If It Was A Traffic Study...Then WHERE'S the Study?

A CEO establishes the culture of the company. A governor is the CEO of a state. It may well be that this was done without Christie's knowledge. But the fact the the underling thought it was a good thing to do and that he could get away with it, is an indication of a problem in the culture that Christie has established. I admired Christie's handling of Sandy, and am disappointed in this affair. I would have liked to have seen a strong and sane frontrunner in the GOP to debate the Dem candidate.

This is very true and the occurrence reflects badly on Christie.

However, the question comes to mind as to whether or not you hold the same standard for Obama?

The missteps on the launch of the ACA reflect badly on the competance within the Obama Administration, and, yes, the buck stops at the Oval Office desk there, also.

But we are now speaking of the future, and this may have derailed a run by Christie in 2016.

I don’t think Christie had a snowballs chance anyway. Sure, he could sin a general election BUT you have to get past the primaries. You seen the last primary right?

I don’t think Christie will even bother now. This has tainted him and he was already damaged goods in the primaries when he hugged Obama. Bi-partisanship has become a dirty word during the rights primary process and I didn’t see him making it past them before. Now? Not even close.

Of course, the election is a long way out so it is possible I guess but I don’t see it happening.

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