Some rearrangement of the pairs didn't cause that. Even the process of photosynthesis, even if the chemical processes were already there, would require that millions of DNA sequences simply fall together just perfectly or the entire process would be useless. Have you ever even seen the proesses that it takes just to make respiration, the basic process of energy creation? Jim would ban me for overuse of space if I posted that her. Fine print takes up the entier wall of my old chemistry teacher's classroom. That stuff doesn't just happen due to a random rearrangement of DNA sequences.

Why not? In the microbiological world, we see it quite commonly, which makes sense given that shear number of generations in our observable time.

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