If I Was Black, I'd Be Pissed Off Too...


aka Sheik Yerbouti...
Dec 30, 2008
Cajun Country
an overview:

Beginning in the 17th century and continuing until the early 19th century, black people were brought to the American Colonies against their will to be held in slavery...

these people, coming from dozens of different tribes (many of whom had nothing in common with the others except for skin color) were thrown together on the slave market and ended up somewhere where there was a very good chance that they lost track of others from their ancestral tribes... as a result, bonds to tribal mores and customs were lost over time with each generation of offspring slaves that came of pairings between blacks of different tribes...

Slave owners encouraged male and female slaves to pair off and make baby slaves... but, in many cases, there was no guarantee that the resultant family would be held together...

after the War Between The States, blacks were ostensibly free to go their own way and make their own choices… but they were impeded by the inherent bias against them in both the North and the South…

in spite of that, blacks were largely able to attain some sense of normalcy in forming families… even though many lived in poverty conditions… and had essentially no connection with their tribal roots…

then came the Great Society and the War on Poverty (and subsequent similar “well-intentioned” federal programs), which inadvertently encouraged black fathers to stay away from their families... and black mothers to make more babies to got more benefits… which, combined with the lack of legitimate economic opportunities in low-income areas and the War on Drugs, has resulted in the epidemic of black grandmothers raising their grandchildren and young black guys being held in prison... and black folks generally being pissed off about the way the system works…
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on this, I expect mindless crap from the usual "blacks are animals" coterie...

I'll put in a preemptive strike to tell those assholes to go fuck themselves...
Excuse me Mr babble, but uh,....blacks ARE animals! And since you seem to be such an "animal lover" why dont you just go down to the zoo and get yourself a cage too!

Good luck chief! (puke)
Excuse me Mr babble, but uh,....blacks ARE animals! And since you seem to be such an "animal lover" why dont you just go down to the zoo and get yourself a cage too!

Good luck chief! (puke)

Thanks, hoss.

I imagine you are a sterling example of Christian love in your community.
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And anytime that black people mention this history they are called race baitors and the like,

Somehoew its OK for the jews to mention their oppression.

Not so true for the black American.
I have never understood why the right wants ONLY black Americans to avoid talking of their peoples REAL history
If blacks truly are pissed off at "the system," I don't see many clamoring to change it. All I hear is more, more, more...

Go back and reread the OP...

and, this time, engage your brain and imagine yourself as a black person...
And anytime that black people mention this history they are called race baitors and the like,

Somehoew its OK for the jews to mention their oppression.

Not so true for the black American.

The OP was not intended to give a free pass to the opportunistic self-aggrandizing assholes (Jesse, Al, et al) who are all too willing to play the race card to buy themselves more face time...
its not the talking about history at all. it about the shakedowns that always seem to come after. your ancestor was mean to my ancestor so pay up and stop complaining about my bad behaviour. it all your fault. you owe me now and forever.
its not the talking about history at all. it about the shakedowns that always seem to come after. your ancestor was mean to my ancestor so pay up and stop complaining about my bad behaviour. it all your fault. you owe me now and forever.

What pay up? I have never asked anyone to pay for anything.:confused:
its not the talking about history at all. it about the shakedowns that always seem to come after. your ancestor was mean to my ancestor so pay up and stop complaining about my bad behaviour. it all your fault. you owe me now and forever.

Your a fucking racist piece of lying crap
Excuse me Mr babble, but uh,....blacks ARE animals! And since you seem to be such an "animal lover" why dont you just go down to the zoo and get yourself a cage too!

Good luck chief! (puke)

Thanks, hoss.

I imagine you are a sterling example of Christian love in your community.

You can count on that slick! Ol Hoss a shining and proud example of a TRUE AMERICAN!
its not the talking about history at all. it about the shakedowns that always seem to come after. your ancestor was mean to my ancestor so pay up and stop complaining about my bad behaviour. it all your fault. you owe me now and forever.

It is indeed about history...

blacks are the only ethnic group in America who have no direct connection to the tribal culture of their ancestors... you may think it's no big deal, but consider that part of your sense of self comes from the knowledge of where your forefathers came from...

and, as far as the "owing" thing is concerned, we can thank the pandering politicians and race pimps for giving rise to black folks expecting some sort of payoff...

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