If Jan 6 was an "insurrection", why hasn't anyone been charged with insurrection?


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Here's what it is, the democrats LOVE to play NAME GAMES. They call HOMOS: gay, they call ILLEGAL ALIENS: migrants, and they call a RIOT: insurrection. It's all about their NARATIVE. But just consider the source. Think of the corrupt HACKS that are calling it an insurrection, and you won't have to wonder any more. They'd call a fucking snowball the SUN if they thought there was a benefit in it for them.

Had the democrat planned riot on 1/6 been an ACTUAL insurrection, that million strong crowd would have showed up ARMED, and things would have turned out a hellova lot different.
Here's what it is, the democrats LOVE to play NAME GAMES. They call HOMOS: gay, they call ILLEGAL ALIENS: migrants, and they call a RIOT: insurrection. It's all about their NARATIVE. But just consider the source. Think of the corrupt HACKS that are calling it an insurrection, and you won't have to wonder any more. They'd call a fucking snowball the SUN if they thought there was a benefit in it for them.

Had the democrat planned riot on 1/6 been an ACTUAL insurrection, that million strong crowd would have showed up ARMED, and things would have turned out a hellova lot different.
...and they call a RIOT: insurrection.

Except when the rioters are on their team...Then it's a "mostly peaceful" protest.
Here's what it is, the democrats LOVE to play NAME GAMES. They call HOMOS: gay, they call ILLEGAL ALIENS: migrants, and they call a RIOT: insurrection. It's all about their NARATIVE. But just consider the source. Think of the corrupt HACKS that are calling it an insurrection, and you won't have to wonder any more. They'd call a fucking snowball the SUN if they thought there was a benefit in it for them.

Had the democrat planned riot on 1/6 been an ACTUAL insurrection, that million strong crowd would have showed up ARMED, and things would have turned out a hellova lot different.
...and they call a RIOT: insurrection.

Except when the rioters are on their team...Then it's a "mostly peaceful" protest.
All part of their game.
Whatever you want to call it, it’s going down in the history of infamy with 12/7 & 9/11. Count on it.
No its not. It will be in the history books, but not like the attack on Pearl Harbor, the terrorist attack of 9/11 or the assignation of JFK. It will not be a news story every year at its anniversary for decades to come. Maybe for a year or two.
Could it be that all the bleating about 'INSURRECTION" is just talking points libs have been fed by their handlers in the leftist media?

When the DemonRats are harping on Jan 6th, you have to see what they are planning to do to the country. Shiny object for the progs while fucking the rest of US. This way why President Trump got elected in the first place....
Whatever you want to call it, it’s going down in the history of infamy with 12/7 & 9/11. Count on it.
Could it be that all the bleating about 'INSURRECTION" is just talking points libs have been fed by their handlers in the leftist media?

Like all things democrat, their overly dramatic sycophant media threw that out there hoping that 10% of it would stick in the minds of voters costing the GOP (and maybe Trump) future votes. 100% of what democrats are about is just winning the next election. The great insurrection involving no guns except that used by the capitol, involving no deaths except that caused by the Capitol, where no military forces were used nor seized and 25% of the people involved were hit with nothing more than a misdemeanor trespass fine!

Without a doubt, the nicest, smoothest, most peaceful "insurrection" in all of history.
Could it be that all the bleating about 'INSURRECTION" is just talking points libs have been fed by their handlers in the leftist media?

Like all things democrat, their overly dramatic sycophant media threw that out there hoping that 10% of it would stick in the minds of voters costing the GOP (and maybe Trump) future votes. 100% of what democrats are about is just winning the next election. The great insurrection involving no guns except that used by the capitol, involving no deaths except that caused by the Capitol, where no military forces were used nor seized and 25% of the people involved were hit with nothing more than a misdemeanor trespass fine!

Without a doubt, the nicest, smoothest, most peaceful "insurrection" in all of history.
Whatever you want to call it, it’s going down in the history of infamy with 12/7 & 9/11. Count on it.


2011 Wisconsin riot and take over of the State Capitol. "In 2011, 100,000 occupied the Wisconsin Capitol and square. They defied law enforcement and took over the building. Riots and violence are never the answer!"
Jan 6 as a DEMONSTRATION ----no more criminal than the race
riots in Newark, New Jersey of 1967-------anyone calling that

You have to understand what 1/6 represented to the Left:
  • For four years, they threw the kitchen sink at Donald Trump and it all bounced off him like Teflon.
  • They can't get 100 people to show up across town for a rally and it scared them shitless that Trump, twice impeached, could snap his fingers and draw 8,000 from around the country--- OUTSIDE and on a cold January day!
  • AFTER he was already beaten!
  • However it happened, for a few hours on 1/6, the democrats did not know and had to entertain the real possibility of the protesters stopping the certification at the capitol and using alternate electors reelecting Trump to their amazement, disbelief and horror!
Democrats and Leftists got gray hair on 1/6 worried that Trump,---- cheated, robbed, battered and impeached could still come within an inch of still salvaging his much-deserved 2nd term from the dust.

And Trump is still out there and they KNOW he's coming back, smarter and stronger than ever!
People touring the Capitol building is not the same thing as an "insurrection". At no point were any congresscritters in danger or threatened with violence in any way, shape or form.

Despite the fake news spin, not a single mostly peaceful Jan 6th anti-fraud protestor has been charged with insurrection, because there was no insurrection in the first place. Plain and simple.

There was no insurrection, or attempted insurrection, at the Capitol building on January 6th.

Democrats are evil lying shit-eating morons.
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People touring the Capitol building is not the same thing ass an an "insurrection".

Not a single mostly peaceful Jan 6th anti-fraud protestor has been charged with insurrection.
does not matter----the action has been DUBBED "an insurrection" and the
moniker can be USED upon participants FOREVER
People touring the Capitol building is not the same thing ass an an "insurrection".

Not a single mostly peaceful Jan 6th anti-fraud protestor has been charged with insurrection.
does not matter----the action has been DUBBED "an insurrection" and the
moniker can be USED upon participants FOREVER
You're an easily brainwashed low IQ TDS afflicted moron.
jfk quote “if you don't stand up against people with power, they will walk all over you”

in an answer to a Hitler question at Harvard

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