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If It's Such A Terrible Crime Why Doesn't The Justice Department Bring Charges?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

We keep seeing Democrats bringing up accusations of wrongdoing in the CIA and we saw this back in 2008 when they claimed that Bush caused the economy to crash. Supposedly, Bush lied about WMDs. If there were crimes committed ... why isn't anyone being charged by the Justice Department?

Answer: No crimes were committed.

It's easier to keep this out there circulating around as alleged crimes than it is to punish the supposedly guilty parties.

Democrats set this all up under Bush alleging criminalizing business as usual so that acts conducted by the Obama administration would appear as more of the same. First they had to convince everyone that Bush lied ... people died. Then they had to convince everyone that they all do it, so nothing can be done about it.

Let's recap and compare:

Bush stole the 2000 election
Bush was accused of lying about Saddam's WMDs.
Bush authorized the CIA to torture unlawful combatants
Bush caused the economy to crash because he supported the rich
Bush spent $4 trillion and doubled the national debt
Bush was negligent with respect to Walter Reed Medical Center
Bush fired a few U.S. Attorneys
Halliburton was an example of unfair no-bid contracts
Bush was responsible for unfair treatment of prisoners in Abu Gharib
NSA warrentless wiretappings
Bush choked on a pretzel because he was drunk

Now let's look at what the Democrats are doing:

Obama claimed he would not raise our taxes yet raised several excise-taxes when he took office
Extended jobless benefits to 99 weeks
Obama sold military-grade weapons to Mexican drug cartels
Obama claimed executive privilege in a ongoing investigation of Fast & Furious
Obama unlawfully took over private companies to bail out union pensions (GM & Chrysler)
Signed Stimulus Bill
Obama stopped the prosecution of Black Panther members for voter intimidation
BP oil-spill
Signed Obamacare without the support of one Republican
Obama lied to the public about the fact that Obamacare was in fact a massive tax-increase
Obama lied about the effects of Obamcare to the insured (If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor)
Obama used the IRS to harass conservative individuals and groups and still is doing this to this day
Harry Reid refused to pass a budget for years
Not one of the budgets Obama has submitted to Congress has passed
Obama was for sequester before he was against it
Obama claims he increased deportations but refuses to enforce immigration laws
Obama has overseen a massive increase in the national debt which is now over $18 trillion
AP phone records scandal
- DoJ spied on reporters
Obama changed background check regulations before he called for changes
Obama Administration advertised online for more to sign up for food-stamps and Social Security Disability
Obama took $700 billion from Medicare funds and used it to prop up Obamacare
Obama cut military COLA completely
Obama froze Department of Defense pay
Obama unionized the TSA
Obama charged the TVA transmission fees
Beer Summit scandal
Wikileaks scandal
Trayvon Martin scandal
Jeffery Immelt CEO of GE becomes Obama's new chairman of a new Council on Jobs and Competitiveness
Benghazi scandal
Obama puts eye-witnesses in Benghazi in hiding to escape questioning by oversight committees
Obama refuses to work with Congress, instead chooses to go around them
Obama conducts war on coal
Friends of Obama help foment unrest in Egypt and start Arab Spring
Obama secretly supports trainers at Occupy WallStreet
Obama trained ACORN
Obama friends with Muslim Brotherhood
site rollout debacle
The Veterans Administration scandal
DHS criminal release
Obama Instituted the DREAM Act through executive edict
Refuses to capture unlawful combatants on the battlefield and chooses instead to kill them
Refuses offer from Kuwait to release Gulet Mohamed into U.S. custody
Obama increases Drone attacks in Pakistan from 52 under Bush to over 300 and counting
Obama advertizement for private companies needed to ship thousands of illegals all over U.S.
Obama discovered to be shipping thousands of illegal immigrants all over the U.S.
Obama orders contract to print as many as 30 million Greencards for illegal workers without congressional approval
Jonathan Gruber, one of Obamcare's architects, is spotted on youtube talking about how stupid Americans are
Obama meets with Ferguson protesters before and after riots erupted over the Grand Jury decision
Diane Feinstein releases 11 year old $50 million investigation on CIA torture

This is only a partial list.

The media only follows what the White House wants them to follow. Since the election there has been two major issues according the the mainstream media. Blacks being killed by cops ... and CIA torture techniques are un-American. Nobody seems to know why the DoJ refuses to prosecute anyone in the CIA. If crimes have been committed, go after the guilty parties. But do you want to know why they won't. Because Obama has done much much worse as president. This will open up a Pandora's Box ... if there is any "real meticulous investigation" into the CIA ... including what they were doing in Benghazi. Nobody wants that.
To what end, dipshit?

Embarrass our country.

Harm the office of the Presidency.

Nixon and Clinton did enough of that.

Why not try thinking like an American for once and think about what's best for the country.
Democrats continue to use the Bush era to deflect from their unrelieved record of failure on both foreign and domestic policy.
Dems aren't serious.
To what end, dipshit?

Embarrass our country.

Harm the office of the Presidency.

Nixon and Clinton did enough of that.

Why not try thinking like an American for once and think about what's best for the country.
So you think the president should be immune from prosecution for any action whatsoever? And not just the president but anyone acting under his orders?
Uh -- how exactly did O'bama cause the BP oil spill? Same way Bush caused Katrina?
To what end, dipshit?

Embarrass our country.

Harm the office of the Presidency.

Nixon and Clinton did enough of that.

Why not try thinking like an American for once and think about what's best for the country.

What is more damaging to the country? Is it more damaging to talk about the corruption or simply ignore it?

Each succeeding president seems to grow more and more corrupt. That's because each one seems to push the envolope of morality/lawlessness and once those precedents are created, they just become normal.
To what end, dipshit?

Embarrass our country.

Harm the office of the Presidency.

Nixon and Clinton did enough of that.

Why not try thinking like an American for once and think about what's best for the country.

What is more damaging to the country? Is it more damaging to talk about the corruption or simply ignore it?

Each succeeding president seems to grow more and more corrupt. That's because each one seems to push the envolope of morality/lawlessness and once those precedents are created, they just become normal.
Idisagree on that.
Bush was not more corrupt than SLick Willie. Carter was not more corrupt than Nixon. Obama is the most corrupt of all, including Warren Harding.
Uh -- how exactly did O'bama cause the BP oil spill? Same way Bush caused Katrina?
Both were major events during their presidencies. Whether or not they were real scandals is debatable.

Democrats and the media used Katrina to tarnish the Bush Administration alleging incompetence.
Obama used the BP oil-spill to decimate the Gulf oil industry.
Uh -- how exactly did O'bama cause the BP oil spill? Same way Bush caused Katrina?
Both were major events during their presidencies. Whether or not they were real scandals is debatable.

Democrats and the media used Katrina to tarnish the Bush Administration alleging incompetence.
Obama used the BP oil-spill to decimate the Gulf oil industry.

Both highly questionable points. Nowhere near the same scale as, say, lying about WMD. The Gulf oil industry has in no way been "decimated". The negative effects that did happen were created by --- who?

Your entire OP is heavily slanted: "Bush fired a few attorneys" versus "O'bama friends with Muslim Brotherhood".... "Trayvon Martin"... etc. Obviously you don't want to make a serious point here.

We keep seeing Democrats bringing up accusations of wrongdoing in the CIA and we saw this back in 2008 when they claimed that Bush caused the economy to crash. Supposedly, Bush lied about WMDs. If there were crimes committed ... why isn't anyone being charged by the Justice Department?

Answer: No crimes were committed.

It's easier to keep this out there circulating around as alleged crimes than it is to punish the supposedly guilty parties.

Democrats set this all up under Bush alleging criminalizing business as usual so that acts conducted by the Obama administration would appear as more of the same. First they had to convince everyone that Bush lied ... people died. Then they had to convince everyone that they all do it, so nothing can be done about it.

Let's recap and compare:

Bush stole the 2000 election
Bush was accused of lying about Saddam's WMDs.
Bush authorized the CIA to torture unlawful combatants
Bush caused the economy to crash because he supported the rich
Bush spent $4 trillion and doubled the national debt
Bush was negligent with respect to Walter Reed Medical Center
Bush fired a few U.S. Attorneys
Halliburton was an example of unfair no-bid contracts
Bush was responsible for unfair treatment of prisoners in Abu Gharib
NSA warrentless wiretappings
Bush choked on a pretzel because he was drunk

Now let's look at what the Democrats are doing:

Obama claimed he would not raise our taxes yet raised several excise-taxes when he took office
Extended jobless benefits to 99 weeks
Obama sold military-grade weapons to Mexican drug cartels
Obama claimed executive privilege in a ongoing investigation of Fast & Furious
Obama unlawfully took over private companies to bail out union pensions (GM & Chrysler)
Signed Stimulus Bill
Obama stopped the prosecution of Black Panther members for voter intimidation
BP oil-spill
Signed Obamacare without the support of one Republican
Obama lied to the public about the fact that Obamacare was in fact a massive tax-increase
Obama lied about the effects of Obamcare to the insured (If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor)
Obama used the IRS to harass conservative individuals and groups and still is doing this to this day
Harry Reid refused to pass a budget for years
Not one of the budgets Obama has submitted to Congress has passed
Obama was for sequester before he was against it
Obama claims he increased deportations but refuses to enforce immigration laws
Obama has overseen a massive increase in the national debt which is now over $18 trillion
AP phone records scandal
- DoJ spied on reporters
Obama changed background check regulations before he called for changes
Obama Administration advertised online for more to sign up for food-stamps and Social Security Disability
Obama took $700 billion from Medicare funds and used it to prop up Obamacare
Obama cut military COLA completely
Obama froze Department of Defense pay
Obama unionized the TSA
Obama charged the TVA transmission fees
Beer Summit scandal
Wikileaks scandal
Trayvon Martin scandal
Jeffery Immelt CEO of GE becomes Obama's new chairman of a new Council on Jobs and Competitiveness
Benghazi scandal
Obama puts eye-witnesses in Benghazi in hiding to escape questioning by oversight committees
Obama refuses to work with Congress, instead chooses to go around them
Obama conducts war on coal
Friends of Obama help foment unrest in Egypt and start Arab Spring
Obama secretly supports trainers at Occupy WallStreet
Obama trained ACORN
Obama friends with Muslim Brotherhood
site rollout debacle
The Veterans Administration scandal
DHS criminal release
Obama Instituted the DREAM Act through executive edict
Refuses to capture unlawful combatants on the battlefield and chooses instead to kill them
Refuses offer from Kuwait to release Gulet Mohamed into U.S. custody
Obama increases Drone attacks in Pakistan from 52 under Bush to over 300 and counting
Obama advertizement for private companies needed to ship thousands of illegals all over U.S.
Obama discovered to be shipping thousands of illegal immigrants all over the U.S.
Obama orders contract to print as many as 30 million Greencards for illegal workers without congressional approval
Jonathan Gruber, one of Obamcare's architects, is spotted on youtube talking about how stupid Americans are
Obama meets with Ferguson protesters before and after riots erupted over the Grand Jury decision
Diane Feinstein releases 11 year old $50 million investigation on CIA torture

This is only a partial list.

The media only follows what the White House wants them to follow. Since the election there has been two major issues according the the mainstream media. Blacks being killed by cops ... and CIA torture techniques are un-American. Nobody seems to know why the DoJ refuses to prosecute anyone in the CIA. If crimes have been committed, go after the guilty parties. But do you want to know why they won't. Because Obama has done much much worse as president. This will open up a Pandora's Box ... if there is any "real meticulous investigation" into the CIA ... including what they were doing in Benghazi. Nobody wants that.

To what end, dipshit?

Embarrass our country.

Harm the office of the Presidency.

Nixon and Clinton did enough of that.

Why not try thinking like an American for once and think about what's best for the country.

What is more damaging to the country? Is it more damaging to talk about the corruption or simply ignore it?

Each succeeding president seems to grow more and more corrupt. That's because each one seems to push the envolope of morality/lawlessness and once those precedents are created, they just become normal.
Idisagree on that.
Bush was not more corrupt than SLick Willie. Carter was not more corrupt than Nixon. Obama is the most corrupt of all, including Warren Harding.

Perhaps the contributor was referring to the escalating evil within Leftists. There's no question that the Left and their would-be 'Leadership' are now fully detached from reality.
What a bunch of whining.

The far left and the far right lost in 2014.

Get over it.
Uh -- how exactly did O'bama cause the BP oil spill? Same way Bush caused Katrina?
Both were major events during their presidencies. Whether or not they were real scandals is debatable.

Democrats and the media used Katrina to tarnish the Bush Administration alleging incompetence.
Obama used the BP oil-spill to decimate the Gulf oil industry.

Both highly questionable points. Nowhere near the same scale as, say, lying about WMD. The Gulf oil industry has in no way been "decimated". The negative effects that did happen were created by --- who?

Your entire OP is heavily slanted: "Bush fired a few attorneys" versus "O'bama friends with Muslim Brotherhood".... "Trayvon Martin"... etc. Obviously you don't want to make a serious point here.
Actually I am. Trayvon Martin was just another Ferguson used before the general election. The same tactics were used by Al Sharpton ... who met with Obama on several occasions ... and Eric Holder met with protesters to organize before both instances. This is what one would call a criminal conspiracy to foment unrest and push a fraud as a real event. The Gulf oil industry for American companies has been decimated. Everything was shut down and moved overseas.
Uh -- how exactly did O'bama cause the BP oil spill? Same way Bush caused Katrina?
Both were major events during their presidencies. Whether or not they were real scandals is debatable.

Democrats and the media used Katrina to tarnish the Bush Administration alleging incompetence.
Obama used the BP oil-spill to decimate the Gulf oil industry.

Both highly questionable points. Nowhere near the same scale as, say, lying about WMD. The Gulf oil industry has in no way been "decimated". The negative effects that did happen were created by --- who?

Your entire OP is heavily slanted: "Bush fired a few attorneys" versus "O'bama friends with Muslim Brotherhood".... "Trayvon Martin"... etc. Obviously you don't want to make a serious point here.
Actually I am. Trayvon Martin was just another Ferguson used before the general election. The same tactics were used by Al Sharpton ... who met with Obama on several occasions ... and Eric Holder met with protesters to organize before both instances. This is what one would call a criminal conspiracy to foment unrest and push a fraud as a real event. The Gulf oil industry for American companies has been decimated. Everything was shut down and moved overseas.

More ODS, notice how he doesn't use any actual evidence...
Uh -- how exactly did O'bama cause the BP oil spill? Same way Bush caused Katrina?
Both were major events during their presidencies. Whether or not they were real scandals is debatable.

Democrats and the media used Katrina to tarnish the Bush Administration alleging incompetence.
Obama used the BP oil-spill to decimate the Gulf oil industry.

Both highly questionable points. Nowhere near the same scale as, say, lying about WMD. The Gulf oil industry has in no way been "decimated". The negative effects that did happen were created by --- who?

Your entire OP is heavily slanted: "Bush fired a few attorneys" versus "O'bama friends with Muslim Brotherhood".... "Trayvon Martin"... etc. Obviously you don't want to make a serious point here.
Actually I am. Trayvon Martin was just another Ferguson used before the general election. The same tactics were used by Al Sharpton ... who met with Obama on several occasions ... and Eric Holder met with protesters to organize before both instances. This is what one would call a criminal conspiracy to foment unrest and push a fraud as a real event. The Gulf oil industry for American companies has been decimated. Everything was shut down and moved overseas.

More ODS, notice how he doesn't use any actual evidence...
I have plenty of that ... none that you'll admit is real.
To what end, dipshit?

Embarrass our country.

Harm the office of the Presidency.

Nixon and Clinton did enough of that.

Why not try thinking like an American for once and think about what's best for the country.

What is more damaging to the country? Is it more damaging to talk about the corruption or simply ignore it?

Each succeeding president seems to grow more and more corrupt. That's because each one seems to push the envolope of morality/lawlessness and once those precedents are created, they just become normal.
Idisagree on that.
Bush was not more corrupt than SLick Willie. Carter was not more corrupt than Nixon. Obama is the most corrupt of all, including Warren Harding.

Perhaps the contributor was referring to the escalating evil within Leftists. There's no question that the Left and their would-be 'Leadership' are now fully detached from reality.
OK, I can see that. Perhaps you're right. The Dems have been thoroughly corrupted to the party of "win at any cost.
Uh -- how exactly did O'bama cause the BP oil spill? Same way Bush caused Katrina?
Both were major events during their presidencies. Whether or not they were real scandals is debatable.

Democrats and the media used Katrina to tarnish the Bush Administration alleging incompetence.
Obama used the BP oil-spill to decimate the Gulf oil industry.

Both highly questionable points. Nowhere near the same scale as, say, lying about WMD. The Gulf oil industry has in no way been "decimated". The negative effects that did happen were created by --- who?

Your entire OP is heavily slanted: "Bush fired a few attorneys" versus "O'bama friends with Muslim Brotherhood".... "Trayvon Martin"... etc. Obviously you don't want to make a serious point here.
Actually I am. Trayvon Martin was just another Ferguson used before the general election. The same tactics were used by Al Sharpton ... who met with Obama on several occasions ... and Eric Holder met with protesters to organize before both instances. This is what one would call a criminal conspiracy to foment unrest and push a fraud as a real event. The Gulf oil industry for American companies has been decimated. Everything was shut down and moved overseas.

More ODS, notice how he doesn't use any actual evidence...
I have plenty of that ... none that you'll admit is real.
The Left has exhausted the "you hate Obama because he's black" routine. So now it's "you hate Obama because he's Obama."
The truth is we hate Obama because he sucks at this job and his policies have failed at every turn.

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