If it is certain the FBI is setting a "lying" trap, how should one behave?

Anyone questioned by the FBI is facing a "making a material misrepresentation" charge. How should one proceed if one legitimately cannot remember details or events?

Will "I don't remember" be sufficient?

That's the strategy Hillary always uses. It can't possibly be used against you because no one can ever prove it's not true.
Here are the magic words:

"On counsel’s advice, I invoke my right under the Fifth Amendment not to answer any questions, on the grounds I may incriminate myself."

There is no law that says you must cooperate in an investigation.

Only dummies talk.
Never talk to the cops. Never. Not even for failing to stop at a stop sign.
Anyone questioned by the FBI is facing a "making a material misrepresentation" charge. How should one proceed if one legitimately cannot remember details or events?

Will "I don't remember" be sufficient?
That’s exactly right. It worked well for Reagan. If you think you can talk your way out of a perjury trap you are screwed.
You mean it worked well for Hillary. No one has used it more than her.
"I can't recall if I laundered tens of millions of dollars I got from Russia."

"I can't remember if I set up offshore accounts to buy multi-million dollar properties in the US."

Yeah, that works. :rolleyes:
And you could say you don't remember if you had a lobotomy.
Answer: lawyer up. Innocent or guilty lawyer up. You can never be interrogated over a course of weeks and not differ in some small or large detail. This is an old truck. A lawyer once said that besides the impossibility of telling a detailed story over and over the same way there is a fallback for them...there are now over 60,000 laws on the books. You broke several today. They use them. He told the story of the woman who had a picture of herself holding a lobster while diving on her Facebook page. They threatened her with ten years for harassing federally protected species without a license.
Again...get a lawyer. You will be broke afterwards and homeless but it’s your only choice when dealing with federal agents. They are ruthless.
Anyone questioned by the FBI is facing a "making a material misrepresentation" charge. How should one proceed if one legitimately cannot remember details or events?

Will "I don't remember" be sufficient?

You can chose not to make any statement. Give them the ole silent treatment.


Yep, just say you want to see your lawyer.

You don't even need a lawyer, just tell them you have nothing to say and stick to it.

"If it is certain the FBI is setting a "lying" trap, how should one behave?"

Those corrupt Mueller indicts should do what all Democrats do - Plead the 5th. Remain silent and FORCE Mueller to prove his accusations / the Trump Collusion Lie.

Mueller has already proven he has NOTHING.
- The indictment against Manafort and the other individual is about Tax Evasion dating back to 2006 - nothing to do with Trump Collusion or Russians.

- The 3rd individual indicted and who pled guilty to lying is an obvious 'plant' by Mueller. The guy was an unpaid volunteer who wore a wire and shopped for a book deal 3 weeks ago. The indictment is probably just a ploy to try to make others nervous and hopefully give up what Mueller doesn't have - EVIDENCE.

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